Unitarian Universalist Village Church 

403 Barcelona Road

Hot Springs Village, AR 71909


Newsletter April 2024

Mark's Trail - Values by Rev. Mark Walz


Can it be six years since we drove to our East Gate rendezvous? Three dozen UU’s gathered by the time we headed our cars toward Little Rock, and once at the Capitol we joined another dozen or so of our own church members and still more who came from the Village. Police estimated 3,000 to 3,500 of us marched. But more than just march, we listened.


While tears ran down our cheeks, we heard young students bare their souls – and speak their hearts, begging for safer schools. It was riveting and inspiring.


We know that the world is in an anxious state. We know we face unimaginable pressures of racial disfunction, and unspeakable violence toward the marginalized, men, women, and children alike. We know our Unitarian Universalist values demand every ounce of our energy and commitment. We know the future is uncertain.


Thanks to that Saturday we know that we are not alone. There is a generation or two behind us who are blessed with a clear vision of the world they did not create, and we pray they have the energy and skills to build a safer, more sustainable world.


Never forget, that though the work isn’t over, there are values and principles that cannot be killed. They will rise again, often in unexpected ways. Justice may be corrupted, delayed, and denied, but it will ultimately emerge, ‘born again’ in the hearts of others. Meanwhile, we can help.


See you in church!

President's Message by John Swinburn


“Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” The origins of that powerful phrase remain unconfirmed mysteries, but its meaning has long captured humans’ sentiments and the strength of our connections. Whether those absent relationships represent linkages between people or between people and experiences, the missing harmonies matter. Absence amplifies the value and meaning of presence.

These thoughts have been with me lately because I have had to miss a number of UUVC worship and Insight services, as well as other UUVC events, in recent months. Fortunately, my inconsistent ability to participate face-to-face has been made more tolerable by our video capabilities. But I really crave in-person engagement with people—like you—who matter a great deal to me. The time I spend with members of UUVC, whether it is a full Sunday morning or an hour or two here or there, brightens my day. In my case, I recognize that UUVC members and friends represent “my people—my tribe.”

I do not need to devote long hours to the church to get the benefits of affiliation and connection. Just a little time talking and volunteering together is enough for me to feel the power of connection. When I cannot spend those few minutes or hours with you, though, our absence from one another enhances for me the fondness I have for the people of UUVC. I suspect the same is true for you. I certainly hope so.

April Sunday Services

Theme: Honoring Creation

April 07 – Worship, Rev. Mark Walz, Mystery and Certainty

April 14 – Insight, UU Service Committee Justice Sunday

April 21 – Worship, Rev. Mark Walz, TBA

April 28 – Insight, Earth Day

If you are unable to come to church on any given Sunday, you can watch the service live on YouTube. Just go to YouTube about 9:50 and enter "UUVC" in the Search bar. When the UUVC channel comes up, click on "Live." It will help us know how many of you are watching if you check in with us using the "Chat" function. The entire service will remain on YouTube until Tuesday morning at which time the service will deleted and only the sermon will be posted to the UUVC website.

ACES Auction Saturday April 19 by Becky Hamilton 

Donations for the auction are starting to come in. So far 30 items have been entered on the sheets in the community hall with promises of more to come. 

The list includes dinners, cakes, pies and bread, boat rides on area lakes, quilts and quilted pieces, tours and lunches, pet sitting and dog walking, gift baskets, artwork, and so much more. Want a guitar? Need some help with hauling? How 'bout a chance to give Rev. Mark a topic for a sermon? Join us on April 19 at 5 p.m. for an Island-themed dinner and a chance to give the winning bids on your favorite things. 

Deadline for dinner reservations and donations is Sunday, April 14.

Note: To maximize our profits, we will not be taking credit cards for any purchases...cash and checks only, please. 

"Tings gwain be jam up, Mon" so sign up soon for a fun evening. And, don't forget that our goal is to help with the expansion of the choir loft. 

Fifth Principle Project: Participating in democracy, by Serena Gonzales

Thanks to those at UUVC who are helping with the petition drive to get some proposed constitutional amendments on the November AR ballot. We can use more volunteers to be trained to get signatures, or to do the minimal-obligation tasks of data entry, or sorting the documents. Please click here to volunteer whether you have a lot of time, or only a little.

The 5 petitions are: 

  • Government Transparency (Freedom of Information) Amendment
  • Government Transparency ACT (also FOIA)
  • Removal of sales tax from women's period products and diapers
  • Abortion Amendment
  • Educational Equality Amendment (Relevant to the LEARNS Act)

Help Spread the Word - The Experts are Coming to the Village April 4


On Thursday, April 4, from 6-9 p.m. at the Coronado Community Center there will be an OPEN TO THE PUBLIC  Amendments Forum. This event will provide information regarding the proposed amendments on the November 2024 ballot. PLEASE ATTEND.

The Arkansas's state motto, Regnat Populus, is Latin for “the people rule.” Your petition signatures are critical to ensuring we, the people, are given the opportunity to vote yes or no in November 2024.

Attorneys who drafted the proposed Amendments along with organizational leaders of

each initiative will speak briefly. The speakers will offer a more in-depth look at these petitions and answer questions about what they mean and why they are important to voters in Arkansas.

Now is the opportunity to hear details straight from the horse’s mouth and ask

questions.  Let's get the word out - BRING YOUR NEIGHBORS & FRIENDS.

There will be an opportunity to sign the petitions.Signers must show their voter registration card - OR - be able to access their information online at www.voterview.ar-nova.org/voterview/    It’s a great idea to look it up online in advance and take a screen shot on your phone so you’ll have it ready.

Membership by Debbie Bostick

UUVC has had several new Members join since the beginning of 2024. George Armstrong, Susan Haman, Marty and Julie Jedlicki, and Darleen Tripcony, you bring so much to our congregation. We promise to do our best to keep you feeling welcomed and valued.

When asked why they wanted to become Members of UUVC, here are some of their responses: 

UUVC feels like home.

I like the people and the philosophy of the church.

I want to participate in the sustainability of the church.

The insight services keep me informed.

Rev. Mark’s talks are inspiring.


On behalf of the Membership Committee, the Board of Directors and all the congregation, thank you for joining us. 


The Membership Committee also welcomed Gretchen Boettcher, Richard Harris, and Tom and Catherine Barton as new Friends this year. We are glad you feel welcomed and enjoy coming to UUVC. We look forward to getting to know you!

Marty and Julie Jedlicki

with Rev. Walz and Debbie Bostick

Darlene Tripcony

with Rev. Walz and Debbie Bostick

Susan Hamon

with John Swinburn and Rev. Walz

George Armstrong

with Rev. Walz and Jim Hasbrouck

Education by Susan Cockrell

BIG THANKS to Kathy Guidry for her Beginner's Art Classes (you can see their work in the Community Hall) and to Salli Forbes and Steve Rittenmeyer for their work and great presentations of UU 101. Both were well attended and most appreciated.

A new Beginner's Art Class with Kathy Guidry will start Wednesday, April 3rd, 1 - 3 p.m. Class will be limited to 15 participants, who can be new beginners or returning beginners. The class will repeat the basic elements taught in the first class, but with new types of projects. Sign up in Community Hall.

The Meaning of Life class, with facilitator Professor Dean Gayther continues on Wednesdays at 9:30 am through April 18. We are grateful to Dean for sharing his leadership and knowledge with us and it is good to have him and Jill here.

The Faith Forward program out of the First Unitarian Church of Dallas is offering an

online session of “Turning Points in UU History” series on Zoom, Wednesdays, April 3 - May 8, 7 - 8:15 p.m. Register April 1 with lbrandis@dallasuu.org.

I hope you will take part in these classes.

In Memoriam

John Langley

November 28, 1939 - February 21, 2024

A Memorial Service was held at UUVC on March 23.

In Memoriam

Nell Brewer

November 29, 1937 - March 21, 2024

Nell was the 2013-14 President of UUVC. A Memorial service will be held on Saturday, April 13, at 1:00 at UUVC.

Spring Has Sprung! by Deanna Tolliver, Green Team Coordinator


Bring your scissors and a container: the Gardening Team has the UUVC herb garden ready for you to pick the herbs you like for seasonings, teas, etc. The choices are thyme, basil, parsley, and oregano. Take what you need, but be sure to leave some for the next culinary specialist. The plants are very happy and thriving!


Earth Day is April 22. This is the 54th year to honor our planet. We need to start living like we plan on staying here. There will be an Earth Day Insight on April 28, and once again, after the presentation there will be displays in the Community Hall, as well as another Aerogarden (hydroponic plant garden) raffle prize. The Culinary Team will provide sustainable, healthy, delicious treats.

C4K+ by Bob McCleskey, C4K+ Founder

 New Placement Record

The recent relationship connection between UU-C4K+ and Delta Circles has suddenly bloomed into a record-breaking placement month.

By the time you read this newsletter item, the C4K tech team and placement team will have refurbished and placed 40 Linux desktop computers for a CSTEM training program that Delta Circles is staging for the youth in the Helena area. In addition to the 40 Linux desktops, Phoenix Youth and Family Services, an affiliate of Delta Circles, will receive 5 Linux desktops. And on top of all that, CCMC has received 8 Linux laptops, 5 tablets and 4 desktops, plus 5 adult recipients received laptops.

A HUGE SHOUT OUT to Ralph Butler’s team and Phil Keller for placing the total of 62 refurbished computers. Congratulations to the entire C4K+ team for an outstanding job.

Social Justice, by Alana Clegg

The Social Justice Committee is the liaison with the UUSC and will present an Insight service about the UU Service Committee's work worldwide on 4/14/24.


UUVC is also a member of the Arkansas affiliate of Interfaith Power and Light, a national climate justice organization. They sent a program for cultivating connections between Faith, Food, and Climate, which may be used as part of the program for Earth Day.


UU the Vote 2024, a non-partisan program of the UUA, sponsored strategy to grow a pro-democracy majority. We are doing some of this already, petition signings, for example. Read about participating and becoming a “Good Trouble” organization here 

World Labyrinth Day by Judy Johnson

Every year, on the first Saturday in May, thousands of people around the globe participate in World Labyrinth Day as a moving meditation for world peace and celebration of the labyrinth experience.

You can help celebrate by walking alone or joining other UUVC members by “walking as one at 1”. Walking at 1:00 CST, helps create a 24-hour wave of peaceful energy  passing from one time zone to another.

Our UUVC labyrinth is painted on the parking lot behind the church, and is available 24/7. We schedule walks at different times during the month and always on the first day of the solstice or equinox, and for all full moons.

We do not walk in heavy rain, snow or sleet, and in the summers when the Village warms up, we walk later in the day.

The Labyrinth Society, at labyrinthsociety.org, is a great resource for learning more about the history, available resources, education, news, locations, and updates about labyrinths.

For any questions about our labyrinth and monthly walk time, contact Judy Johnson..

ACES Auction, by Cloe Bayer, Events Communicator

The Events Committee will assist the Auction committee for this biennial social event on April 19. Please attend even if you don't intend to bid for anything. It will be a fun evening, and the Caribbean-themed dinner is only $10.

The Toga party was a success. A Greek-themed party had never been done at UUVC before, and despite the previous evenings tornado in the Village, the attendance was good. Many thanks to Christine Hasbrouck for her idea and excellent management of the Events team that made it all happen.

What Would We Do Without this C***ittee? by Meg Koziar

It is my understanding that the word for a group of people appointed for a specific function within a larger group is now considered a swear word, so I will use C***ittee to avoid upsetting delicate sensibilities.

The C***ittee in the spotlight this month is the one which provides the congregation with opportunities to learn and develop. They arrange for Insight speakers, educational classes and events, run the library, and arrange the technology to support these. They meet monthly as a team to coordinate their efforts.

There are lots of skills required to keep UUVC a vibrant, growing entity in HSV, and every member can help in some way. This may be the C***ittee that fits you if you want to engage with an active group of like-minded people who contribute to intellectual growth of this community. Just tell Salli Forbes that you are ready now (or soon will be ready) to contribute your skills to the Program C***ittee.

Art Wall by Daryl Wedwick

The Short Version: 


WHAT: The quarterly changeover of the Art Wall.


WHO: All UUVC Artists. New Artists are welcome


WHEN: Before 10:00 am on Friday, April 5th, 2024


WHERE: UUVC Community Hall 


HOW: Bring a paintings (or other 2-D artwork) to the Community Hall before the above-listed time and date. Individual artists may bring more than one artwork. Pick up the works of art which are currently on display.   


WHY: To display 16 works of art for all to see on Sundays (and during all of the Community Hall’s gatherings listed elsewhere in this Newsletter) for the next three months.


QUESTIONS: Call the de-facto curator at 501.915.8456.       

Book Report by Steve Rittenmeyer

 The Last Group


As most of the congregation knows, we have been trying to account for a large number of “missing” books that are not on the shelf and not checked out. I have used this space in the past months to publish two portions of the list of these books. So far, we have recovered fifteen. Which is good, but not enough. So, I will use this space one more time to publish the remainder of the list....

Continue Here

Interest Groups

UUVC Pickle Ball: UUVC Pickleball plays at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesdays AS WEATHER PERMITS at the DeSoto Courts. Contact Dane Nielsen at 501 915-4450.


Monday Golf: 18-hole Golf 8:00 - 2:00, 9-hole Golf 8:30 -12:30. AS WEATHER PERMITS Contact: Ron Nance, 870 267-4711


Mahjongg: Mondays at 1:00 in the Community Hall. Contact Dee Offerman at offermanrn@gmail.com


Sleeping Mat Group: First and Third Wednesdays of the month from 9:30 – 11:30. Contact Marilyn Matzek, 501-922-4909


Stitchers: Second Wednesday from 1:00 - 3:00 in the conference room. Contact Marjorie McCleskey, 501-915-0237


Men's Group: Thursdays 8:30 - 9:30 at Debra's Good Eats, 198 Carmona Rd. Contact Rev. Walz, 214-755-4315


Friday Golf: 18-Hole Golf 8:00 - 1:00. AS WEATHER PERMITS Contact Tom Tirrell, 501-915-2436


Sangha Meditation: Saturdays 10:00 -12:00 in the sanctuary. All UUVC members and friends are welcomed. No experience necessary. Contact Toby Hamilton 405-919-6253


Game Night: Second Saturday at 5:00. Bring a dish to share for a potluck meal. There are many kinds of games to enjoy after supper. Contact Cindy Nance, 337-278-4004.

Click this button to check the  Calendar for Details and for any Cancellations

Unitarian Universalist Village Church Newsletter April 2024

Editor: Meg Koziar kozimeg@sbcglobal.net

Minister: Rev. Mark Walz minister@uuvc.org

President: John Swinburn jsswinburn@gmail.com