June 5, 2023

Dear AYA Lower School Families,

As we approach the end of the current school year, we take this opportunity to share some important information about the upcoming academic year. We are already eagerly planning for a fabulous 2023-24 school year and want to ensure you have all the necessary details to have a successful start!
2023-24 Lower School Principals
Chaya Kenigsberg
K-8 Judaic Studies Principal
Whitney Hurwitz
K-8 General Studies Principal
Assistant to K-8 Principals: Karen Zucker (email)
Summer Activities
Review and improve on skills and prepare the challenges ahead:
School Calendar
Always rely on AkibaYavneh.org/calendar for the most current information — which is also syncable via iCal feed. While fridge friendly, our one-page Important Dates handout is subject to change as the year progresses.

All Lower School student supplies are provided by AYA.

Dress Code Policy
Students are required to adhere to AYA Dress Code when on the Schultz Rosenberg Campus.

K-8th Grade Handbook
Revised 2023-24 version will be online after July 4.

Carpool Procedure
Drop Off: Enter at Coit Road Carpool Entrance 7:40 am and doors close at 8 am. After 8 am, students will need to be checked in at the Welcome Center.

LS Dismissal: 3:25 pm M-Th and 2:25 pm Friday  
MS Dismissal: 3:45 pm M-Th and 2:25 pm Friday

Pick Up: Families where youngest student is 4th Grade or older or no siblings enter at Coit Road Service Entrance and pick up at Pollman Hall. Families with students from 3rd Grade and younger enter at the Coit Road Carpool Entrance.

Hot Lunch
We are happy to offer a delicious and nutritious hot lunch program catered by A Taste of the World. Menus will be available prior to the start of school.

Blue Notes / Absences
Blue Notes are required to notify the school when students are going to be late, absent, picked up early, or if there is a carpool change. See our QuickLinks tab on the upper right hand corner of AkibaYavneh.org. 
In July, links to required school forms will be sent in an additional email. All forms must be completed and uploaded to AYAConnect by August 7 in order for students to attend their first day of the 2023-24 academic year.

We are excited to begin our joint leadership of the Lower & Middle Schools. Our hope is to not only provide an excellent academic experience in both General and Judaic Studies for your students, but also to continue to build and strengthen the incredible AYA school community. An important part of that community is you, our parents.

We are grateful for you and your dedication to the school. We believe that strong partnership, collaboration, and communication between parents and the school elevates the experience for the child. We look forward to working with you as we strive to create an unparalleled experience for you and your family.

As we all know, Torah never goes on vacation. Please encourage your child to set aside a portion of their day to continue developing their relationship with Hashem through Tefilla and Torah learning. 

Please feel free to email us over the summer with any questions or ideas you have for the upcoming 2023-24 school year!  
In partnership,

Chaya Kenigsberg
K-8 Judaic Studies Principal

Whitney Hurwitz
K-8 General Studies Principal