Sunday we welcomed our week 1 campers to Barstow. They hail from 6 different councils stretching from Alabama to SW Florida. The rain got us pretty good right as troops were arriving but by dinner time it passed and we continued with normal program including an energized campfire.
Tuesday night Matthew Delk and I will run a program called the Pop Up Scout Museum. My focus on this one is going to be sharing some of the cool uniforms and especially merit badge sashes that I've purchased in collections. Hopefully it will get the Scouts excited about our hobby.
Tonight (Monday June 12) you can catch Jeff Morley on the Digital Cracker barrel where he is going to present about the Evolution of flaps. I'm sure that will be one you don't want to miss!
I have 294 live auctions on Santeeswapper this week. You will find that the mix includes T-shirts, mugs, patches and pins. Just a little bit of everything. I don't have any auctions live right this minute on OApatch but the store now has over 6,500 items live.
I apologize for getting this issue out a day late. I'm sure many of the links point to expired items as I started building it over the weekend and just ran out of time. But so is the life of a summer camp director - busy 16 hours a day.
Jason Spangler
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