2023 Spring Newsletter



Message from the Chair

As I write this, it is a very busy time on campus with prospective students and their parents visiting the campus and Department before they make their choice on where to pursue their undergraduate education in mechanical engineering. It is always a pleasure meeting with these students and their parents as they bring a sense of excitement and expectation. Those who are admitted are the top applicants among a large number of applications to the program and we would be honored to have them join us in the Department in Fall 2023. It has also been an exciting month on campus as the Aztec basketball team made its amazing run to the national championship game. While we did not win that game, the run was a demonstration of everything that we expect from our students: grit and determination, discipline, persistence, and always aiming higher. As we prepare for the graduation of another class of mechanical engineering students, we are pleased to feature some of our outstanding graduates in this newsletter. The graduating seniors are busy finalizing their capstone projects in our fabrication facilities and at sponsor facilities. We invite you to attend Design Day in Montezuma Hall on May 3 and celebrate the creativity and innovation of our graduates. Design Day promises to be an awesome event where 36 mechanical engineering teams will showcase projects sponsored by industry, faculty, NGOs, and entrepreneurs. Our Faculty continue to garner accomplishments. For the third year in a row, one of our Faculty won the prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER Award. Other Faculty continue to bring in sizable grants to support their laboratories and innovative research.

We hope you enjoy reading this Newsletter and get a sense of the pride that we feel in our Department and the accomplishments of our Students and Faculty, supported by a highly dedicated team of Staff members.


John Abraham, Ph.D., Professor and Chair

SDSU Mechanical Engineering

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Join Us for Engineering Design Day 2023

36 Mechanical engineering teams will showcase their projects at the Design Day on May 3, 20223 in Montezuma Hall. Additional information about ME projects is available here.

Please visit the College of Engineering page here for additional information including information about free parking.

Students Working on Their Capstone Projects in the Northrop Grumman Fabrication Facility

Fall 2022 Design Day Photos

The Fall 2022 Design Day was held December 8th, 2022 in the EIS courtyard. The photos below are images from the displays.

SDSU students Eric Apgar, Travus Clark, Daniel Murillo, Hernan Velazquez Munoz, and Joshua


Senior Design Project Team Spray n Prey designs and delivers a portable and collapsible paint solution for the USAF

A 2022-2023 Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Capstone Program team under the guidance of Dr. Scott Shaffar has developed a solution for the USAF to help maintain the B-1B

bomber. This project is a collaboration between SDSU Mechanical Engineering, the Department of Defense National Security Innovation Network (NSIN) and the US Air Force 28th Maintenance Squadron at Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota. Read more here.

Dr. Richard Woodcock Donates $200,000 Gift to Support Students

Dr. Richard Woodcock who had earlier made a donation of $15,000 to support the ME capstone program and $100,000 to support the Aztec Electric Racing (AER) Club in 2021, has made a gift of $200,000 to the College of Engineering to support the AER and the Rocket Project. Read more here.

Student Success

Some of Our Outstanding Graduating Seniors

Nicholas Agtual is a BSME student graduating in May 2023 and will be working at Northrop Grumman as a Modeling and Simulation Engineer. Read more here.

Dalaney Conte is a 4th year mechanical engineering student from San Francisco graduating in May 2023. Read more here.

Kaylista Halliday is a fourth year Mechanical Engineering student from Portland, Oregon and she is graduating in May of this year. Read more here.

Jessica Grear is a mother of three and a Marine Corps veteran who transferred to SDSU in Fall of 2020 to pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering with an Emphasis in Bioengineering. Read more here.

Sara Herrera joined Mechanical Engineering at SDSY in fall 2019 and she serves as the membership officer for the Society of Women Engineers. Read more here.

Enrique Neyra is a fourth-year Mechanical Engineering student from San Jose graduating in May 2023. Read more here.

Clemence Rausa is a graduating senior majoring in Mechanical Engineering with an Emphasis in Bioengineering. Read more here.

Melissa Owens is a graduating senior studying Mechanical Engineering, who came to SDSU from Glendale, California. Read more here.

John Pateros is a mechanical engineering senior graduating in May with minors in both computer science in entrepreneurship, who plans to pursue his Master’s Degree in Computer Science at SDSU. Read more here.

ME Senior Student Foster Collaborations with General Atomics on Nuclear Fusion

Jhovanna Garcia is a senior in Mechanical Engineering planning to graduate in May, 2023. Read more here.

Engineering students Recognized with awards at the 2023 SDSU Student Research Symposium

Faculty, staff, alumni and members of the San Diego research community judged student presentations for their originality and how well they demonstrated expertise in their area of interest. Based on the judges’ evaluations, seventy projects were selected as the most excellent across dozens of categories. The award-winning students received between $250 and $500 for a total of nearly $20,000 in prize money.

Paul Kauvaka

Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) Award

Shock Response of Polyurea Forms

Mentor: Dr. George Youssef

Britton Mennie

Women in Engineering Award

Helical Flow In The Aortic Arch During Mechanical Circulatory Support

Mentor: Dr. Karen May-Newman

Zachary Conte

Dean's Award: Engineering

Role of Aortic Tissue Stiffness in

LV-LVAD Mechanics

Mentor: Dr. Karen May-Newman

Mark Smeets

Provost's Award: Engineering

The impact of Density-graded

Polyurea Foams

Mentor: Dr. George Youssef

Chaztyn Pangelina

Provost's Award: Engineering

The Effect of Increasing Heart Rate Intermittent Aortic Valve Opening

During LVAD

Mentor: DR. Karen May-Newman

Scarlett Alexander

President's Award

Life Cycle Assessment: Cradle to Grave Carbon Dioxide Emissions

of BEV and PHEV

Mentor: Dr. John Abraham

Faculty News

Dr. Amneet Pal Bhalla's project on "Consistent Continuum Formulation and Robust Numerical Modeling of Non-isothermal Phase Changing Multiphase Flows" wins NSF CAREER Award of $520,640

Dr. Amneet Pal Bhalla, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, has won an NSF CAREER Award for his project on “Consistent Continuum Formulation and Robust Numerical Modeling of Non-isothermal Phase Changing Multiphase Flows.” In phase change engineering, temperature control is of the utmost importance. Dr. Bhalla aims to make numerical advances to benefit applications like thawing and freezing of biological tissues, thermal regulation of electronics and urban buildings, and even freezing or melting glaciers and lakes. Read more here.

Engineering Mechanics Lab (EML) News

Dr. George Youssef receives $627,493 from the DOD Office of Naval Research for “Versatile Nanoscale Advanced Materials Characterization.”

In this project, Dr. George Youssef, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, will investigate a broad range of engineering and natural materials and will engage students from underrepresented groups in hands-on, experiential research that prepares them to be leaders in mechanics, materials engineering and science, mechanical engineering, and physics. Read more here.

Dr. Youssef is collaborating with Dr. Benjamin Wheatley, Orthopaedic Surgeon at the Naval Medical Center, San Diego, on a $235,000 funded project from the Stryker Corporation, and other sources, to conduct Biomechanical investigations of tibial fractures and fixation devices. 

Dr. Ramiro Mantecón is a Doctoral Fullbright Scholar at San Diego State University's Experimental

Mechanics Laboratory

Dr. Ramiro Mantecón Padín is a doctoral Fulbright scholar at San Diego State University’s Experimental Mechanics Laboratory for the 2022-23 academic year. Read More here.

High School Intern in EML Accepted to MIT

Mia Chen is a high school student who has been a summer Intern in the Engineering Mechanics Laboratory as part of the Young Engineers Experience program. She is joining MIT in Fall 2023 to pursue her undergraduate engineering degree. Read more here.

SDSU Industrial Assessment Center Selected as Part of Western Regional Center of Excellence by DOE

The SDSU Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) is part of one of six Regional Centers of Excellence announced by the Department of Energy. SDSU is part of the "Western Center of Excellence at San Francisco State University (San Francisco, CA), in partnership with San Jose State University, San Diego State University, Laney College, and Cuyamaca College – a group of five leading minority-serving institutions – (who) will apply their expertise in data-driven tracking to evaluate and improve manufacturer performance, renewable energy, energy demand management, thermal systems design, and waste and water management to enhance manufacturing competitiveness across the Western U.S." The IAC at SDSU is directed by Dr. Asfaw Beyene, Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Joaquin Camacho, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, is Assistant Director. Read more here.

Dr. Peiman Naseradinmousavi Invited to Serve on Conference Editorial Board

Dr. Peiman Naseradinmousavi, Asssociate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, will serve on the Conference Editorial Board of the 2023 Modeling, Estimation, and Control Conference to be held at Lake Tahoe, USA during October 2-5, 2023.


 Aztec Baja Racing

For this school year, the focus of Aztec Baja Racing has been to improve our 2022 competition car, which was the first ever 4-wheel-drive Baja SAE car in SDSU history. The team competed in three competitions over the summer and the Rochester Baja SAE race was a key highlight of the season where the team placed 8th place overall and brought home 1st place in the Suspension and Traction event. Attending competition was a great learning experience for the team as we overcame many hurdles and helped us prepare for the upcoming season. For the upcoming competition season which will take place during the summer, the team is excited to implement a new 14 horsepower engine as well as an improved 4-wheel-drive system and suspension improvements. The team would like to thank our sponsors, SDSU faculty and staff, and the College of Engineering for their continued support of our program. You can learn more about the team on our instagram page @aztecbaja_sdsu. We hope to see you on the track! 

Aztec Electric Racing

Aztec Electric Racing (AER), SDSU's college electric FSAE racing team is a group of passionate students who design, build, and race electric-powered Formula-style race cars. The team competes in the Formula SAE Electric competition, where they are judged on various aspects of their vehicle's design, performance, and sustainability. The team members come from various backgrounds and disciplines, including Mechanical, Aerospace, and Electrical Engineering. They work collaboratively to create a well-rounded vehicle that meets the competition's requirements and is competitive on the track. The team's design process typically involves extensive research, analysis, and testing to ensure that the car is safe, reliable, and efficient. This year AER has set its goals higher than ever with plans to finish our build in time for several system tests and increased driver training. All of this has been accomplished through increased personnel and financial resources thanks to the recent merger of Aztec Racing and Aztec Electric Racing. 

Baja SAE team consists of 35+ members who are challenged every school year to design, test, and build a single seat off road buggy that will compete in 3 nation-wide events where 100 global universities are evaluated in static and dynamic events.
The Mechatronics Club consists of 40 members who are developing an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) for the 2019 RoboSub Competition. 

Aztec Electric Racing, commonly referred to as AER, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, electric Formula SAE team at SDSU. They design, build, and race a small-scale, high performance race car each year.

ASME Club sponsors workshops, tours and guest speakers to prepare students for a career in the field of Mechanical Engineering.
BMES Mission:
Our mission is to promote the education of our members by supporting academic and professional excellence, and innovative research.
Quality of Life + brings together America's brightest engineering students at leading universities nationwide to create life-transforming assistive technology for our country's injured and ill heroes. Their mission is to foster and generate innovations that aid and improve the quality of life for those who have served our country.
Dr. John Abraham, Dept Chair
Dr. Sara Adibi
Dr. Asfaw Beyene
Dr. Amneet Bhalla
Dr. Subrata Bhattacharjee
Dr. Joaquin Camacho
Dr. Meysam Heydari Gharahcheshmeh
Dr. Sungbum (John) Kang
Dr. Samuel Kassegne
Dr. Parag Katira
Dr. Karen May-Newman
Dr. Fletcher Miller
Dr. Kee Moon
Dr. Khaled Morsi
Dr. Peiman Naseradinmousavi
Dr. Zahra Nili Ahmadabadi
Dr. Eugene Olevsky
Dr. Sung-Yong (Sean) Park
Dr. Elisa Torresani
Dr. Wenwu Xu
Dr. Yang Yang
Dr. George Youssef, PE
ME Dept. Website
From the Baja Car to Senior Capstone Projects to Scholarship support, your generous giving makes a tremendous difference for our students. Please consider making a gift to support the Department of Mechanical Engineering

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The Department is the vibrant home to about 1400 undergraduate and graduate students, several active and award-winning student clubs and organizations, multiple teaching and research laboratories, internationally-renowned faculty who are...
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