PWD stormwater management review - Permit completion holds
As of August 1, 2023, the Water Department will insert holds on new building permit applications that trigger the PWD Stormwater Management Review. PWD will resolve the hold once compliance is confirmed for the project and associated permit including, but not limited to, the following:
1. PWD Final Inspection Complete (PWD Regulations 600.8(g))
2. Compliant Record Drawing (PWD Regulations 600.8(h))
3. Execution and recording of Operations & Maintenance Agreement (PWD Regulations 600.12)
The Final CO will not be issued by L&I until the PWD hold has been resolved. Please note that the Temporary CO may also be held for projects that include a stormwater-related Zoning Code Bonus.
PWD will also continue to impose holds on any issued permits with violation concerns.
Electrical inspection agency changes
As a reminder, the owner or operator is responsible to select the third-party electrical inspection agency that is responsible for inspections under an electrical permit. The agency must be named at permit application. An electrical inspection agency may only be modified through a permit amendment and will only be approved if there are extenuating circumstances (i.e. availability of agency).
Starting July 1, 2023, if a contract associated with an electrical permit is terminated, the electrical inspection agency must inform the department. The agency must upload a completed Electrical Inspection Agency Contract Termination Form when submitting an electrical permit status update through their eCLIPSE portal.