In accordance with Association policy, regular communication will be provided to NLTA members by way of periodic updates on the status of the collective bargaining process. This update is provided as a follow up to the last Bargaining Brief on June 5, 2023.
Over the past four months, the parties have met for negotiations sessions on April 18-19, May 4, May 8- 11, May 23- 24, and June 2, and there have been 30 days of negotiating sessions since bargaining commenced. The Association made its thirteenth negotiating pass (i.e., thirteenth set of proposals) in June and subsequently proposed further potential dates to the Employer team for bargaining in July and August. The next session of negotiations with the Employer will take place on August 8 and 9.
While there has been some progress on certain items, a number of significant matters remain unresolved and are being actively discussed. The Team remains focused on its goal of achieving the best possible deal for NLTA members, in the current context and climate, to recommend as a tentative agreement to Provincial Executive. All possible steps in the negotiations process, as per the Teachers’ Collective Bargaining Act, are under active consideration in this regard, including the possibility of applying for the assistance of a Conciliation Officer.
As the process continues, the Negotiating Team remains focused on the priorities for bargaining as identified through submissions from NLTA members, which are:
- Class Size/Composition
- Salaries/Allowances
- Hiring
- Leaves
- Workload/Working Conditions
As well, Provincial Executive member, Darryl George, has been appointed to the NLTA Negotiating Team, replacing Derek Drover, who retired as of June 30. Darryl is the teaching vice-principal at Crescent Collegiate in Blaketown. As per Association policy, incoming NLTA Vice President, Dale Lambe, who is already on the Team, will assume the role of chairperson as of August 1. The current Vice President, Maureen Doyle-Gillingham, will remain on the Team while stepping down from the role of chair at that time.
We will keep you advised of any significant developments or progress in negotiations through subsequent Bargaining Briefs and other communications as necessary.