Streams of Awareness


June 26, 2023


We praise our kids, our spouses, our friends, accomplishments, 

heroic feats, near defeats, out teams, glorious days, and you can name the many more.  But truly how often do we praise God.  

We praise him at times when things are going right and pretty much our way, or when expectations seem to fall in line but what about when things are shaky,  trials are on the move, and shattered dreams are upon us? What about when emotions of   lonliness, anxiety, insecurity or fear have landed deep in our hearts. Are we willing to give God praise then? 

I heard a sermon today on Psalm 65 about praising God always, because he deserves praise in all things and at all times.  And these were three of the reasons why:

1)  God’s Grace

God hears us and answers our every prayer, and not necessarily the way that we want or expect them to be answered.  When we pray, we are often seeking or knocking on God’s heart to work in us and in people through trials, problems and perplexities.  His ear is always open. There is never a pryer to weak or simply  or unworthy top bring before the Lord,; for his grace comes all that we can imagine and that we are enduring. The God of Grace has made atonement for all our wrong doings (sins) through the life death and resurrection of his son Jesus Christ.  His love for us is so grand that this infinite gift of Grace to each of us cannot be measured, deserved or withdrawn once we have received it.  It is ours…! 


2)  God’s Power 

God created earth and all its inhabitants.

God parted the red sea.

God stilled the waters of the fishermen with the power of his words.

God’s giving of the ten commandments

God sent the ten plaques over Egypt.

     Titus 1:2 assures us that God cannot lie, He can't be  

     tempted by evil nor will He tempt us, and He cannot 

     change. In fact, one could say, He has the power to

     remain exactly as He is for all time. He will always be    

     good, loving, faithful, and true. God's power will never

     diminish, nor will His heart for us.

3)  God’s Blessings

God blessings are both material and spiritual.

God's blessings are meant to protect us, guide us to the path of righteousness, and give us hope.

Jesus never mentions wealth or position, health, or happiness as blessings. Instead, he says the greatest blessing is to have a place in the kingdom of heaven and to be called a child of God. To be shown mercy by a Holy God, to know His grace and love in our lives, to know God in an intimate relationship -- These are true blessings. “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1a).

Jesus paints a picture of a person that is more interested in spiritual rewards than things of this world. “Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven…” (Matthew 6:20).

Jesus had no personal wealth, but he was still blessed. How? “It is more blessed to give than receive.” (Acts 20:35) Jesus gave his life for us. The blessing of giving is not material prosperity but an inner joy and peace that God gives us when we imitate His loving sacrifice for others.

So many times, I look at things from a worldly, limited perspective and then I hear a sermon like this and it reminds me that God is so much infinite and omnipotent that I can even begin to imagine.

Why do I fret over what God is allowing to happen when in fact God is a God of Grace, of Mighty Power and of Blessings….no matter what my little bubble of a world looks like…God is not sleeping or has not forgotten those who are his.  During worldly chaos or personal chaos, it is God who can and will give us peace through our prayerful asking.  And Hope and Joy are surprises that bloom from our faith.  

We can plant a seed, and water it and give it proper “son”shine,  but it is God who grows that seed not us…God calls us  to plant his seeds of grace, power and blessings in others thought our words and actions so that His mighty ways will be made known and his love for us will be gently accepted and embraced. Pray for opportunities to be a planter.

Happy Summer…. May God continue to bless you in his mighty ways!

Praise God wherever you are or whatever situation he has allowed you to be in...for his Glory will shine through!

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