March/April 2024

Hello Nicole,

It is with immense joy and gratitude that we announce a milestone that holds a special place in all our hearts - the 40th Anniversary of Wee Watch! We want to start with expressing our gratitude to the parents and the dedicated staff and providers who have played a pivotal role in making Wee Watch what it is today!

Over the past 40 years a lot has changed, but what hasn’t changed is our commitment to delivering the highest quality home childcare possible. When we reflect on our 40 years, what comes to mind are the numerous stories of the lives we have touched, the families we have supported, and the countless little milestones we have celebrated together, which are a testament to the heart and soul of Wee Watch.

Together, we have created an environment where children flourish, families thrive, and our community is strengthened. The values that have guided us from the very beginning - trust, quality, and compassion - continue to be the driving force behind our success.

To mark this occasion, we have planned a series of events and activities throughout the year that celebrate and show our gratitude to the communities we operate in and all of you! Our celebration is called “40 Weeks of Wee Watch” and for the next 40 weeks we will be highlighting achievements, sharing stories and running contests for children, providers and staff! Be sure to follow our socials and enter!! In our newsletter this month – we have gone back to the archives to find some ‘retro’ articles and recipes and we've updated some of the early learning activities for you and the children to enjoy!

We are kicking off the celebration of 40 years with a donation of $40,000 to charity! Collectively, our 44 agencies have generously contributed and we are giving back to four causes close to our hearts – Food4Kids ($10,000) to assist with the provision of nutritious food for children experiencing food insecurity, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital ($10,000)  Canada’s largest children’s rehabilitation hospital caring for children needing rehabilitation after illness or trauma , Water First ($10,000) to assist with the provision of education and tools for communities without access to safe drinking water, and Ovarian Cancer Canada ($10,000) for research and support.

Our 40th celebrations are not just a reflection of our past achievements but also a testament to the bright future that lies ahead for Wee Watch. We can’t wait to celebrate with you!




Learning is Fun with Wee Watch

Retro advice for March Break activities that still work!

With our 40 year anniversary at Wee Watch, we thought it would be fun to look back at our original newsletter and pull out an article that was originally published back in our early days (this one was from 1992…and the advice still holds up today!

From our Baby Talk Newsletter – March 1992

Providers and parents often ask for activity ideas for school-age children. With March Break coming up, many Providers and/or parents will find they have a house “full” of school-age children all day for a week (instead of the usual couple hours a day.) In order to be prepared with some special activities planned, as well as having some “backup” ideas, we are sharing the following excerpt from Caring For Young Children (the viewers guide for the TVOntario series.)

Activities for School-Aged Children

School-aged children have spent most of their day in a fairly structured environment. After school, there should be time to relax and choose an activity they enjoy, even if that activity is listening to music or watching television for awhile. Some children, after sitting at a desk for the better of the day need vigorous physical activity. Some just want to relax. It’s important to let children set their own pace of activity after school. Some activities you might offer include:

Encourage hobbies and interests by providing the necessary materials. Collections of all kinds can make a great hobby for a child. For example: rocks, stamps, baseball or sports card collections are all popular. Other types of hobbies include baking, sewing, knitting, crocheting, drawing, painting, needlepoint, woodworking, etc. Share your own hobbies and special skills with school-age children. Your own enthusiasm may be infectious.

Card games like Solitaire, Old Maid, Crazy Eights and War are all old favourites. Library books of card games are available if you’ve forgotten the rules to the Golden Oldies or want to try something new and different.

Board games like Scrabble, Monopoly, Snakes and Ladders, Parcheesi, etc.

Encourage active play and sports to help build muscles and improve co-ordination and confidence. Sports equipment might include: basketballs, bat and glove, golf clubs and balls, horseshoe sets, pogo sticks and stilts.

Have a Help-Yourself Craft Box on hand when the creative urge strikes!

Some old favourites still work well. Paper dolls, magic sets and books, science activity sets, chemistry sets, jacks and marbles can provide hours of fun.

Have a private space where school-agers can play, relax and store materials and ongoing projects out of the reach of younger children.

Toys for school-aged children:

Word and number game

Board games

Kites, bicycles, pogo stick

Sports equipment

Activity books, puzzles

Building/construction sets      

Embroidery, sewing sets Computer games 

Wee Play & Learn

Every Provider and child has access to our Wee Learn educational curriculum! Wee Learn and all its associated programming was designed by a team of childcare experts to help children meet their developmental milestones and to prepare them for success in school and beyond! Our program is focused on play based learning for all ages and stages! 

Try some of these activities which align with our program:

Wee Beginners (1-2 years):

Treasure Hunt

Wee Explorers (2-3 years):

Cardboard Blue Bird

Wee Builders (3-4 years):

Paper Plate Colour Match

Wee Learners (4-5 years):

Fork Stamped Tulips 

Wee Experts (5-6 years):

Bouncy Egg with Skittles Experiment

Wee Mentors (6+ years):

Giant Word Search

Together Wee Can Read, Learn & Grow

Each year Wee Watch organizes exclusive and educational events and activities around a theme that all Providers across Ontario participate in called "Together Wee Can".

This years theme is Together Wee Can "Global Kids: Adventures in Culture & Cuisine".

Wee Watch has selected twelve countries to educate and engage the children in our homes each month with activities, games and cooking based on the unique experience of each country. The activities will help support the development of literacy, language, fine and gross motor skills as well as social and cognitive development. As Providers and children take this journey, they will explore local foods and popular culinary dishes each country has to offer.

To learn more about our exclusive educational programming, visit our website.

Take a look at what's coming up in our homes...

This month we explore Nepal - a small country that lies between China and India in South Asia. Children and Providers will be enjoying traditional foods, exploring mountains, making marigold garland and Holi (festival of colours) which is celebrated in March in Nepal.

In April we discover Cuba - the largest island in the Caribbean sea with miles of beaches! Cuba is known for its unique music and dancing, so we will be doing just that - learning dances and making instruments like the maraca! Children will also engage in other activities crafts.

Kids Can Cook

Cooking with kids isn't just about recipes, it can be a delicious learning experience for everyone! Cooking encourages literacy skills, harnesses imagination, empowerment, and creativity.

Check out this months recipes for kids:

Memorable Moments

There is always so much happening in our homes, be sure to check out our slideshow to experience some of the fun & learning.

Click here to view our slideshow

Wee Watch Team Spotlight

Provider Anniversaries

Congratulations to our wonderful Providers on their milestone anniversaries! 

We thank you for your ongoing commitment to the families in your care, your community, and Wee Watch.

See who we are celebrating in March & April

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"Using stepping stones and their imagination with Wee Watch in Kitchener/Waterloo-Cambridge! Imaginative play serves as an essential purpose in their cognitive and emotional development.

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"Our Provider Rana and her little ones loved making their version of Swiss Alpine Pasta! This cheesy rich comfort food is served in many ski resorts during the cold winter months."

Wee Watch Celebrating 40 Years! - Wee Watch

Wee Watch Licensed Home Child Care is celebrating 40 years. Daughter of founders reflects on growing up and helping build the organization

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Wee Watch Licensed Home Childcare |
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