February 26, 2025

What a wonderful night of camaraderie for a great cause! A huge thank you to everyone who celebrated Chatard-a-Bration: Derby Day with us. Your enthusiasm and contributions to the Annual Fund made the evening a true success!

Important Dates!

February 26-28 - Junior Retreat

March 5 - Ash Wednesday Mass

March 6 - SAT/PSAT Day

March 7 - End of Q3

March 9-10 - Senior Retreat

Click here for the 2025-2026 school calendar.

Senior Newsletter

Senior parents, click here for the February/March Senior Newsletter.

BCHS Prom 2025

Save the date! Bishop Chatard High School Prom is set for Saturday, April 26, from 7:00 to 10:30 pm. Expect more details soon, but here are a few key things to know in the meantime:

  • Location is Fountain Square Theatre. Click here for parking information.
  • Entrance will require the purchase of a ticket. Tickets go on sale after Spring Break.
  • Students must arrive no later than 7:30 pm and must stay at prom until at least 10:00 pm.
  • This year's theme is Roaring 20s.
  • Formal attire is encouraged.

Watch for more information about tickets and outside guest permission forms after Spring Break.

Sophomore Class Rings

Sophomores were able to place class ring orders today in the cafeteria. Or, orders can be placed online by clicking here. Please contact Andy Reel with any questions.

PSAT/SAT Day - Next Thursday, March 6

All Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors will take the PSAT or SAT on Thursday, March 6. Students must report to their testing location by 7:50 am in school uniform. Students should plan to arrive early to allow ample time to get to their testing location on time. Dismissal will be at approximately 10:45 am once testing ends. We cannot stress the importance of bringing a charged student iPad, as the PSAT and SAT is now given digitally.

  • Freshmen and sophomores will be taking the PSAT 8/9 and PSAT 10.
  • Juniors will be taking the SAT. The school day SAT is required for all junior students for graduation.
  • Seniors do not need to attend school this day.

Room assignments and what to bring on test day will be posted on the School Counseling Canvas page prior to test day. Students will receive an email when this information has been posted, as well as reminders in morning announcements.

Football Parent Meeting - March 18

The 2025 Varsity/JV Football Parent Meeting will be held in the cafeteria on Tuesday, March 18 at 6:30 pm. We will discuss the upcoming season including: the calendar, summer schedule, player and parent expectations, and team communication. We ask that at least one parent/guardian for each player attend. Please contact Tayt Odom with questions.

Boys Soccer Callout Meeting - April 8

Incoming freshmen, parents, and any boy interested in playing are invited to attend. Please contact Mike Carney with any questions.

Spring Day of Service - April 26

Join the Bishop Chatard community for our Spring Day of Service on Saturday, April 26. We will gather for Mass in the SBC Chapel at 8:00 am and then carpool to the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry at 3001 E. 30th Street. We will wrap up at the food pantry by 12:00 pm.

Please click here to RSVP by April 18. We hope to see you there! Contact Matt Hilton with any questions.

Help Wanted - Trojan Tots Preschool

Trojan Tots Preschool is looking for a qualified and experienced caregiver for our Freshman classroom (6-weeks to 1 year). Candidates must have experience working with infants in an early childhood care setting. A degree in Early Childhood Education or related field is preferred but not required. Responsibilities of the position will include lesson planning, family communication and classroom management along with a co-teacher.

Trojan Tots Preschool is also hiring substitute teachers to work with our young Trojans. This position has flexible hours from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm, following the same school calendar as Bishop Chatard High School. Our preschool serves children ages 6-weeks to 6-years-old. Substitute teachers are used to cover classrooms when teachers are off, as well as covering lunch breaks and prep time. Interested individuals should email their resume to Kathryn Grose, Director of Early Childhood Education, at

Register for Summer Camps!

Bishop Chatard High School invites grade and middle school students to join us on campus for an exciting lineup of summer camps. Our athletic and enrichment camps offer a variety of activities designed to spark interest and engage students of all ages. Spaces fill quickly, so sign up soon to secure your spot and take advantage of the multi-camp discount. Don’t miss out on the fun! Contact Sarah Bustamante with any questions.

BCHS Dance-a-Thon - Sunday, March 23

Join us for the BCHS 4 Kids Dance-a-Thon on Sunday, March 23, from Noon to 4:00 pm at Bishop Chatard High School! This exciting event supports Peyton Manning Children's Hospital, and is open to Bishop Chatard students and North Deanery students in grades 3-8.

The cost is $25 per participant, which includes a t-shirt if you register by March 8. Don’t miss out on the fun for a great cause! Click here to register today!

Help Needed!

Volunteers to work the event and provide snack donations are needed. Click here to sign up.

Trivia Night - Friday, March 21

BCHS Athletic Booster Club invites parents, alumni and friends of BCHS to Trivia Night 2025! In cooperation with Hambone’s Trivia, we’re looking forward to an evening of fun on Friday, March 21 in the main BCHS gym! This is an over-21 event for all players. Click here for details and to register.

Summer School Course: Health

BCHS will offer Health Class during the summer of 2025. One credit hour is earned for the course and the cost is $200. This course is conducted in-person at BCHS. Classes run June 2 - 20 (Monday through Friday) from 8 to 11:30 a.m. The deadline to register is March 27.

Technology Responsible Use Policy

Program Details and Expectations

Questions? Please contact Julia Hasbrook, Director of Academics via email at or via phone at 251-1451 ext. 2280. Click here to register for summer school.

Softball Winter Clinic - This Sunday, March 2

Join the Bishop Chatard softball team for our Winter Clinic on Sunday, March 2. We invite all softball players in grades 1-8 to learn and work with our current players and coaches.

1st-3rd Grade: 1-3 pm

4th-5th Grade: 3:30-5:30 pm

6th-8th Grade: 6-8 pm

Bring your glove, bat, helmet and athletic shoes. Do not wear cleats. We will not be working on pitching and catching at this clinic. 

The clinic costs $25 and includes a t-shirt. You must register by February 23 to be guaranteed a t-shirt. Walk-ins welcome. Please click here to register, and contact Kerry Lynch with any questions.

Financial Aid & Registration Deposits - Due March 15

Financial aid applications for CURRENT families are due March 15. PLEASE APPLY THROUGH FACTS. Applying by the March 15 deadline guarantees inclusion in the pool considered for BCHS financial aid for the 2025-2026 school year. Please click here to apply.

Registration deposits of $350 per student ($500 per family) for the 2025-2026 school year are due on February 28. If you have a current BCHS FACTS account, your deposit will be set up for automatic withdrawal on February 28. Please contact Bob Bell no later than Wednesday, February 21, if you require special accommodations or need to make other arrangements.

Questions? Contact Bob Bell at or, or call 317-251-1451, Ext. 2238.
5885 Crittenden Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46220
P: 317.251.1451 | F: 317.251.3648