May 2023

Welcome New Members!

View Our Online Chamber Directory Here

Business Savings

Business savings programs are shared with many member organizations, and our Chamber is no different. Assiniboia Chamber members have the option to pass down business savings to other Assiniboia Chamber members at any time. In fact, a member can create a discount for fellow members and a separate offer for the public.

If you are interested in marketing your products and services further, contact the Chamber office by email or phone (204) 774-4154, or upload the offer through your Member Information Centre login.*

This month's spotlight offers:

Member-to-Member Deals
Public Offers & Discounts

The Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce can pass on some remarkable savings to our members through its association with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, as well as many of its business members that offer programs, savings, offers and the like. Any and all agreements are made between the business and the organization offering the deal, and not the Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce (ACC). The ACC has vetted all organizations and their offers, but the main responsibility remains solely on the business member when utilizing any discount, offer or signing any agreements.

Happening at The Chamber

Annual General Meeting & Business Excellence Awards

2023/24 ACC Board pictured L to R: Jeffrey Ryall, Cardinal Capital Management; Nicole Fontaine, Herzing College Winnipeg; Mark Hearson, Stantec; Charly Scott, Schinkel Properties; Robert Bachart, Winnipeg Airports Authority; Kristi Meek, Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce; Mehmood Batla, RBC; Trisha Kulathungam, Higher Learning Foundation; Mubarak Nsekarije, Win Social Media; Rod Ali, Portage Mutual Insurance; Chris Stevens, CJNU 93.7 FM Nostalgia Radio; Josh Friesen, Dueck Builders

Last week our Annual General Meeting and Business Excellence Awards Luncheon was held at Holiday Inn Winnipeg Airport West. Thank you to everyone who attended and made the meeting a success.

Congratulation to our Award Winners:

Upcoming Chamber Events

Friday, June 16

12:30 pm to 1:30 pm

@ Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce

Chamber Member 101

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

@ Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce

Open House

Tuesday, July 11

11:00 am to 6:30 pm

@ Bel Acres Golf & Country Club

Member Drive Golf Event

View All Chamber & Community Events Here

Share your event on ACC's Community Events Calendar for free! Ask us how.

In the News

Winnipeg News

City to Consider New Measures to Tackle Vacant Building Issues

A pair of reports that will be reviewed by the Standing Policy Committee on Property & Development next week outline significant steps to address the growing problem of vacant and derelict buildings within Winnipeg.

These reports detail the negative impact of neglected vacant buildings on community safety, neighbourhood aesthetics, and the city's enforcement resources They also outline the City's commitment to a new set of strategies to ensure these properties are better managed.

... Read more

Manitoba News

Budget 2023 Passes, Work Underway To Implement Historic Financial Support For Manitobans

Budget 2023, Historic Help for Manitobans, the Manitoba government’s plan to help Manitobans make ends meet, has passed, delivering major tax reductions as well as investments in services to create new opportunities for all Manitobans, Finance Minister Cliff Cullen announced today.

“Manitobans have faced unprecedented challenges over the last three years, and our government has taken action to help families ...Read more

Community Support Spotlight

Building on a Caring Tradition

St. John Ambulance is currently raising $8.5 million toward their Building on a Caring Tradition capital campaign for a new training and community service centre. Learn more about the capital campaign

Manitoba’s leader in lifesaving training, St. John Ambulance has trained over 22,000 Manitobans in First Aid, CPR, and AED lifesaving skills. They provide various levels of training seven days a week throughout the year and have over 125 dedicated instructors across Manitoba. Their clients include individuals, government, crown corporations, major industries, and companies across the province.


Their volunteer community service programs include medical first responders, who provide emergency medical care at sporting events, concerts, fairs, and many other community events across Manitoba. Many people may not be aware that their therapy dog teams visit and provide comfort and care to the sick and elderly in hospitals and care homes and help improve youth literacy through their T.A.I.L.S (Therapy Animals in Literacy Services) and Special Paws for Special Kids programs. 


Together, over 500 dedicated volunteers provide tens of thousands of hours of service each year.

Learn more about St. John Ambulance
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