Dear Saint Mark Family,
God’s grace and peace be with you.
This weekend, our Saint Mark Drama Ministry will be performing Seasons of Love – A celebration of Music of the 60s and 70s. It will be a wonderful and inspiring performance, and a celebration of the revival of our drama ministry.
Over the past few months, our Drama Ministry team has been working ardently behind the scenes to prepare for this weekend, and the result is no less than impressive. From the transformation of the gym to the costume selection, along with the choreography and the music, you will be amazed at what they have accomplished. I am thankful to the cast and crew, who have worked to bring this dream to life. A special thanks to Mike Beecham and Amy Holloway for generating the idea and working to make it happen.
Members of our congregation and the cast have been very generous in purchasing tickets for persons who are not able to afford one. There are still some tickets to be claimed, so if you or anyone you know needs a ticket, go to the box office and let them know you are with the Saint Mark group. No one will be turned away.
Saint Mark, I am very excited about Seasons of Love, and I am looking forward to seeing the opening performance on Friday at 7:30pm. There will also be other performances on Saturday, the 22nd, at 7:30pm, and on Sunday, the 23rd, at 2:00pm. Please spread the word to your family and friends. Come and celebrate our Drama Ministry. Take someone with you. I hope to see you there.
This Sunday, we will wrap up our Black History Month ministry moments with special guest speaker, Tim’m West, Executive Director, LGBTQ+ Institute, Center for Civil and Human Rights. Tim’m will share about Bayard Rustin, the Civil Rights leader and advisor to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
We will also wrap up our Under Pressure, mental health series. We will look at the importance of taking time apart for our overall wellbeing. Rev. Andy will be preaching.
Throughout the series, Dr. Jill Lee Barber has shared her wisdom on some of the contributing factors of mental health crisis and how we can prioritize our mental health. Here is link to her interview on Burnout
This Sunday we will also be receiving 5 persons into membership at the 11:00am service. Immediately after the 11:00am worship, there will be a Church Council Meet and Greet in Wade Hall at 12:30pm. This will be an opportunity for you to meet your lay leadership and share your ideas and offer suggestions for your church. A light lunch will be provided.
I look forward to seeing you on Friday and in worship on Sunday.
God’s richest blessings,
Pastor Carolyn.