June 2023
Still Waters Adult Day Center News & Updates
Still Waters Adult Day Center is a person centered, faith based, and activity rich center for our seniors. We provide a safe place Monday - Friday for seniors to engage with other seniors to encourage social, emotional, and physical well-being.
Preparing for Growing Old Series FREE @ Still Waters Adult Day Center
Join us June 3rd, 10am-noon. In this session we will help you understand the first steps to think about with the kinds of help you might want in the near future. Maybe you live alone, so there is no one living in your home who is available to help you. Maybe you don't need help right now, but you live with a spouse or family member who does. Learn about day centers, short term rehab, assisted living, long term care, hospice care, and respite care with COMPASSUS and Clearvista Lake Health Campus.
Join us from 11am-noon for a step by step art masterpiece that you can take home with you provided by Creative Nature!

Check out the other exciting Saturday topics that will be available over the next few months:
July 1 10am-noon- Basics of Elder Law- important documents, trust, probate court, medical benefits with Indiana Estate and Elder Law and cookie decorating with Sugar Chic.
August 5 10am-noon- Money Management with Rebecca Muller, CFP, CFS from Circle Financial Planning, Inc. - Learn how to be prepared with an ICE box (in case of emergency where is your electronic ice box) and when was the last time you had a financial fire drill to know where all your documents are located. Then join us to make wind chimes with Creative Nature from 11am-noon.

Each Saturday we will provide doughnuts and coffee/tea. Come out and meet new people.

OPEN TO ANYONE. Space is limited sign up now.
Intergenerational programming coming to Still Waters this summer!
Thanks to Central Indiana Community Foundation we received a grant from the Summer Youth Program Fund to provide arts and music programming with CUMNS summer camp and Still Waters guests this summer. We will be partnering with Arts With a Purpose and our favorite Ms. Tammy to bring engaging programming to the center for both old and young.
The goal of this program is to bridge the gap between generations and offer both seniors and youth a chance to learn, grow, and have fun with one another.
We will offer artists Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday's from 10:30-11:30am. Follow us on social media to see all the different artists that will visit us this summer!
Caregiver Spotlight- Eija and Ole

In the fall of 2015 Ole was diagnosed with an unspecified dementia. He was then only 58 years old and they said that due to his previous mental capacity he had probably been able to hide it for some time. It was heartbreaking to his wife, Eija. This would forever change their world.
Over the following years they tried to cope with this new and ever-changing reality on their own. By 2018 they needed help and support was becoming more acute. They began looking for different options and resources.
That is when they found Still Waters. Ole started with half days and over time increased it to 5 days a week.
Still Waters has provided them support so they can continue to live the best as they can. It is a safe haven for Ole. It makes it possible that Eija can continue to work. Eija is an amazing caregiver and wife. Even as difficult a day may be she always comes to Still Waters with a smile on her face and a positive attitude. She says life is wonderful and every day there are so many small things that make life beautiful!
Eija will tell everyone that this journey we are in, is like the summertime when the fireflies are showing up. It is dark and it gets darker before the sun rises. Then in the darkness, the fireflies appear, and it is so magical and beautiful! We all need to take the time and see the beauty in life, even if it is just a fleeting firefly moment.
Thanks to Brave Heart Foundation and Elevance Health for supporting our caregiver series
We were blessed to receive funding from the Brave Heart Foundation to continue to offer our first Saturday events at Still Waters and continue to support our caregiver appreciation events.
Family caregivers have a tough job. Caring for another person’s health while caring for your own can be overwhelming as much as it is rewarding. Many times, caregiving for someone living with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia is unknown, and while other family members may help, it usually falls to one person in particular. Finding yourself in this uncharted territory may bring on a variety of emotions, including fear, guilt, sadness, and even anger.
As more and more caregiving tasks fall to one person, he or she may start to develop caregiver burnout. It can be challenging at times.
One of the most beneficial ways to combat caregiver burnout is through caregiver support groups, special caregiver events, and a community network. Through the support of Brave Heart Foundation and Elevance Health we can provide programming to support our caregivers and their families. Stay tuned for additional events starting in September!
Juneteenth Celebration
Come celebrate Juneteenth with us at Still Waters. Harriet Ellis also known as Queen Delphine and her guitar partner will visit us and share stories of the Gullah people from Africa that settled in the Carolinas.
Juneteenth is a celebration of enduring resilience and freedom from bondage. In the spirit of liberty, come join us as we unite, dance, sing, sample good food, and rejoice with our friends, community, and family!
Monday, June 19, 2-3pm
RSVP diana@stillwatersadc.org if you would like join our celebration!
Vaccination Clinic and Educational Series coming in September
Thanks to a grant we received from USAging we are able to offer an opportunity for seniors to get their annual vaccinations at Still Waters. We will help with transportation if needed, provide educational sessions on various topics which would include diseases and vaccines that prevent them, tips for a less stressful visit, flu material, and other topics related to the various vaccines. We will offer the first session in September followed by the vaccination clinic in October.
Successes of the Flower Sale
The flower sale would not be successful without all the support from our volunteers, community, and fearless leaders Deb McCloud and Deanne Heidrick who started this fundraiser! This year we partnered with Community Network and they provided us with 15 amazing volunteers through their volunteer leadership program called Serve 360.
This was our second largest sale ever! And we sold three times as much as we sold 10 years ago when we started the sale. Mark your calendars for next year! The sale typically begins the first week of March. Thanks for all your support!
We could use your HELP to tell Still Waters successes
Whether you are aware of it or not, we are constantly surrounded by word of mouth marketing messages. You may tell a fellow colleague or friend about that amazing new restaurant you tried or talk about the best place to vacation.
As you are talking with friends, family, and colleagues please share our center with them! We all know that one family that is struggling at home being a caregiver. That one family that would benefit from an adult day center. We are accepting new guests at this time. I can provide brochures and one pagers you can share with others. Please share our social media posts, tell your physician, share with your church.
Thanks for SHARING our center with others!
Thanks to our sponsors and volunteers!
Community Supporters

Clearvista Lake Health Campus
Second Helpings
Creative Nature
Indiana Estate and Elder Law
Circle Financial Planning, Inc
Brave Heart Foundation
Central Indiana Community Foundation
Program Supporters

Indiana Flute Circle
Crafty Foxes with Faith Presbyterian Church
Reminiscence with Meredith
Love on a Leash
Reynolds - Milcinovic musicians
Butler Psychology and Neuroscience students
IUPUI Art Therapy graduate student
McKenzie Career Center CNA students
WGU Nursing students
ATT Pioneers
Kendra's Florist
If you have a special skill and/or talent, we would love to have you at Still Waters! We are always looking for volunteers to assist with fun and innovative programming! Find out more about how you can make a difference in the lives of a senior! Contact Diana at diana@stillwatersadc.org.
Pick a Flower is Back
Thank you to all the generous people who have already "picked" a flower from our pots of needed supplies. We are in need of shoe size plastic storage bins (new or used).
Donations can be dropped off at
SW Castleton Center,
7160 Shadeland Station Door 3 46256
Some of the items in our pots include: water color paper, disinfectant wipes, food storage containers like gladware or ziplock bags (all sizes), dry erase markers (large & small), canvas boards, washable markers. You can pick a flower virtually or below is a list of more items we are always in need of:
Canvas boards
Dish soap
Laundry pods
Batteries AA, AAA, C & D Napkins Paper towels
Elmers glue
Small paper plates
Large paper plates
Paper napkins
Colored Card Stock Paper
Construction Paper
Glue Dots
puzzle Books (word, searches, and coloring books)