April brings us the Spring festivals, Easter, Passover, Ramadan and the hope of the summer to come. Thanks to the recent rains we have green hills and mountain sides, vivid with a super bloom of california poppies.

Spring reminds us of new life and renewal and so in this month’s newsletter we’ve focussed on life quality with an emphasis on how we can reinvigorate our lives using cannabis as part of our daily lives.

Dan Reich explores the truth of the runners’ high, while a testimonial endorses the use of CBD tincture and light exercise for reducing blood pressure.

Earlier this month Synergy Wellness’s own Leonard Leinow was in conversation with Ruth Hill, veteran nurse and cannabis educator discussing the merits of cannabis in the quest to age gracefully. The full video is coupled with an article entitled “The Art of Aging Gracefully With Cannabis” which runs through the conditions which are supported with a variety of cannabinoids. ď»ż

Does “Runner’s High” Actually Come From the Endocannabinoid System?

New studies suggest that the ECS, not endorphins, are responsible

By Dan Reich

The phenomenon of “Runner’s High” has long been attributed to endorphins, but new studies suggest another origin: the body’s own endocannabinoid system. Scientists have long questioned the role of endorphins in the runner’s high sensation, in part because endorphins cannot cross into the brain through the blood-brain barrier, which protects the brain from toxins and pathogens. Therefore, endorphins are not likely to be the main driver for the beneficial effects of exercise on mood and mental state.


Aging Gracefully

Cultural perceptions are often paradoxical: on the one hand we are taught to respect our elders, on the other hand youthfulness is the goal and we complement each other by saying, “How young you look! Unchanged!” In reality, aging gracefully is about maintaining our mental and physical health and cannabis can help us do just that.


Synergy Member Testimonial: Reducing Blood Pressure with CBD and Exercise

My Mother is in her 80’s and generally in very good health, recently her blood pressure has risen and she is having regular six monthly check ups with her doctor.

Over the winter months, with all the rainy cold weather, getting out and exercising has been impossible for her. A couple of weeks ago Mum took her blood pressure reading on her home equipment and it was demoralizing high.


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