Volume 5, Issue 5 | May 26, 2023 | |
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
I hope this newsletter finds you well as we head into the Memorial Day weekend and honor the sacrifices of our nation's bravest. This newsletter includes photos from our legislative work, highlights from a selection of recent events and announcements relevant to the district, and a brief public health section.
As always, serving our constituents is our top priority. In June, I will host four in-person office hours. If you cannot attend scheduled office hours, you are welcome to contact my staff to schedule a meeting.
As a reminder, my staff and I have recently moved offices within the State House—please see below for our office’s updated contact information.
State Representative Joan Meschino
State House, Room 162, 24 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02133
Updated phone number: 617-722-2092
I wish you a meaningful Memorial Day weekend for both you and your loved ones.
Very truly yours, Joan
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MA Senate Passes Its Version of FY24 Budget | This past week, the Senate finalized its version of the FY24 budget after three days of debate on amendments. The House and Senate versions will now be sent to the House and Senate Conference Committee to reconcile the two budget bills. To learn more, please visit https://malegislature.gov/. | |
Rep. Meschino Continues Testimony for Sponsored Bills and Contributes to Joint Committee Work | We are fully underway with Committee activity and hearings in the State House, which means that I have both received testimony as a Committee member and testified on bills that I have filed. Recently, I joined my colleagues Representative Mike Connolly and Senator Pat Jehlen to testify in support of An Act supporting parents running for public office (H.669/S.422), which is our bill regarding equitable use of campaign finances for childcare. This month, I also hosted a briefing with Senator Paul Mark on our climate bank bill H.3774/S.675 An Act creating a climate bank in Massachusetts. To round out the highlights from this month, I attended a tour of Boston University's new Center for Computing & Data Sciences with the Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. | |
Top: Representative Meschino (center) delivers testimony on the childcare campaign financing bill with Senator Pat Jehlen (left) and Representative Mike Connolly (right).
Bottom left: The new Boston University Center for Computing and Data Sciences on Commonwealth Avenue in Boston.
Bottom right: Representative Meschino (center) poses for a photo at the BU Computing Center with members of the TUE Committee.
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Rep. Meschino Joins Women's Caucus Colleagues for Fulbright Panel | This month, I joined some of my Women’s Caucus colleagues on a legislative panel for Visiting Fulbright Scholars from around the world. As a panelist, I discussed Women’s Caucus policy priorities, my slate of legislation this term, and shared advice for those looking to get more involved in their communities. Thank you to the scholars for asking insightful questions about state-level government in the United States, and thank you to the Fulbright program and the Women's Caucus for facilitating this learning space. | |
Representative Meschino (second from left) shares insights with her Women's Caucus colleagues and attendees from the Fulbright program. | |
Weekend MBTA Ferry Service Schedule to Boston Resumes for Hingham and Hull Starting May 27 | Weekend service resumes for the MBTA Ferry Service, which serves Hingham, Hull, Logan Airport, and Long Wharf, on Memorial Day weekend. All ferries are back to full pre-COVID service levels. To learn more and to view schedules, please visit https://www.mbta.com/schedules/ferry. | |
Vice-Chair Meschino Joins Metropolitan Beaches Commission to Release “Breaking Barriers” Report at Carson Beach Press Conference | |
On Friday, May 12, I joined my fellow members of the Metropolitan Beaches Commission to announce the release of the Commission’s new public report “Breaking Barriers” at a press conference on South Boston’s Carson Beach. Equity, inclusion, and accessibility on our Commonwealth beaches must continue to be a priority so that all of our communities can enjoy these public resources. To read the report in its entirety, please visit https://www.savetheharbor.org/breaking-barriers-report. | |
Top: Rep. Meschino poses for a photo with her colleagues on the Metropolitan Beaches Commission.
Bottom: Rep. Meschino speaks with newly-appointed DCR Commissioner
Brian Arrigo at the press conference.
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Rep. Meschino Receives Update on Local Support Systems at Emilson YMCA | |
On May 1, I visited the Emilson branch of the South Shore YMCA in Hanover to learn about recent updates. Thank you to Dan, John, and the staff at the Y for continuing to innovate and for meeting the needs of area youth, senior members, families, and greater town communities. | |
Representative Meschino meets with Branch Executive Dan Berry at the Emilson South Shore YMCA. | |
Hingham HS Girl's Soccer Champions Visit the Massachusetts State House | On May 3, the Hingham High School Girls’ Soccer Champions visited the State House for an official tour to celebrate their 2022 Division 1 win! Congratulations to the students, coaches, and athletic department on an incredible season. | |
Left: Hingham High Soccer students take a tour of the Memorial Hall of the State House.
Right: Hingham High Soccer students and coaches pose for a photo in the House chamber.
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Representative Meschino Celebrates Securing Seawall Funding with Congressman Lynch in Hull | |
On May 8, I joined my South Shore colleagues in Hull to celebrate the nearly $7M of infrastructural funding we have secured for the Town of Hull to complete seawall repair and resiliency projects. Thank you to Congressman Stephen Lynch, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Ed Markey, State Senator Patrick O'Connor, and Hull Town Manager Phil Lemnios for their tireless efforts in helping to secure this critical funding. I look forward to the continued investment in our seawall to improve our climate resiliency and prevention of coastal erosion in the 3rd Plymouth District. | |
Rep. Meschino speaks about the incoming seawall funding with Congressman Stephen Lynch at Allerton in Hull. | |
3rd Plymouth District Water Systems Receive Awards for Exemplary Service at State House | |
In May, Weir River Water System staff were presented an award from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) for their superb stewardship as a public drinking water system. Darren Dearth from the Water System was provided a special honor as a Distinguished Operator within the system--one of four awardees from across the Commonwealth.
Darren successfully developed an operations and management plan to effectively reduce PFAS levels in treated water. The Weir River Water System has made tremendous progress in its first three years of operation, and Darren’s leadership has clearly played an outsized role in that progress. Congratulations to Darren and the Weir River team!
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Rep. Meschino (right) and Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Bonnie Heiple (middle) pose for photos with honorees Darren Dearth (left photo) and Russell Tierney (right photo). | |
Announcing Office Hours for June
Constituent services are our top priority. We continue to work remotely on Mondays and Fridays. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, a staff member will be present in the State House. On Mondays, I host in-person office hours in the district.
If you would like to reserve a time slot for virtual office hours or outside of the times listed, please call the office at our new phone number 617-722-2092 or email my Legislative Aide.
- Monday, June 5, 10:00 am - 11:00 am, Linden Ponds, for Linden Ponds residents
- Monday, June 12, 9:00 am - 11:00 am, Willcutt Commons, 91 Sohier Street, Cohasset
- Monday, June 26, 10:00 am - 11:00 am, Hull Council on Aging, 197A Samoset Avenue, Hull
- Monday, June 26, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Hingham Public Library, Hingham
To learn more about our constituent services, please visit our website.
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General Resources
COVID-19 Vaccines
- Schedule a COVID-19 Vaccination appointment using the Vaccine Finder
- COVID-19 Vaccine Resource Line (Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-6:00 PM; Saturday-Sunday, 9 AM-2 PM) is available by calling 2-1-1 and following the prompts for assistance / translation services.
Homebound Vaccination Program information
- COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard
MyVaxRecords.Mass.Gov allows residents to access their COVID-19 digital vaccine card and vaccination history
COVID-19 Tests, Cases & Treatment
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