March 2023

Student Success Updates

Text - New certificate programs available for undergraduates. Photo - two students work together at a laptop with ben and paper.
Text - STEM ED at State - A new fellowship model that flips the script by fostering equity. Photo - STEM Ed PaCER logo three circles overlapping in a venn diagram.
Text - Assessments Sweet Spot - Student Success. Photo - Rebecca Dean director of assessment for APUE.
Text: Engineering professor honored with  President’s Distinguished Teaching Award. Image: Interim President Woodruff and Susan Masten stand together smiling.
Text - The Spartan Experience Record - learning beyond the classroom
Large spartan helmet with text around it reading 2023 Student Success Summit, Building Bridges and Cultivating Compassion.
Text - Spring Teaching and Learning Conference. Photo - three professionals walk together.
Text - University Advising  A Q&A with Dr. Ebony Green. Photo - headshot of Ebony Green.

Purposes and passions

Associate provost Mark Largent

Last month I had the pleasure of meeting Reinhold Schmieding, an MSU grad and the founder and owner of Arthrex, a medical device company that produces 13,000 different products and trains surgeons from around the world on how to use them. We spent an hour talking about his experiences at MSU and his career. The conversation reminded me how the things students do alongside their majors – be they clubs or classes or friendships – are far more influential on their future success than we typically acknowledge. 

From the desk of the associate provost