"We begin to ex-
perience an aware-
ness and an empathy
with other people that was
not possible before working
this step." "As we seek our
personal contact with
God [or our H.P.]*, we
begin to open up as
a flower in the
sun." (The
Basic Text,
p. 47)


"If we really depended upon God [or our H.P.]*, we couldn't very well play God to our fellows nor would we feel the urge wholly to rely on human protection and care. These were the new attitudes that finally brought many of us an inner strength and peace ... ." (12 & 12, p. 116)

"It is very
lonely some-
times, trying to
play God."

- Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. (1809 - 1894) U.S., physician, poet, lecturer and author

*HP - Higher Power - is any power greater than oneself. Like Nature, the Cosmos, or even the legal system.
Zonr Suggestions:
Find a quiet place while you put aside all pre-judgments and open yourself up to the Universal Truths below that unite spiritual traditions from around the world . You may want replace alcohol & drugs with your own struggles with smoking, food, sex, money, rage, work, or even love, in order to make each SFZ a closer, personal fit.

*For you and your HP (Higher Power)

To receive your own SFZs each day.