January 2024
Happy New Year!
Happy January everybody! Welcome 2024 !! The tickets are bought and we’re off to Tucson this month. If you have any special requests they need to be in before the 18th of January. I’m already in Tucson touching base with some of our larger vendors trying to put together some special buys. Be sure to follow us on Facebook where we will be sharing video during our time at the annual Tucson International Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show.

If you didn’t get a chance to catch a falling star last month you’ve got a small window where the Quadrantids meteor shower will peak on January 3 & 4 so luck will be more on your side for siting during these two nights. The full moon this month will be on the 25th and is known as Wolf moon, Old Moon and the Chinese-Holiday Moon. Speaking of full moons, check out the picture of last month’s “cold moon”.

With Mercury coming out of retrograde on January 1, 2024 that sets a forward energy source to set your New Years Resolutions on and kick start the new year with a positive upward swing. With 2024 being a Leap Year, you’ll get 366 days this year to make sure everything gets done as planned. Happy birthday all you supposedly born lucky “Leaplings” and beware all you confirmed bachelors. This day is also known as “Ladies Day” and Sadie Hawkins Day, a day where women are free to propose to men based on old traditions established in the 15th century. Was this one of the first signs of women’s liberation?

Some highlights in this months newsletter include:
  • Check out Julie Reeves 2024 predictions and monthly astrological updates
  • See how the color Green can subtly influence you
  • Track our upcoming events this month in our Community Center so you can attend
  • Learn about Banded Agates and what’s going on in the Depot
  • Read how Sharks Teeth can help you carve a new path

New Years Resolutions are really your first steps to manifesting, or what I like to think of as New Year Manifestations. You can make a resolution telling your brain to do something, or you can manifest a way you and your brain can live without having to make that resolution in the first place. Most predictions seem to indicate that 2024 will not necessarily be a an outrageously exemplary year but will still produce more positive energy opportunities than last year. Looks like 2024 will be a good year to build your personal development towards a more harmonious inner self, a good year to build your inner strength to help achieve success in your manifestations and personal soul development. This may sound kind of boring but in reality is quite the opposite.
Please everyone, continue to stay safe and healthy.

Karen and the Staff
Monthly Astrological Guidance by Julie Reeves
On December 30th, Jupiter (giving benefits) started going direct. We will feel this for several days after the 30th, and it will give us a sense optimism and enthusiasm for 2024. This leaves only Uranus (chaos) to move directly on January 27th causing some brief disruption. Keep reading with the link below.

In The Community Events Center

Spiritual Life Fair
Saturday, January 6
11:00a - 5:30p
FREE Admission

Join Spiritual Life Productions for their monthly fair hosted by Nature's Treasures of Texas in the Crystal Auditorium for a wide range of healers, readers and psychics!
Upcoming Events
An Aura session includes a short pretalk about our Chakra and Aura energies, followed by a hand sensor energy scan which creates a full-color printout. We will discuss the colors, charts, and graphs from an intuitive perspective then you will also receive an email containing your scanned pic and a multiple-page analysis generated by the software.
Stay tuned in to our Calendar and Upcoming Events Pages for the latest updates on events being held in our Community Events Center.
Classes | Lectures | Workshops & More
Nature's Treasures has a 2,200 sq ft (56' x 40') Auditorium that seats 150 available for your event. 

Check our calendar for availability.
To schedule events, e-mail
The Treasure Tome: A Trove of Knowledge
Bring Nature Home with
Crystal Wisdom:
Information & News
Learn about crystals, what they mean, where they come from, and how to use them!

Blogs from our Crystal Wisdom: News & Information blog (below) can be read time
Color Trends and Corresponding Crystals—Luna Green
by: Adrienne Goff

Cue the confetti, because 2024 is upon us! A new year signals a fresh start and sprinkles the air with a sense of optimism. It’s also a great time to revamp and renew your surroundings and to consider the quality of energy you want to live with during the next cycle. How will you color your world in 2024?
You can strategically make color choices that subtly influence your emotions, spirit, and state of mind—and that change the vibration of your environment. If you don’t know where to start, look to the experts. Professional color forecasters have made their psychic predictions of which colors will rule the field of design in 2024.
According to HMH Architecture & Interiors, the 2024 it-colors will be Marigold Saffron, Purple Frost, Cyber Citron, Luna Green, Khaki Trenchcoat, and Soil. This fresh palette is color therapy for these shaky times. It includes peaceful pastels, stabilizing earth tones, and bright neon shades that speak to a positive future.
Luna Green is the topic of today’s article, an uncommon and otherworldly pale green that is best captured in the wings of a bewitching luna moth taking flight under silky moonbeams. This distinctive shade is comparable to a pale and muted pistachio green. You can find hints of it in a comforting cup of matcha latte or a bowl of homemade mint ice cream.

The Twelve Foundation Stones
of the Heavenly City: Jacinth & Garnet
by: Adrienne Goff

Gemstones contain an ageless beauty that has always captivated and inspired the human spirit. Perhaps it’s the vibrant colors, sparkly sheen, quality of permanence, and geometric perfection that come together to create a bright energetic frequency--and this energy can spiritually attune us to a higher realm. You can find references to the power of gemstones throughout ancient history, and quite notably in the Bible.
In the Old Testament, instructions were given to create the holy breastplate of the High Priest of Israel, which included twelve specific stones in four rows. Each stone represented one of the twelve tribes of Israel. We see this theme of twelve precious stones appearing again in the New Testament. Revelation 21:19 introduces the twelve foundation stones of the heavenly city. (Interestingly, these biblical references to twelve gemstones later inspired the concept of the twelve birthstones that the Western world acknowledges today.) READ MORE

Featured Fossil: Shark Tooth
Featured Agate: Banded Agate
Banded agate is a redundant name because agate by definition is a rock consisting of bands of chalcedony. Banded agate is highly prized for its contrasting and oftentimes colorful banding.

But also in some traditions, a black onyx and white chalcedony would be given on New Year’s to bless the new year. The white representing the prosperity of the year before carrying forward and the black representing the unknown potential for the year to come. Banded agate with dark and light bands combines the light and dark in one New Year Stone.

Meet Our Staff
Karen Richards

From what was initially a hobby, owner Karen Richards opened Nature’s Treasures in Austin in 2000. In 2012 she combined the three small stores housed inside sister company TOPS (Texas Office Product Supplies) into the 14,000-square-foot location at 4103 North IH-35.

We'll be moving soon, part of the I-35 expansion project, but be assured this is just another stepping stone on Karen Richards’ path for Nature’s Treasures.
January Practitioners
Daily Practitioners (including weekends!)
Practitioners will be available for private sessions in-store from 11:00a-5:15p.
Stern Hatcher - 1st, 14th, 28th
Denise Nitti - Intuitive Reiki - 20th, 25th
Deborah Dahmen - Energy healer - 20th
JaMecha Dodd - 8th, 22nd
Olive - 17th, 31st
Elaine Ireland - 27th
Sheryl Martin - 12th
Saul Ravencraft - 7th, 28th
Mia Loweree - 26th
Linda Snow - 2nd, 20th
Sally Ramirez - 27th

Tara Ventura - Psychic Medium - 5th, 19th
Kramer Wetzel - Astrology - 9th, 23rd
Yuci Edwards - Spiritual Guide - 15th, 29th
Laura Tree - 3rd, 27th
Mia Michel - 16th, 23th, 30th
Ricardo Gonzales - 10th, 24th
Sheela Goodrich - 4th, 18th
Merlyn, Metaphysical Jeweler - 13th, 27th
Tallulah - 11th, 21st
Julie Reeves - 27th
Francine Caruso - 21st

Update your e-mail subscriptions and remember to subscribe for Practitioner Updates for news!
Our Featured Practitioner
Saul Ravencraft
Saul Ravencraft is an eclectic practitioner and occultist who draws upon a number of traditions and lore for his path. Using cartomancy, palmistry, numerology, and other divination tools, Saul seeks to help people recognize their own power and to be their own solution. Saul also consults to create sigils and personal workings.

Available: By Appointment or correspondence. Call: 512-994-4678.
Website: Rate: $50.00 for 30 minutes.
Our Featured Artist
Josie Middleton

As an artist , I try to use my Spirit Guides and my dreams. I love using a wide variety of techniques, with Watercolor, Gouache and any items for collages. It’s an intuitive feeling of love and expression. I will use any number of items for my expressions! I hope that everyone feels their heart in my art! As an Austin, Texas native , I feel I am lucky to have been a part of the very creative areas of this City. ENJOY!
Intuitive Jewelry Services
Call Ahead for Availability, Saturdays Only
Crystal Heart Studio
Ask for Merlyn, a wire-wrapper and jewelry-maker who lets her intuition guide the creation of unique wearable art. Whether you want to bring in your own crystal or have Merlyn help you find the perfect crystal for you in-store, she will then combine the stone with others and harmonize their energies with assorted metals. Available for walk-ins most Saturdays in the Retail Showroom.
In the Community
The Healing Arts Festival & Market

Saturday, January 7th • 11a-6p
FREE Admission
Featuring the best in artisan made products and natural healing practitioners! Intuitive Counsel, Aura Photography, Energy Work, Artisan made handcrafted Jewelry and organic products.
In San Antonio. MAP
Nature's Treasures wants to know...
What’s your focus going to be for 2024?
Choose from these options...
Body Health
Mental Health
Spiritual Health
Home Improvement
Featured Products
In-Store Features
In the Showroom!
Restocked: Jasper Hearts
In the Depot!
Rough Purple Opal
At the Counter!
Silver and Gold Jewelry
Online Store Features
.925 Sterling Silver
currently retailing for $69.99.
Garnet is January's birthstone
Seeking Balance Spa Collection
Renew - Seaside Cypress and Cedar Leaf currently retailing at $34.99.
by Judy Hall, currently retailing at $29.99. A wonderful book for those who want to learn more.
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*Rebuild habitat for endangered species and wildlife
*Grow fish populations and support sustainable harvesting
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Our Affiliates
Karen in Amethyst
Contact Information
Phone: 512.472.5015 

Store Hours
Sunday - Saturday 11:00a - 5:50p

Visit for Holiday Hours 
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