Conference Registration and information:
Family Connections Spring Conference: Saturday, March 18th. Lane Community College
Topic: Nature
Registration coming soon.
OAEYC Infant Toddler Institute
Friday, April 21, 2017
Lane Community College, Eugene OR
OAEYC Professional Development Institute
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Lane Community College,
Eugene OR
Required classes for Office of Child Care Licensing.
Food Handlers:
FC offers Food Handler Manuals for self study option ONLY- $10.00
First Aid CPR Training
Receive a Two Year FA/CPR Certification- $40.00
Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect.
Attend this class once
Cost $10.00
Review how the college announces weather delays and closures by visiting the Weather Closures Questions and Answers web page at:
for more information on class dates, times, topics and location.
Registration is required: call 541-346-2578 or email:
or text to: 541-393-7200
Resources for Inspiring Universal Outdoor Play Access
Creating inclusive outdoor play opportunities does not have to be costly or time-consuming. Many of the activities a child care provider does indoors can be transferred to a yard or playground with a little bit of planning. Included on this sheet are questions to ask to ensure an outdoor area can be inclusive of all children, ideas for inclusive games, and URLs for playgrounds that have been designed for universal assess.
Each person registering for a class needs to register with our on-line system, if you have taken classes with us in the last two years, you have a login. When you go to the website, enter your email, click forgot password and a password will be emailed.
Whether you call or sign up on line, payment for classes
will only be accepted with Visa or Mastercard at time of registration.
approval, we are able to accept checks and cash in our offices. Placement in a requested class will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.
We are not responsible for any
CASH mailed to us. Payments are non-transferable from person to person.
If you show up to a class without pre-registration you could be turned away, not receive a certificate and be charged double for the class.
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be received prior to the class the latest is by 3pm on the class date. In the event that class is cancelled, by either CCRR or the participant, CCRR will issue a class credit, within our Pro Class system, that can be used to attend future classes. If you miss a class and have not given a prior notice you will not receive a class credit.
Family Connections Scholarship Opportunity
Family Connections of Lane and Douglas Counties are excited to offer this unique opportunity to apply for funds to further support your desire to pursue an early childhood education degree or certificate. Funds will be dispersed on a first come/first served basis, so apply quickly. You may be awarded up to $250 in scholarship funds.
Department of Human Services (DHS) Child Care Provider Types:
A child care provider must be approved by DHS before being eligible to receive payment for child care services on behalf of a subsidy family. To be approved by DHS, all providers must submit a completed Child Care Provider Listing form (DHS 7494) to the Direct Pay Unit (DPU). A provider may have additional requirements to complete before or after being approved by DHS. Requirements are based upon the type of child care provider. Once approved, DHS child care providers must continue to meet DHS provider requirements. A full list of the DHS provider requirements can be found in the DHS Child Care Provider Guide (DHS 7492).
Classrooms as the Root of Challenging Behaviors
by: Michelle Salcedo
In early childhood classrooms across the country, teachers struggle with addressing challenging behaviors. The image of a gardener tending to a plant provides us with a different lens through which we can examine this topic. When faced with a plant that does not thrive, the dedicated gardener will leave no stone unturned in the quest to discover why. Does it need more (or less) water? Is it receiving enough sun? Is the soil giving the plant the nutrients it needs? All of these may be impacting a plant's development. Rarely does a gardener throw up her hands and declare the plant as unfit. Similarly, when a child exhibits challenging behaviors, what if, instead of blaming the child, we were to look first at the environment? What if the focus were to shift from fixing the child to adapting the conditions in which the child is growing and learning? There is great power to lessen the incidences of challenging behaviors and increase learning (Katz,2015) when teachers create learning environments shaped around children's needs (Clayton & Forton, 2001:Inan, 2009)
Young children have not yet formed the ability to articulate, or even understand, the motivations behind their behaviors. When asked,"Why did you do that" children may reply with a blank stare, and "I don't know," or a shrug of the shoulders.
The Office of Child Care is beginning their Health and Safety Review visits for Regulated Subsidy Providers. Visits will be conducted at the site where child care is being provided, this includes if the care is provided in the home of the child. The OCC staff member will be checking to make sure the site meets all health and safety requirements as well as providing assistance when necessary.
Here is a copy of the
During Fall term 2016, Family Connections of Lane County started offering two Set 2 classes at a reduced price.
This opportunity gives providers two Set 2 classes on a Saturday. If a provider only takes one of the classes the cost is $30.00. If a provider takes both of the classes on the same day, we will drop the price from $60.00 for both classes, to $40.00 for both classes!
We have received great feedback from providers about this combination of Set 2 classes.
During Winter 2017 we will be offering two of these Saturdays:
Saturday February 11, 2017 will offer two Set 2 classes with Crystal Persi. These classes have CKC's of DIV, 2.0 LEC, and 1.0 O&A.
Saturday March 4, 2017 will offer two Set 2 classes with Aoife Magee. These classes have a CKC of UGB for both for a total of 6 hours in UGB.
Look for these classes in our training bulletin.
They are highlighted in green!
Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development Web Site:
This free web site covers the most up-to-date scientific knowledge on early childhood development, from conception to age five. Topics at the web site include: Behavior, Education and Learning, Health and Nutrition, Pregnancy, Family, Services and Policy.
New Health and Safety Training Requirements from the Office of Child Care: Who is required to take the Introduction to Child Care Health and Safety Training?
Registered Family Child Care Providers:
- All new registered family child care providers must complete this training as part of the application process
- All new substitutes must complete the training prior to working with children.
- All current registered family providers and substitutes must complete the training by June 30th, 2017.
Read English Here Read Spanish Here Certified Family Child Care Providers:
- All new caregivers and substitutes must complete the training with 30 days.
- All current caregivers and substitutes must complete the training by June 30th, 2017
Read English Here Read Spanish Here Certified Child Care Center:
- All new caregivers and substitutes must complete the training within 30 days
- All current caregivers and substitutes must complete the training by June 30th, 2017
Read English Here Read Spanish Here