Wild Horses singer Joelle Platt, known as a stellar performer and communicator with a voice that resonates deeply, profoundly, and hauntingly. Joelle created Wild Horses as an outlet to revive the beauty and energy of rock music, the soul of classic country, all with a modern edge and the dreamy melodic music she grew up on.

Stay tuned... don't miss a beat. Learn more on YouTube!
Raven has always had a love for music. She has been singing since age 8 and has played violin since age 10. Her father is also a musician. What once was a career goal has shifted into a need for healing and personal expression for Raven. She was a part of the music ministry at CSLN from 2016 - 2019 and enjoys the teachings as they resonate with her beliefs. When she is not performing as a Stereo Angel, she is writing music for solo projects as well as creating cards for her soon to be released sea inspired oracle deck. Both the songs and the cards are rooted in her journey through grief and healing and she hopes others will find them relatable and useful on their paths.
Mark Horwitz: keyboard 
Chris Schmoke: bass
Brian Wright: electric guitar
Spencer Strand: drums
Gregory Price: percussion
Music director: Larry Faragalli: guitar

Host and Closing Treatment: Marietta Carter, RScP
Reading and Treatment: Rev. Marla Sanderson, RScP

Greeters/Ushers: J.W. & Meredith Green
Hospitality: Kim Tyson
Audio/Visual: AJ Bigler, Ray Dryden
Board Member on Duty: Meredith Green

Creative Youth - 10:30 AM
ATTENTION PARENTS: We will be re-opening our Youth program! More info to come in the following weeks.

Meditation - 10:15 AM
Join us in the lovely turquoise classroom upstairs for meditation before the Sunday Service from 10:15 am to 10:45 am.

Service Begins - 11:00 AM
To view LIVE on Sundays CST, Click: CSLN.TV
Here is a link to last week's service.

After Service
Join us in the Fellowship Hall for coffee & tea after service.
We are a caring community. We care about you and the wellbeing of everyone. We ask that if you are not feeling good or if you are sick please stay at home and watch our service and give your offering online. We ask that if you find yourself at the center and realize you are sick, please take a mask to prevent spreading your germs to others. Hand sanitizers are available throughout the building.

Our buyers have asked for a two week extension so our new closing date has been moved to March 14. We want to make sure everyone knows what our timeline is and ways that everyone can help so you will receive a more detailed letter by email this week.

In the meantime, the important dates to know are:
February 23 - Goodwill is coming to get all of the items that are on the tables and benches in the back corner of the Fellowship Hall. So take a look at what is on the tables and on the benches and see if there is something you'd like to take home for a second life.

February 25 - Last day for the lending library. Peruse our selection of books and help yourself. Su will be adding more books from the bookstore so even if you think you've seen it all, there will be more!

February 26 - The movers are coming to take everything to our new space at Unity Nashville. Just a couple of items will be left behind to be moved later.

March 3 - Potluck/party to say thank you to all this building has given us.

March 10 - Last Sunday service at 6705 Charlotte Pike. There will be cake, coffee and probably some tears.

March 11 - Moving our AV equipment and those last remaining items we needed for the last 2 weeks.

March 17 - First Sunday service at Unity Nashville, 5125 Franklin Pike. Don't forget, our service will start at noon!

Date TBD - Celebration party in our new space!

Keep your eye out for the email update this week. There is more detail and many opportunities to volunteer to make this move successful!

Please remember to keep our dear community members, Candy Paull and Gary Hoffman in your thoughts and prayers. If you know of other community members facing health issues, please let us know so we can lift them up also.

  • To help us with our transition to the Unity campus, CSLN is happy to announce the Rev. Denise Yeargin is joining us in a staff position as our Transition Director! As you know, there are many moving parts that we are navigating and Denise has moved 3 (yes, we said 3!) spiritual centers. We are happy to welcome Denise and are so grateful to have her knowledge and heart leading us through the transition.

  • Declutter/Packing - Need Help This Friday 2/9 and Saturday 2/10 - 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM. Please let Karen know if you can help.
Call or text 585-747-9696.

  • Please continue to check the items on the rectangular tables in the back corner of the fellowship hall and the lending library. Every week we are adding new items that are free for you to take! Make our stuff your stuff!

  • As you know, we have been in the process of hiring and looking for volunteers to reactivate our youth program. We have a few possible candidates and volunteers now so we have put together a team to help craft what our program will look like. If you would like to be on the Child and Family Program team to help us plan a vibrant youth program, please let Rekell know by emailing

  • Check out: all the Free items in the Fellowship Hall plus ALL the books in the Lending Library are free. Enjoy!

Women's Circle
Every Thursday 12 - 1 PM on Zoom.

Men's Circle
Every Wednesday in the downstairs classroom at the Center from
6:30 - 8:30 PM.
 Rev. Marla Sanderson, RScP

There is just one thing going on in the entire universe, and that is Divine Life expressing Itself through all living beings. This Divine One is all creative, all knowing, and everywhere present; so it is in me now and always, just as It is in each of us. My life becomes what I think about, talk about, and believe myself to be. Knowing this, I declare right now that my life is joyously blessed by this Infinite Creator in new and wonderful ways. My body is healed and blessed by Divine Life, my mind is guided by Divine Wisdom, and I am prospered by Divine Abundance. I am so grateful that I have learned how the creative process works in my life, and I continue to get better at creating the life of my desires. With deep thanks, I release these words to the Creative Law and know it is already so. And so it is.

Rev. Marla Sanderson
Need a Spiritual Mind Treatment? Click the link above to select a Practitioner and the individual contact form to submit a request.
Giving to our Center is a statement of support to our healing and teaching Ministry. It is also a gift to yourself and your intention to live a joyous, Spiritual, centered life.

Please make your gift online or send by mail to:
Center for Spiritual Living Nashville
6705 Charlotte Pike, Nashville TN 37209
Phone 615-356-0174 ❤︎

105 Total

76 In-Person

29 Online


$2,353 Total

$1,298 In-Person

$1,055 Online
Have something to share with the community? Email
to post a note here!
February 18:
Rev. Gregory Fisher
Find treatments submitted by Practitioners: Click
Past newsletters: Click
Deadline for newsletter submission is Monday at midnight.