Eligibility and Submission Requirements
1. Completed Application. Applicants must submit a completed, signed, and dated application by March 1, 2025. Applications submitted after the due date or in an incomplete format will not be considered.
2. Submission Format. All documents must be formatted as a single PDF, including:
a. the application (see below)
b. personal essay
c. two (2) letters of recommendation.
3. Eligibility Criteria
a. Current program director of a CAAHEP-accredited or CoAEMSP Letter of Review AEMT or paramedic education program.
b. Program affiliation in good standing. Good standing is a program with no adverse accreditation action in the past 3 years, including suspension, revocation, or probation.
c. An individual who embodies a commitment to educational excellence and servant leadership and embraces accreditation as a continuous quality improvement process.
4. Essay. Submit an original essay addressing:
a. Your commitment to advancing excellence in AEMT or paramedic education.
b. How attending CoAEMSP’s ACCREDITCON will enhance your role as a program director and support high educational standards.
c. The impact this scholarship will have on your professional development and the students you serve.
5. Letters of Recommendation. Provide two (2) letters of professional reference. Each letter should attest to your:
a. Dedication to AEMT or paramedic education and accreditation.
b. Leadership abilities and commitment to professional excellence.
c. Personal and professional character.
6. Application Submission. Submit the completed application package in PDF to yorkfund@coaemsp.org. Include "Douglas K. York Endowed Scholarship Application" in the subject line.
7. Questions? Contact Mike Miller at mike@coaemsp.org or 214.703.8445, x120.