Trinity Tidings

The Presentation of

Jesus in the Temple

February 2, 2025

 Click link for the Sunday Morning Scripture Readings

Welcome Tom Stansbury “Honorary Bell Committee Member”

       What a smile!

It has been a wonderful start of the new year and thought it would be beneficial to give the parish an update of the Bell. The bell needed to be greased because it was sounding like the Tin Man in Wizard of Oz. reeech, reeech… While up there a beautiful smaller bell was hanging all by itself. But it was all rusted, painted over, and missing a clapper. Well, it said to me “I’m alone up here hanging free but; someone, someone, please take care of me.” The smaller bell is currently being refurbished. Surprise what is underneath all the rust, paint and patina was this amazing bell shining through with a luster of polished metal. The bell (s) need some regular maintenance, and a direction of the use of the bells at Trinity. Presently, I have had several interested parishioners who have shared great and wonderful stories about the bells.

David Hinton

Sunday Schedule

8:15am . . Holy Eucharist Rite II

9:00am . . Nursery Opens

9:15am . . Sunday Adult Education

10:30am . Holy Eucharist Rite II

Weekday Schedule

Monday 9am - EfM

Tuesday 9am - Worship in the Courtyard

Tuesday NOON - Women's Bible/Book Study...(1st & 3rd Tuesdays)

Wednesday 9am - Men's Bible Study

On Line Services

This Sunday, we will livestream the service of Holy Eucharist. It will be available on Trinity’s Youtube page beginning at 10:20am. Anytime after 10:20am click on the above YouTube link to go to Trinity’s YouTube channel. There you will see “Live” or “Live Now” and click on it to join the service. If it is not there, refresh the page after a couple of minutes.

Click link for the livestream bulletin.


Jan 29 - Mary Ashcroft

Jan 30 - Penny Lloyd

Jan 31 - Marty Day

Feb 4 - Sharon Hawley

Feb 4 - Carl Nicholl

James Roy (Jim) Marquess

Our beloved brother in Christ Jim Marquess died on Sunday, January 26 following a long, courageous struggle for health. Jim had not been able to participate much over the last few years, but he was always a faithful disciple at Trinity. Among other ministries, Jim served on Vestry, as Audit Chair, and as Usher and Greeter on Sunday mornings. He was a devoted member of Men's Bible Study. Jim and his wife Rita participated in Education for Ministry together. Please hold Rita, Jim's wife of 40 years, and their family in your prayers. We will keep you updated once a service is planned. 

Rest eternal grant to Jim, O Lord, and may light perpetual shine upon him.

Almighty God, Father of mercies and giver of comfort: bring your grace to Rita and her family that, casting all their care upon you, they may know the consolation of your love.

Ministry & Outreach Meeting

Tuesday, Feb. 18 at 3:30 PM

Parish Hall Classroom

Repeats monthly, every 3rd Tuesday at 3:30 PM through October.

Sunday Adult Education

9:15am - Parish Hall Classroom

 Feb. 2—Celebrating Holy Days!

A holy day is any day set apart for special observance because of its significance for faith. The BCP Calendar of the church year (BCP, pp. 15-18), specifically lists as holy days the Feasts of our Lord, and other major feasts and fasts. Join us with BCP readings for all holy days. Sunday is Candlemas - come learn more!


Sunday Adult Education Lenten Series

Beginning Feb. 16—Surprised by Hope

We will explore the content within Surprised by Hope, written by N. T. Wright, about Christian assumptions about the afterlife, the resurrection, and the mission of the church. No book required. 

Recommended Names for Rector Search

Please click here for form LINK.

Visit Trinity's Website

Trinity Church Office: 830.693.2822 | Office Hours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

  The Rev. Claire Field, Interim Rector

 The Rev. Robert Chambers, Assisting Supply Priest

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