Wednesday, January 29th, 2025

Worship Preview

Traditional Worship

Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!

Hymn of Promise

I Come with Joy

Here I Am, Lord

Rev. Stephen Grantham

Scripture: Luke 4:21-30

Six Stone Jars: Fill My Wound with Healing

A Word for the Hometown Crowd

Anchor Modern Worship

There's Nothing That Our God Can't Do

Same God

House Of Miracles

I Speak Jesus

Rev. Meg Procopio

Scripture: Luke 4:21-30

Six Stone Jars:

Fill My Wound with Healing

Church News



Six Stone Jars: The Economy of Jesus

We are three weeks into Six Stone Jars: The Economy of Jesus as our sermon series, a six-week study that focuses on abundance. At times, life can feel like we’re “running out” of so much, and scarcity is shutting down the party. In these moments, we are invited to turn to the currency and economy of Jesus. In His economy, the true measure of abundance is fullness for the whole community, not just for some.

This Sunday, we will focus on "filling our wound with healing." We can't wait to see you there!

Staff Parish Committee Update 

It is with bittersweet emotions that we inform the congregation that Andrew and Lizzy Parnell will be moving to Tallahassee, Florida. Lizzy has accepted a promotional opportunity with Tallahassee Memorial Health and will be leaving in the first week of February. Andrew will continue serving our Student Ministry families for a little while longer, and we are grateful for his dedication.

"This decision was not made lightly but with much prayer and consideration. While it is difficult for us to move, we know that God is guiding our family to this next chapter. We are so grateful for the time and dedication each of you have invested in our youth group. We pray that the support will continue. As we look ahead, we remain excited about the important events we have planned and are confident that Ignite Student Ministries will continue to grow and thrive. With God's guidance, we will carry forward the foundation that has been built, and trust that new leaders will rise to continue the work. It has been an absolute honor to get to know each of you and your students. These are bright young men & women of God. They have so much love, energy, and perseverance in them, and we believe that they are building the kingdom of God."

-Andrew and Lizzy Parnell

Ignite Student Ministry

Super Bowl Sub Fundraiser

Place your sub order by February 4th!


Arts on the Island Line Dancing

February 7th at 7:00 PM in the Ministry Center.


Volunteers Needed!

Our students need your help! We need one weekly volunteer to provide, serve, and clean up after a Sunday night meal starting at 5:00 PM. There are still slots open in April and May, and we hope you will consider helping us out!

Please sign up to feed our students HERE!


Guatemala Mission Trip 2025

We are so grateful to send a team to Guatemala again on February 1st! Please pray for each team member specifically - Johanna Parr, Natalia Martinez, Joy Thompson, Scott Vann, and Julie Vann. Please pray for safety and good health and that we will represent Christ in all that we say and do.

This year, the team goes as learners, asking that through the power of the Holy Spirit, God will give us wisdom and revelation to know Him better and know and see His people as He sees them. Ephesians 1:18-19

We go as servants, asking God to help us show the people the full extent of our love - even when it may be difficult - ust as Jesus did when He washed the dirty feet of the disciples. John 13:1

And we return home as storytellers, to share how God worked in and through us on the trip. We serve to glorify God, and if we don’t tell the story, then how can others know? Ephesians 6:19-20

Other Church News


*Please note that if you already purchased a ticket, you are automatically registered for the new date and DO NOT need to repurchase one.

Good Samaritan Circle

The Good Samaritan Circle will meet for fellowship, snacks, and a special program on Friday, February 7, at 10:00am in the Green House. Barbara Wilson, director of Stephen Ministries, will share important information about this valuable ministry with us.

Also, please bring a food donation for Wesley Community Center. Needed items are peanut butter, canned meat, cereal, rice, and grits. Please bring in small cans, bags, etc. We hope to see a big crowd!! 

Valentine's Luncheon

All women of the church age 85 and older are invited to a special Valentine's Luncheon on February 12th at Noon hosted by the Lunch Bunch Circle. Please RSVP to Nancy Montford at 912.660.7328 by February 6th.

Eyes Upon the Cross Auditions

Isle of Hope UMC presents: Eyes Upon the Cross, a fresh and powerful portrayal of the crucifixion story, exploring the raw emotions and conflicting perspectives of those who experienced the life and death of Christ.

Open Auditions will be held in the Ministry Center on Monday, February 10th, and Tuesday, February 11th, including callbacks if needed from 6:00 – 9:00 PM. Rehearsals are scheduled for Mondays and Tuesdays beginning February 17th. The performance will be on Sunday, April 13th, at 5:00 PM.

If you are interested in auditioning, please call Director, Andrea Verdis at 912-210-9908 for more information.

No monologues required - just be prepared to do a Cold Reading from the script.

Join Our Usher Team!

We’re looking for friendly faces to serve as ushers on Sunday mornings! If you enjoy welcoming others and helping create a warm worship experience, we’d love to have you on the team. Interested? Contact Sydney Rangeley at for more details!

Glad Tidings - Spring Planning 2025

Check out this important edition of our Glad Tidings Newsletter! It highlights all of the events from each ministry up to Easter. Be sure to register for all of our events at


Ways to Give

  • In Person - On Sunday mornings, before or after worship, place your offering in the designated box or basket at church.
  • Online - Visit our website to make a one-time donation or recurring gift.
  • Text an amount to (912) 551-8087
  • Automated - Have your donation given automatically by setting up an automated transaction directly through your bank.
  • Mail - Mail your gift to Isle of Hope UMC, c/o Marla Grady, 412 Parkersburg Road, Savannah, Georgia 31406.
  • Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) or Planned Savings - Direct contributions can be made from a retirement fund, and allow tax benefits.
  • Give Stock - Stock can be transferred to the church investment account. Contact Marla Grady in the church office for more information.
Isle of Hope United Methodist Church |