Dear Andrea,

This Week's Topic is About Using Herbs Medicinally!

"What Would Andrea Do?"

Question 4: Are store-bought herbal teas medicinal?

Probably not. Here is why! I asked an expert.

When I left Fort Myers, Fl last summer, I said goodbye to one of my favorite people and a top-notch healers, Annaliese Klein A.P., Dipl.O.M. (NCCAOM). Anna and I met each other fifteen years ago. After she became a TCM Acupuncturist and Herbalist, I became her patient. Anna has been my trusted advisor on so many health issues over the years.

I used to regularly buy her homemade herbal teas including my favorite, a digestive blend. She once explained to me that the store bought teas were not potent enough to have any medicinal effect. Since it is no longer practical for me to order teas from her, Anna kindly provided me with the recipe. I purchased only organic herbs either locally or from Mountain Rose Herbs online. See my video below for how easy it is to make this tea.

By the way if you live in Southwest Florida and want to learn from Annaliese, she is offering two programs at 12 Seasons Farm in Alva this spring on Cooking with Medicinal Plants. These events will be held Saturday Feb 10th at 10 am and Mar. 9th at 10 am.

To sign up or for more information, please click here. Watch my video below to see how easy it is to make your own herbal tea. Anna's recipe is on the video page under notes.

*A caveat: my advice is offered for educational purposes only. It does not replace the advice of your medical professional.

Click here if you want to submit a question!

What Anxiety Is NOT!

It is not a disease

It is not a feeling

It is not a weakness or a flaw

It is a thought that is created by a nervous system that has gotten dysregulated and has what could be called a faulty alarm that rings fire even if there is none, according to Neurologist Dr. Russel Kennedy.

Please read this week's blog to find out what I learned about anxiety by listening to Dr. Russell Kennedy and read this illuminating book. It is helping me and could help you!

Click here to finish the article!

Yoga Classes Twice a Week Online!

Classes this week are Tuesday and Thursday at 9 am ET


Classes are held online so all you have to do is roll out of bed and link to the class in Zoom. Some of my students keep the camera off the whole time. I stay before and after class to chat.

If you want to know more about this or join our classes, click here. Themes change weekly based on the season and my clients' needs.

These are not your everyday Yoga classes. These classes are packed full of ways to heal, including vagus nerve toning practices, lifestyle advice, breath practices, movement practices based in the Somatic and Yin Yoga traditions, and HeartMath emotional regulation practices.

In addition to my 10+ years of teaching Yoga and my numerous advanced certifications, I am a certified health coach, certified HeartMath trainer and coach and a former high school and college science teacher.

Click here to join Andrea's Yoga Classes

If You are Feeling Anxious or Disconnected Join me for our monthly FREE WeAddHeart HeartMath Meditation

Time and Date: Wednesday: January 31st 7 pm ET

Location: Zoom at this link

Please let me know if you are coming by RSVPing here.

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