Dear Colleagues, 

Happy New Year! I hope you had a restful and joyous holiday break, filled with memorable moments and time to recharge. As we step into the new year, I am filled with optimism and excitement for what lies ahead. 


Listed below, we have an array of professional development and workshop opportunities. These sessions are designed to enhance teaching practices, foster collaboration, and support our commitment to providing the best educational experience for educators. I encourage you all to take advantage of these valuable opportunities. 


As we continue through the school year, let's carry forward the spirit of growth and learning. Together, we can achieve great things and make this year a remarkable one for our students and communities. 


Please feel free to share this newsletter with your colleagues or encourage them to sign up for this monthly publication. Thank you for your dedication and hard work. Here's to a successful and inspiring rest of the school year. 

In partnership, 

Lynn Mackey

Contra Costa County Superintendent of Schools

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A wide range of professional learning offerings from across the state to build capacity around serving our multilingual learners.

Audience: Site Administrators, Classroom Teachers, EL Leaders, TOSAs, Specialists

Cost: Free

Professional Learning Catalog

Strategies to support phonological/phonemic awareness and phonics paired with oral language. Learn to identify and address ML-EL students' strengths and unique needs in foundational literacy, recognize opportunities for cross-linguistic transfer and oral language development, and implement effective instructional practices. Attendees receive Literacy Foundations for English Learners by Dr. Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan. 

Audience: TK-3rd Grade Teachers, Instructional Coaches, TOSAs, EL Leaders 

Dates/Time: 1/9, 1/14, 3:30-5:30 p.m. 

Cost: Free 



3-day Instructional Rounds Training of Trainers to practice how to identify and analyze learning tasks for TK-6 multilingual learners (MLs) in dual language settings. The training is conducted in English with classroom visitations in the target language. Bilingual proficiency is optimal but not required. 

Audience: Elementary Administrators, Instructional Coaches, TOSAs, EL Leaders, Bilingual Teachers, DLI Staff 

Dates: 1/9, 1/23 or 1/30, 2/4 

Cost: Free 


The Strand features guidance provided in key California Department of Education resources, including the English Learner Roadmap policy, ELD Standards, ELA-ELD Framework, and Improving Education for Multilingual and English Learner Students: Research to Practice. 

Audience: Secondary Teacher Leaders in all Content Areas, EL Leaders 

Dates: 1/13 or 1/15, 2/3, 3/3, 4/7 

Cost: Free 



Sessions support teachers in designing responsive designated ELD lessons that build upon students’ knowledge across the disciplines. Teachers will expand their understanding of backward planning to identify English learners’ strengths and needs to provide targeted language instruction. 

Audience: Site Administrators, Classroom Teachers, EL Leaders 

Dates: 1/16, 3/6, 8:30-3pm 

Cost: Free



This virtual CoP is dedicated to building our collective knowledge and capacity to implement the Observation Protocol for Teachers of English Learners (OPTEL). 

Audience: EL Coordinators, Administrators, TOSAs, Specialists 

Dates: 1/17, 2/28, 3/21, 4/25, 5/23; 11am-12pm 

Cost: Free 



"Building Partnerships and Strengthening Collaboration for Multilingual Learner Success." Two mornings of learning from keynote speakers Lauren Markham, Director of Oakland International High School Learning Lab and Dr. Orlando Carreón, Assistant Professor at Sonoma State University. Hear about partnerships and network to explore new collaboration opportunities. 

Audience: Instructional Coaches, TOSAs, EL Leaders, District and Site Administrators 

Dates: 1/23 (virtual), 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 1/24 in-person, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at San Mateo County Office of Education 

Cost: Free 


Webinars will showcase expert practitioners sharing best practices and resources for serving 

newcomer youth. Registration information for individual session dates can be found on the website. 

Audience: EL Coordinators, Administrators, TOSAs, Specialists, Teachers 

Dates: 1/23, 2/20, 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 

Cost: Free 

January Registration

February Registration

More Info

Bay Area Regional Ethnic Studies Foundations Course

Asynchronous course for Ethnic Studies Teachers, 2 CE units available

Dates/Times: Self-paced

Audience: Ethnic Studies Teachers

Cost: $50 per credit (optional)

Location: Virtual

More Information


CCLA Online Courses for Learning Acceleration

The California Collaborative for Learning Acceleration (CCLA) offers access to free self-paced courses that provide evidence-based strategies to boost learning acceleration in the classroom. 

Available Online Courses: Learning Acceleration Introduction Course: This course provides an understanding of what learning acceleration is and why it is needed. It introduces the five components of CCLA: mastery of priority content, evidence-based strategies, Universal Design for Learning, culturally sustaining pedagogy, and social-emotional learning practices. These courses support evidence-based strategies to accelerate learning in math, literacy, and language development. Check out our new paraeducator courses too. 

Dates: Asynchronous

Audience: All TK-12 Educators

Cost: Free 

Location: Virtual

Website & Online Course Access

ECE – Early Care and Education

Preschool TK Learning Foundations PTKLF opportunity! Explore the PTKLF Math Strand with "Math in Motion."

Topic: Counting & Cardinality

Date: January 11

Audience: TK Educators in Contra Costa County

Location: Virtual



Additional PD Opportunities

PTKLF Training Opportunities 

Are you looking for resources to train teachers in the new PTKLF? See training resources:  

California Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations |  

California Early Childhood Online (CECO) funded by CDSS  

California PTKLF - Child Development (CA Dept of Education)  


The California Preschool Instructional Network invites you to attend our regional professional development sessions for PK/TK teachers, IAs, home based providers and others in the early learning field – virtually and in person. 

Topic: Math in Motion 

Audience: Early Childhood Teachers, Caregivers, TK Teachers and Instructional Assistants, Directors, Administrators 

Date: January 11

Location: In Person at the Pleasant Hill Senior Center, Pleasant Hill 

Cost: Free 



Topic: Creating Equitable Early Learning Environments for Young Boys of Color  

Audience: Early Childhood Teachers, Caregivers, TK Teachers and Instructional Assistants, Directors, Administrators 

Location: First session – in person at the Berkeley South Branch Library

Date: January 18

Cost: $100 


*Participants need a Workforce Registry (WFR) Number to enroll in these sessions. More information about the WFR can be found at 

*Registration for all sessions closes one week prior to each session. 

Getting Reading Right: Filling the Gaps in the Secondary ELA Classroom

Teachers of older students who are struggling readers need research-based tools and strategies for addressing reading gaps, not just scaffolds as band-aids. Participants will explore best practices for helping students master the code, develop fluency, and build content vocabulary knowledge. It’s time to get reading right in our middle and high school ELA classrooms! Join us for this monthly learning opportunity. You can earn one graduate unit for participation at an additional cost.

Audience: Grades 6-8 ELA Teachers, TOSAs, Instructional Coaches, Site/District Leaders

Dates/Time: January 13, February 3, March 3, April 7, May 5 / 3:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual

Cost: Free


Clear Administrative Services Credential Program Winter Cohort Deadline Extended!

Are you a new administrator that needs to clear your Preliminary Administrative Services Credential? Our Winter Cohort begins on February 17 and has extended the enrollment deadline to January 15. The CCCOE Clear program provides a high-quality, two-year induction program for beginning administrators. Highlights include One-on-one coaching by an experienced administrator and certified leadership coach, and self-selected professional learning. Visit our CACP page for more information and to schedule an advisement meeting.  

CCCOE & College Board: Unlocking Opportunities Beyond the SAT 

Presented by Andy Bride, Associate Director at The College Board. With a mindset of equity in education for all students, Bride offers insight to help districts focus their efforts on unlocking the widest array of post-secondary options for every student. His session topics include: PSAT 8/9, Big Future, Pre AP, AP African American Studies, AP PreCalc, AP Seminar, Career Kickstart, and New Courses. 

Audience: District Leaders, High School Principals, Counselors, Teacher Leaders

Dates/Times: January 15, February 5, March 12, April 16, May 7,

3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Location: Virtual


Unlocking Empathy: Experiencing Dyslexia Workshop Series featuring University of La Verne 

This 2-part workshop series provides a unique opportunity for all educators to participate in an experience that will reshape your perspective, deepen your understanding of dyslexia, and elevate your impact as an educator. 

Dates: January 16 and 23

Audience: K-12 educators, administrators, paraeducators 

Location: Virtual 

Cost: Free 



California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Conference & National Adapted Physical Education Conference 

Make Inclusivity Happen Tour: This Conference provides hands on learning and networking for those interested in Health Education, Physical Education, Adapted Physical Education, Recreation, Dance, Physical Activity, Sports and Athletics. Join us for the largest gathering of PE, Health, Recreation, Dance and other movement related professionals in California.   

Date: January 22-25

Location: Pasadena Convention Center 

Audience: Educators and Administrators 

Cost: $435 


CCLA Virtual Statewide Literacy Workshops Series  

Session 3: Igniting your Reading Comprehension Lessons! 

Come together with educators statewide to gain knowledge and deepen understanding of learning acceleration. Explore key tools and strategies needed to design high-quality lessons that support reading comprehension instruction effectively in both whole group and small-group settings which can accelerate learning. 

Audience: TK-12 Educators, Coaches, Administrators 

Date: January 23, 3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

Location: Virtual

Cost: Free 

Registration  Flyer

Navigating AI In Education: Insights For Families 

This webinar for families is hosted by the Contra Costa County Office of Education and Common Sense Education. Discussion points include benefits and concerns of AI in schools, real-life example and success stories, and tips about how to support your student’s AI-driven learning at home. Facilitated by Jamie Nuñez of Common Sense Education. 

Audience: Contra Costa Families and others interested in AI use in education 

Cost: Free 

Date: January 23, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 



Improving A-G Completion Rates, an Equity Driven Professional Learning Series, in Partnership with Lawrence Hall of Science

Audience: District Leaders, High School Principals, Middle School Principals, Counselors, Teacher Leaders

Dates/Time: January 24, March 13, May 8/ 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual

Cost: Free



Teacher Induction Program 

Partnering with New Teacher Project Santa Cruz to offer RICA test prep courses in 2025:  

RICA Subtests– January 25 & 26


RICA Subtests– March 18, 20, 25, 26



AI in Education

Empowering Through AI - Educate, Innovate and Elevate

3 Strands: Educators (monthly virtual), Policy (Ed Tech Subcommittee) and CCCOE Staff (Monthly Lunch and Learn).

Audience: Educators, CCCOE Staff

Dates/Time: January 27, February 22, March 24, April 28; times vary

Lunch and Learn & Monday of the Month: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Cost: Free



California Universal Design for Learning (CAUDL) Summit

The second annual California Universal Design for Learning (CAUDL) Leading the Way Summit is now open for registration. The two-day event features local Universal Design for Learning experts and opportunities for participants to engage in workshops, discussions, presentations, and networking.

Audience: District Leaders, High School Principals, Middle School Principals, Counselors, Teacher Leaders

Dates/Time: January 30-31

Location: San Joaquin County Office of Education, Wentworth Education Center (WEC), 2707 Transworld Dr., Stockton, CA 95206

Cost: $175 for in-person, $75 for hybrid via zoom (not all sessions are hybrid)



Project ARISE Workshop: Biliteracy Instruction, a Two-Part Series 

Gain an overview of the dual language brain research as it applies to the science of reading for multilingual learners, explore explicit cross-language connections and contrastive analysis, and how small instructional tweaks can build on home language. 

Dates: January 30 and February 27

Audience: K-12 educators, especially dual language teachers and administrators 

Location: Virtual 

Cost: Free 



Social Emotional Learning and Academic Integration

This engaging webinar will set you up for success with SEL and Academic integration, no matter where you are with your SEL learning journey. You will collaborate with colleagues from across the state to deepen equity-centered SEL foundations, and experience dynamic activities that will deepen your adult SEL and classroom practices. You will gain access to a teacher-created bank of activities and lessons differentiated by grade level and content area that will help you easily and effectively integrate social and emotional learning into your academic content. 

Audience: TK-12 Teachers

Date/Time: February 5, March 19, 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 

Cost: Free 

Location: Virtual

Register for 1 date

Project ARISE: Using Executive Functions to Support Holistic Literacy Development 

Learn what holistic skills and experiences are required for reading and how to use a tool to build students’ executive function to support literacy acquisition  

Date: Feb. 24

Audience: K-12 educators and administrators 

Location: Virtual 

Cost: Free 



Integrating Computational Thinking, Math and Science Professional Learning Series 

Join facilitators from the Lawrence Hall of Science for a yearlong series, including three full in-person days at the Contra Costa County Office of Education and one virtual follow up session. Integrating computational thinking, mathematics, and science enhances students' comprehension and engagement. Gain foundational knowledge and practical strategies. Teams are encouraged to register. 

Audience: TK-12 Educators, Coaches, Administrators 

Dates/Time: February 24 / in-person at CCCOE at 9:00 a.m. and April 23, Virtual at 3:30 p.m.

Location: In- Person and one Virtual Session

Cost: Free 


Learning Acceleration Leadership Series 

Learning acceleration is a mindset shift. Strategically approaching what you 

are already doing to best support implementation of instructional practices 

that bridge to grade level content for all students, especially those with unfinished learning. Come learn more about Learning Acceleration and how it could fit into your site plan. 

Audience: Site or District Leaders, Coaches/TOSA’s, Teacher Leaders 

Dates/Time: February 28, April 18 / 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 

Location: CCCOE, 77 Santa Barbara Rd., Pleasant Hill 

Cost: Free 



Contra Costa County Science and Engineering Fair 

The Contra Costa County Science & Engineering Fair (CCCSEF) is set for March 13-15, 2025 at Los Medanos College in Pittsburg. It is only open to students who attend school in Contra Costa County. Students select a project topic from six categories.  

Date: Applications due January 17, Fair March 13 -15

Audience: 7th- 12th grade students 

Cost: $35 


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Contra Costa County Library News


January is Picture Book Month and the Library is celebrating with the theme “Bundle Up with Picture Books.” There is nothing simple about the benefits of reading picture books with young (and not so young) children. They help children learn about the structure of a story while building vocabulary and comprehension. They are also a collective experience between a child, or a group of children, and a trusted adult. Reading books together builds a bond that is very special and unique. Bundle Up with Picture Books this month and every month. Stop by any branch to enjoy activities including a cozy seek and find, hot cocoa craft, and a book bundle checkout challenge. Visit the Library online at to explore Bundle Up booklists, discover more Bundle Up events, and virtually log activities and reading time.

New Library Courtesy Notices

Beginning January 13, 2025, look for changes to the account notification emails from the Library. All notices will have “Contra Costa County Library” in the subject line and the body will now include graphics and book covers when possible. There will be due date reminders and overdue notices. Print notifications will no longer be available, but patrons still have the option to be notified by phone. Please visit or visit your local library to update or add an email address or phone number to your account to receive account notifications. California residents with cards in good standing and less than one year expired may renew their accounts online or visit a local library with a valid ID.

Washington Post

Get online access to expert reporting and analysis from Washington and around the world, including award-winning investigative coverage and editorial commentary. Also included are a searchable 15-year backfile, recipes, and crossword puzzles. Visit the Digital Resources page at to get started.

Trails and Tales

Tuesday, January 14, 10 a.m. – Kennedy Grove Regional Recreation Area

Enjoy a nature walk with a Naturalist followed by storytime with a Librarian! This program is part of a special partnership between the Contra Costa County Library and the East Bay Regional Parks. This event will be located at Kennedy Grove Regional Recreation Area at 6531 San Pablo Dam Rd, El Sobrante.

Begin the New Year with Meditation

Tuesday, January 14, 6 p.m. – via Zoom

Join Ajili Hodari, Esq for this powerful program and learn a simple meditation technique to reclaim your peace and incorporate more positivity and relaxation into your daily routine. Registration is required to receive Zoom link.

Sweet Thursday Presents: Brian Copeland

Thursday, January 16, 7 p.m. – Lafayette Library

Author Brian Copeland discusses his debut novel Outraged, a fresh voice in the crime fiction arena blending action, mystery, and social commentary. Orinda Books will be onsite for book sales. Registration is required.

Step Dancing with Marina Vista Elementary Step Dancing Club

Saturday, January 25, 10:30 a.m. – Pittsburg Library

Watch dancers from Marina Vista Elementary School's step dancing club demonstrate their skills and learn a few moves for yourself!

More Info

For more information on all Contra Costa County Library programs, digital resources and events, visit

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Each year, Travis Credit Union rewards 20 local college bound students with $2,000 scholarships. Application Info:

Bay Area All-Star Scholarship Team (BAASST)

Scholarship opportunity for Bay Area college bound high school seniors called Bay Area All-Star Scholarship Team (BAASST). Since its inception in 1996, the Golden State Warriors in partnership with other Bay Area professional sports teams has awarded Bay Area students with scholarships through the BAASST program. Each Bay Area team has the honor of selecting one deserving student each year to receive a BAASST scholarship to support their pursuit of higher education. This year, the Golden State Warriors will select one extraordinary student from the Contra Costa or San Mateo County.


Please thoroughly review this application. Below are a few key takeaways:  

  • Each school is encouraged to nominate up to four students.
  • Upon student selection, please forward this application to the student nominee to complete:
  • Application deadline: Sunday, February 16, 2025
  • Student must attach all required documents to be considered:
  • 2-3 page essay
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Official transcript(s)
  • Note that the application must be submitted by the student and may require additional support from you to collect all required materials.
  • The BAASST scholarship recipients will be selected and notified in March 2025
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The California Coastal Commission Offers TWO Student Contests

  • California students in kindergarten through 12th grade are invited to submit artwork or poetry with a California coastal or marine theme to the Coastal Art & Poetry Contest, presented by the California Coastal Commission.

Entries can be submitted online by 5pm on January 31st, 2025. For prize information, rules, contest flyer, entry form (and helpful links for teachers and students), please visit The instructions, flyer, and entry form are also available in Spanish.

  • California students in 6th through 12th grade are invited to submit a podcast, narrative essay, or photo essay to the Climate Storytelling Contest. Students choose one of the three mediums and answer the following prompt: What are your feelings towards climate change? How can those feelings be turned into action?

Entries can be submitted online by 5pm on May 29th, 2025. For prize information, rules, contest flyer, entry form (and helpful links for teachers and students), please visit

California Educators Together Guidebooks

Are you looking for high-quality, standards-aligned lessons to inspire your classroom? Guidebooks from California Educators Together have you covered. These curated resources offer lessons crafted with English language development and Universal Design for Learning scaffolding to support all learners. Whether you are teaching science, history, math, English language arts, or career and technical education, there is something for everyone. Each guidebook includes lesson plans, educator highlights, demo videos, podcasts, and access to free curriculum. 

New CYBHI for Schools Web Page

The Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI) is dedicated to making sure young people can access the services they need in the places and spaces where they spend the most time, and schools are critical to making that happen. The new CYBHI for Schools web page is a one-stop shop to find tools, information, resources, and programs designed to support TK–12 administrators, school health personnel, teachers, school staff, students, and families. 

News and Literacy for All Webinar Series 

The CDE is continuing to work with the News Literacy Project in conjunction with COEs in Santa Clara, Fresno, and San Diego and the California School Library Association to bring you a series of free virtual webinars with resources for educators to help hone their students’ news and media literacy skills. All the webinars start at 3:30 p.m. and will be accessed through Zoom.

· February 20, 2025: Artificial Intelligence Awareness and the Research Process 

· March 20, 2025: Algorithms, Building Search Habits 

· April 17, 2025: Making Sense of Data 


For more information, email Jennifer Howerter, Education Programs Consultant, at

Educational Programming of edTV 

Looking for some additional quality Monday-Friday educational programming at home or in the classroom? Check out the latest edTV broadcasts.

edTV can be found in most of Contra Costa County on cable channels 32 (Comcast) or 99 (AT&T U-Verse). For info: Daily schedule can be found here.

Published by the Contra Costa County Office of Education Communications Office

Contra Costa County Office of Education

77 Santa Barbara Road, Pleasant Hill, California 94523

Lynn Mackey, Superintendent of Schools

Dateline is distributed during the school year to all public schools in the county by the Communications Office. The information must be received by the first of the preceding month. Publication does not signify the Contra Costa County Office of Education endorses the event or program mentioned.

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