Upcoming Events!

Teen Advisory Group will meet in June 23 7-8pm.  Come and help Amy plan for some fun activities and programs at the library.
Nevins Summer Hours

Mon. - Thurs. 9am-9pm
Fri. - 9am-5pm
Closed Sat. and Sun. beginning June 18 2016 
So this one slipped by me...Here is a program for the parents of teens to introduce them to the new reading world of Young adult literature.  Look on Calendar of Events for this YA program June 11,

My Child is a Teen: Now What!?
June 11 1-2:30pm - Garden Room 
Are you the parent of a teenager, with no idea what they're reading now that they're out of the children's room? Then join us for a crash course in teen fiction and all there is to offer. Trained librarians will teach you how to evaluate teen books for your own children, show off the most popular titles for teens, and share some titles you might even enjoy together with your teen. Feel free to attend with or without your teen.

Please be sure to check our website -  for many more exciting programs and services for all ages.  We're here for you!