February E-Newsletter Sponsored By Enmax | |
The Alberta Chambers of Commerce is a federation of 108 community-based chambers of commerce representing more than 22,000 job creators. | |
2024 City of Airdrie Tax Increase
On behalf of the Airdrie Regional Chamber of Commerce Board and Advocacy Committee, we have encouraged that the City of Airdrie bring back the % calculation of the tax increase to eliminate speculation and incorrect calculations from the community and provides full transparency.
We thank city administration and council for their ongoing work at balancing the needs and wants of residents and businesses and the growth of our community.
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The City of Airdrie announced the following dollar amount increase as opposed to a percentage increase which was used in previous years.
By using the dollar amount increase for the average property both for comparing Airdrie tax changes over the years and for comparing with other municipalities, it will be a truer assessment of the change. As well, this is the direction most municipalities are going in communicating the tax increase in the future.
See the chart showing the effect on a few different non-residential properties based on varying 2023 assessed values. Keep in mind that these are 2023 assessed values and most properties will experience an increase in assessed value in 2024. If a property increases more or less than the average shift in assessed values, they could then expect a greater or less effect to municipal taxes. There is a video on the city's website that demonstrates how changes in assessed value effect property taxation.
The graph shows the average municipal tax per business for all the mid-sized municipalities in Alberta which further demonstrates the difference in municipal tax revenue in each municipality.
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Hiring Intentions Research
Alberta is growing - are your workforce needs growing too?
We want to learn how business plan to grow and the talent roadblocks that they face.
Share your insights in 2-3 minutes to help inform critical government funding decisions to educate and train the workforce you need to grow.
Research results will be shared back with Alberta Perspectives community members via email with key takeaways for your business.
This activity is open until 5:00 P.M. on February 9th, 2024.
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Alberta Chambers of Commerce - Mind the gap: The need for skilled workers continues to impact Alberta business
In a recent research conducted by the Alberta Chambers of Commerce (ACC) network, employers share insights on challenges when hiring candidates with the needed technical or people skills for their company.
The research was conducted through the Alberta Perspectives community, garnering insights from business community members. Data was collected from 260 self-identified members of the business community throughout Alberta, between October 31st and December 3rd, 2023.
Read the full report
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Alberta Chambers of Commerce - Developing the workforce of the future
Alberta Chambers of Commerce President & CEO, Shauna Feth, was joined by Norquest CEO & President Carolyn Campbell, and Deloitte's Senior Manager in Workforce Transformation Consulting, Elise Sethna, at a round table discussion on talent development and retention, and how it relates to Alberta's future prosperity.
Watch highlight video | Watch full discussion
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Canadian Chamber of Commerce - Recommendations on Generative AI Systems and the Copyright Act in Canada
As Canada strives for global AI leadership, it is critical to recognize the economic value AI systems bring, ensuring coexistence of AI innovators and creative industries, fostering regulatory certainty, and adopting a flexible framework to accommodate evolving AI models.
Read the submission
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Canadian Chamber of Commerce - A Portrait of Small Business in Canada: Adaption, Agility, All at Once
A new report by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce's Business Data Lab reveals that micro firms are by far the most common businesses type in Canada, with the median firm having fewer than five employees. This is why it is crucial that we improve our understanding of the realities of small businesses, but especially micro firms, and ensure they get adequate financial, operational and regulatory support to help them stay strong and support Canada's economy.
Read the full report | Press release
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The Crucial Role of HR Training for Small Businesses
The success of any business depends on its people. Strategic workforce planning, employee engagement hacks, legal insights, and recruitment mastery are only some of the reasons why staying up to date on human resources training is vital for any business. Take the first step toward building a motivated, efficient, and harmonious team that propels your business to new heights with this week’s featured blog from the SME Institute.
Read more
Airdrie Entrepreneur Common
Airdrie Entrepreneur Common is a collaborative partnership providing resources, training and mentorship to support the start-up and growth needs of Airdrie small businesses.
Learn more
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Last Chance for Early Bird Rates!
Exclusive to Airdrie Chamber members until January 31st, 2024.
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Complimentary Chamber Advocacy Roundtable
Monday, February 5th, 2024
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Airdrie Regional Chamber Office
(Chamber members only)
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Complimentary Meet Your Chamber
Friday, February 9th, 2024
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
New Horizon Mall, Balzac
| Already attended a "Meet Your Chamber" Event? Feel free to join us for Optional Networking to follow with new and future-members! Click here to register. | |
Workshop: A Business Roadmap for Newcomers
Thursday, February 15th, 2024
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Airdrie Regional Chamber Office
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Chamber Connections: An EXTRA Night of Fun, Team Building and Networking
Thursday, February 29th, 2024
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Apple Creek Arcade
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Save the dates!
March 5th, 2024 - Mindful March Luncheon
March 19th, 2024 - Business After Hours
March 28th, 2024 - Meet Your Chamber
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New Member Welcome Bag Inserts | |
Be one of the first businesses to welcome new members to the Airdrie Regional Chamber of Commerce!
By taking advantage of this opportunity, your logo or company "swag" can be a part of our warm welcome to all new members. We average approximately 10 new members per month, many who are opening new businesses in our community. A new business needs support from existing businesses like yours. Whether they need, office supplies, legal help, furniture, IT support, HVAC, landscaping, cleaning services or more, you can be the first business they call.
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The chamber provides the bag, you provide the swag!
Ideas of what to include: (please note the insert must be valued at a minimum of $5)
• Gift cards
• Coupons
• Tickets
• Branded items such cups, hats, chargers, flash drives, mouse pads, hand sanitizer, custom note pads, stress balls, etc.
Please note:
• Product placement is limited to 25 businesses (2 per industry) and will be included on a first come first serve basis.
• Items must be valid until at least December 31st, 2024.
• Minimum quantity of 100 items to be delivered to the Airdrie Chamber office at #102 - 150 Edwards Way NW, Airdrie, Alberta T4B 4B9.
• Delivery deadline is February 9th, 2024.
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Value Added Discount Program | |
Take Advantage Of Your Chamber Benefits
Employee benefits packages from Chambers Plan Group Benefits have all the essentials, plus so much more. With stable rates and ultra-flexible support services, it’s clear to see why it’s Canada’s #1 Plan.
Chambers Plan is Canada’s number one employee benefits plan for small businesses. The Plan is also a not-for-profit, with ALL surpluses staying in the program to help control premiums and provide stability — something we could all use right about now.
Chambers Plan offers guaranteed coverage for small businesses with 1 to 35 employees. Protecting you and your employees is easy. The first step is to get a free quote.
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Member Events
January 30 | Downtown Business and Property Owner Open House | Register
February 1 | Business Growth Hub | Register
February 2 | Groundhog day with Balzac Billy | More Information
February 8 | Business Growth Hub | Register
February 9 | Storytelling Mastery Workshop for Airdrie Businesses | Register
February 15 | Business Growth Hub | Register
February 17 | Cocoa Fever Downtown | Register
February 22 | Business Growth Hub | Register
February 24 | Coldest Night of the Year | More information
February 29 | Business Growth Hub | Register
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Leaders Can Foundation
Leaders Can Foundation was started in 2020 as a non-profit in Airdrie by Julie Crawford & Sterling Martin with the goal to help individuals build connections that matter, whether at home, in the community or in the workplace. Julie & Sterling are both members of Maxwell Leadership Certified Team and are passionate to help others positively influence their families, community and workplace. We focus on building local connections and some opportunity for national connections plus provide ongoing training for organizations that want to improve their influence with people.
- Meet every Thursday from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm in the boardroom at the Airdrie Regional Chamber of Commerce office.
- The first week of every month is dedicated to Book Discussion.
- The third week is our Meeting of the Minds mastermind.
- The second and fourth weeks are dedicated to Presentations, where our members have priority, but we also welcome presentations from other Airdrie community members and the Airdrie Regional Chamber of Commerce.
- In months with 5 weeks, we take our meetings to local restaurants for a more relaxed and casual networking time.
Check out https://leaderscan.ca/business-growth-hub/ for more details.
- In the spring and fall of each year we host in-person leadership and connection events.
- February 2024 will be our inaugural Canada Better Together leadership conference featuring 5-day on-demand access to dozens of international and Canadian speakers.
Check out http://L2Lhost.com/Canada for more details.
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Congratulations to our members celebrating a milestone anniversary this month as a member of the Airdrie Chamber of Commerce!
We are very proud of everything you have accomplished and truly admire your dedication to our community.
Thank you for your support and continued trust. We look forward to serving you for many years to come!
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20 Years
Makeda Press Ltd.
TDM Engineering Ltd.
10 Years
Hubertus Liebrecht - German Lawfirm
Solfeo Music Academy
5 Years
The Pest Control Guy Inc.
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1 Year
4Sight Search Solutions Inc
Active Air Airdrie
Alpine Blinds & More
Byoode Bar
Doneright Construction and Renovations
Esha Malhotra | REALTOR®
Hubertus Liebrecht - German Lawfirm
K9 Kwik Release
Makeda Press Ltd.
Ralph's Motorsports
Sapphire Spa & Laser
Solfeo Music Academy
Sonic Breakthrough Coaching
TDM Engineering Ltd.
The Couple Estate Inc.
Ti-DOX EnviroTek Ltd.
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Grand Openings
Come out and support your fellow chamber members as they embark on their business journeys!
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Planet Fitness Airdrie
Thursday, February 15th, 2024
Open house from 5pm to 7pm
Ribbon cutting ceremony at 5pm
2881 Main St. SE, Airdrie, Alberta
Come out and be part of the celebration in any way that your schedule permits, such as a private tour of the facility with the team, remarks during ribbon cutting, and a donation to a local charity!
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February E-Newsletter Sponsored By Enmax | | | | |