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9:30 AM:
- Live Religious Education Service on Zoom
10:30 AM:
11:30 AM:
Contact Marion Hirsch for more information about Children's & Youth programming
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June 4
“Rising Up & Flower Communion”
Marion Hirsch, Kat Good, and Rev. Thom Belote
Join us for a worship service as we honor our children and youth who are “rising up” to the next grade level. The service will also include our traditional UU Flower Communion.
Please bring a cut flower to service this morning.
June 11
“The Spirituality of Rule-Breaking”
Rev. Thom Belote
"Unitarian Universalists have always been rulebreakers." That’s not exactly true. UUs have always emphasized the importance of the rights of conscience and following our conscience in religious matters, and sometimes following our conscience means breaking rules. From the Antinomian Controversy of 1636-1638 to today, we’ll consider when, how, and whether to follow our faith.
June 18
Learning to Pray: A Thousand Ways to Kneel and Kiss the Ground
Eric Bannan
Using personal narratives from people of different faiths , we will explore the what it means to pray and how to pray on our own terms.
Eric Bannan is a vocal explorer, Storyteller, performing songwriter and worship leader based in Pittsboro, NC. Eric is a member of our church and a 2016 graduate of Rev. Thom’s Preaching Practicum.
June 25, 2022
“The Joy of Play”
Rev. Alison Wilbur Eskildsen
Does your spirit yearn for more joy and lightness? Let’s usher in the summer and lift our spirits with a little playfulness.
The Rev. Alison Wilbur Eskildsen is a member of the Community Church and Minister Emerita of the UU Fellowship of Athens (GA).
Coming in July:
July 2: Sarah Clark-Farnell
July 9: Rev. Dr. Rebecca Todd Peters, Professor of Religious Studies, Elon University
July 16: Krista Westervelt
July 23: Rev. Thom Belote
July 30: Matt Zemon
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Join with your Board of Trustees and fellow congregants for our annual Congregational Meeting in the Sanctuary on Sunday, June 18 at 11:30 AM, immediately following the Sunday service. We will discuss some of the events and successes of the past year, recognize the contributions of individuals/groups in our congregation, review the proposed budget for church operations and announce the results of electronic votes on the Endowment Fund grant and Endowment Committee vacancy and a minor bylaws change regarding the term of the Nominating Committee. The meeting concludes with the opportunity to ask questions. If you do not plan to attend in person, the meeting will be available via The Community Church's YouTube channel. Refreshments will be available in the kast Courtyard following the meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Board President, Glenn Davis.
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Our church is a founding member of the IFC and regularly has contributed money to its budget, now through Share the Plate. Since early days, we have also collected non-perishable food and personal grooming articles. These are taken to the Community Market where eligible families can "shop" once a month.
The groups that collect donations usually gather considerably less in the summer months, because many donors go away on trips. The people needing to "shop" at the Community Market have greater needs in the summer, because their children are home from school and they mostly do not take trips. So donations are down when needs are up. This means that donors who are here during the summer and bring a few things to the blue canvas collection barrels will have their donations used and appreciated very soon. As you do your normal shopping, please consider getting a few extras to reduce the summer inbalance at the IFC.
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The Share the Plate on June 4 will benefit youth leadership in our church. The Insch Leadership program was established to honor the memory of Sarah Insch who was a beloved leader in this church and life-long Unitarian Universalist who was deeply devoted to spiritual development of children and youth. In the Insch Leadership Program youth serve on a church ministry team or committee and receive mentoring and guidance to help them develop as leaders. Insch Associates also receive scholarships to participate in leadership opportunities. Through this program, youth build connections with the congregation and are able to give back to their church community, as well as mentor other church youth in their leadership experience. These connections also support their becoming lifelong Unitarian Universalists. Your donation will help fund scholarships for the next class of Insch Leaders. Contact Marion Hirsch for more information. You can donate now online, send a donation to the church (checks payable to The Community Church; put STP-Insch Program Fund in the memo), or give at church on June 4.
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On June 11, Share the Plate will support the Carolina Abortion Fund (CAF), which supports North and South Carolinians in navigating financial and other barriers to getting abortion care. Since 2011, CAF has provided funding, transportation, doula services and post-abortion support to patients. CAF fills the gap between costs and what patients can afford. CAF is supported by a small staff (funded by outside grants) and volunteers who operate a helpline for people seeking care and options. All donations go to fund caller needs.
CAF is a pro-abortion, queer-affirming organization working for liberated abortion access. It works with a national network of organizations to support people in choosing if, when, and how to become a parent.
At a time when the right to make such choices is in acute danger, supporting organizations to help people seeking abortion care is more critical than ever.
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heart2heart Share the Plate: June 18, 2023
Heart2heart is committed to help individuals, families and communities navigate the sacred path of dying time, death, and those who are living the grief journey. We offer heart-centered alternative services such as massage, energy healing, movement, meditation, breathing practices and gentle guidance with live music and sound. Our mission is to provide these services to everyone at an affordable rate. Each situation is unique and no one is turned away for lack of funds. End Of Life preparation, bedside attention, classes, community grief support, family rituals, burials,and individual sessions are a few of the services we offer. We have published two anthologies on death, dying, loss and renewal. Through the heartfelt words of individual storytellers, readers will be inspired to shift their paradigms of death, dying and grief while offering a chance to open their own hearts to healing and growth. For more information, email or call 919-548-4963
When our WomenCircle group learned of the work of Transylvanian Unitarian women serving Ukrainian refugees and those displaced by the war, we wanted to help. Naturally, our work with asylum seekers opens our minds and hearts to reach out to them. Our STP offering on July 9 will go through IWC to Gondviseles whose volunteer efforts for displaced families include children's programs, medical supplies, and resources for life’s necessities; there are very minimal administrative fees. The Transylvanian Unitarian service organization, Gondviseles, or “Providence” does this work with help from IWC, the International Convocation of Unitarian*Universalist Women. In the video below, Gisela Nagy tells about their work with displaced Ukranians, and this video shows the packing and delivery of a shipment of supplies.
The IWC has regular zoom meetings twice a month, where UU women from all over the world can meet and get to know one another. You can learn more about that here if you are interested.
On July 23 the Share the Plate collection will go to fund backpacks and school supplies for K-12 students. Last year our church generously funded backpacks and supplies for 90 students. Our backpacks were part of a Family Fun Day that Hargraves and Chapel Hill Parks sponsored. Due to our generosity, the Community Church Chapel Hill UU was named as a partner in this event, held on August 20, 2022.
For two decades the Community Church has donated, shopped and assembled bookbags for Orange and Chatham County low-income students. Recognizing that each year brings new and returning students to our schools, the generosity of our church members continues. Thanks so much for your donations, for the July 23 Share the Plate, or via online donation. Teri Brooks will be tabling in July if you have questions or want to volunteer. Contact Teri.
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Here is part of the letter we received from El Refugio:
Thank you for your donation of $1,829.67 on February 6, 2023. With your gift, we are able to continue serving families at our hospitality house, so they will feel supported while visiting their loved one at Stewart Detention Center. [which is] packed with people seeking asylum at the Southern border. We recently heard from a man who received a bag of clothing when he was deported out of Stewart Detention Center. He shared "They do not know how beautiful the heart feels when receiving help from people we do not even know, but they contribute their grain of sand."
As a donor, you contribute your grain of sand. You stand with immigrants who only want the opportunity for a better life. As immigration detention steals their humanity, your gift gives a little of that humanity back. Thank you for accompanying immigrants at Stewart Detention Center and their loved ones.
In peace and solidarity, Amilcar
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Side With Love is excited to announce that Holly Near is coming on September 7 to do a Concert for a Cause for us! Save the Date! Tell your friends and neighbors! And let us know if you can help us get ready. The proceeds of the concert–after we pay the musicians–will support the work that Side With Love does on Reproductive Justice, Preventing Child Sex Abuse, resisting Voter Suppression and whatever other injustice may call us to show up and speak up for Love. We hope this will be a sold out event, so we need to gather a Concert Planning Team now and are willing to offer a substantial ticket discount to lead members of the Planning Team. We will also need some helping hands on the day of the concert. Contact Ginger Long for more information.
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Thanks to your very generous Share the Plate donations, the most for any ECO-sponsored STP during Earth Month. So far, we were able to send $1756.43 to The Nature Conservancy directed specifically to continue their work of restoring these tremendous carbon sinks in our state. Your donations will help fund more water control gates and monitoring systems and replanting to build back biodiversity in areas that used to be forested. Benefits include decreased chance of smoldering peat fires and less flood impact for those living downstream. Peatlands sequester 2.5 times as much carbon as forests. Reverting these dried out peatlands from constantly releasing carbon into the air back to naturally sequestering carbon again helps reduce global warming. Thank you for learning, along with ECO this year, about these NC coastal peatlands and their amazing capacity to help with the climate crisis.
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In April, SFD held two lively discussions of the proposed changes to Article II of the UUA Bylaws, the section containing our current Principles and Sources. Some of the dialogue participants submitted comments to the UUA, and at least one is planning to attend General Assembly where the proposed changes will be voted on. For more information on the proposal and some historical context, visit the Article II page of the church website.
You can also read some of the many comments submitted by UUs around the country.
Email SfD with any questions.
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This summer we will be offering drop-in Chalice Circles during the months of July and August. Chalice Circles are small groups that meet to develop connection and explore major issues of life. A typical meeting combines readings, personal check-ins, and individual sharing focused on a theme.
If you are interested in trying out a Chalice Circle this summer, sign up below to receive more information.
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Join WomenCircle for a relaxing afternoon in the cool waters of the Gillioms' swimming pool on Friday, June 23, from 3 to 5 PM ( Rain date will be Saturday, June 24, same time.) Just come down the driveway and around to the back of the house. Bring your own beverage and enjoy snacks which will be provided. It will be easiest to wear your swim suit. Kathy Putnam and Bonnie Gilliom are the hosts. Location: 113 Steeplechase Road, Chapel Hill. To RSVP, call Bonnie at 919-636-0994 or email Bonnie below,
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Mark your calendars for Saturday, July 22 from 9 – 11:30 AM. Cool off on University Lake with a bunch of great women on a fun old-fashioned morning of boating and a picnic !!! Your choice of rental: Canoe ($4.50), kayak ($15), or BYOB!!! Fees are low, and cost will vary depending on your age and whether you are an OWASA customer. Bring snacks/lunch items we can enjoy afterwards at picnic tables. Co-hosts are Joann Haggerty and Kathy Putnam. PLEASE RSVP BY SUNDAY JULY 16. IF YOU ARE SHARING A BOAT, LET US KNOW YOUR BOAT PARTNER. Note: Unfortunately, each person must reserve their own boat on the OWASA website on Monday, July 17 or Tuesday July 18 for Saturday, July 22.
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We are women (mostly retired) who ARE OLDER, WISER, AND RARE and meet September through May. Joann Haggerty’s group meets 2-4 pm on the 1st and 3rd Mondays; Bonnie Gilliom’s group meets 10-11:30am every Thursday; and the third group meets 1:30-3:30pm on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays. NEW MEMBERS are welcome to join any group. During 2022-2023, we discussed questions based on Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen’s book, My Grandfather’s Blessings. In 2023-2024, we will discuss a variety of resources, including some of Rev. Thom’s sermons, that cover the following topics: Belonging, Wholeness, Freedom, Ghosts, and Joy. Discussions in Rare Women are intended to prompt us to share thoughts, feelings, values, courageous examples, friendships, and life experiences. What is said in Rare Women, stays in Rare Women. The meeting schedule and discussion topic for each group are posted on the Rare Women WEBSITE. To join our email, please CONTACT us HERE.
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Join Rev. Thom & Rachel Rose to "Explore Membership"! To become a Member of The Community Church, one must:
- Take a Class (it's fun, easy, and worthwhile even for the retired UU ministers who've attended!)
- Sign the Membership Book
- Make a Pledge
Want to join us? The class is a great way to get to know others who are new to our community, and to learn more about our church in particular...and no one "has" to become a Member, just because they take the class! That's why it's called "Exploring Membership!"
Join Rev. Thom & Rachel Rose: SUNDAY, AUGUST 27, 2:30 - 5 PM
Can't make it this time? Let Rachel Rose know, so she can let you know about upcoming opportunities.
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HELP MAKE SUNDAY MORNINGS HAPPEN - SERVE AS A GREETER! Our church is busy, and we need folks to help welcome people - both newcomers and longtime members - into our church on Sunday morning... and we have some Greeter spaces open over the next few weeks! Please take a moment to sign up below, and help new people see what our community is really like. Please join us when you can for this simple, but important work. Thanks so much - your help is appreciated!
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The fun-building, fund-raising church auction is fully online again this year, making it easier to for all of us enter and giving us longer to bid, and outbid, each other! We’ll begin posting auction items July 19, so please be thinking about items you can donate and special activities and gatherings you can host. The excitement will accelerate September 23, when bidding will begin. Bidding will end at noon on Oct. 14. Last year, the auction raised over $26,000, but the fun and feelings of community that resulted from bidding and sharing auction items and social events were immeasurable. Plan to be part of the fun and help the church raise needed funds!For more information, contact Joan O’Brien and Kathleen Farinola
For more information, contact Joan O’Brien or Kathleen Farinola.
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On Saturday, June 17, from 10:30 AM to 12PM, the Nonfiction Readers will discuss The Sewing Girl’s Tale: A Story of Crime and Consequences in Revolutionary America, by John Wood Sweet. The book describes the first rape trial in US history, which exposed a predatory sexual underworld, sparked riots in the streets, and ignited a vigorous debate about class privilege and sexual double standards. Joy Blevins will lead our discussion, which the author himself, a history professor at UNC Chapel Hill, is planning to attend.
On Saturday, July 15, the group will discuss An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us, by Ed Yong. What are the implications of the fact that animals see things so differently than we do? Steve McNeary will be leading that discussion. The Nonfiction Readers meet in the Living Room of the Jones Building. New members and drop-ins are welcome. Contact Ed Steffes to ask questions or to be placed on the group’s email list.
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We will next meet the afternoon of Saturday, June 3, 1 - 4:30 PM, in the Gathering Room. Bring your machines, etc., if you wish, as we will have a fun time working on our community service projects. Instructions, fabric, kits and bundles will be there. Please wear your mask and bring your projects to share with us.
Our July 1 Saturday meeting is in the morning, 9 - 11:30 AM, in the Gathering Room. More of the same!
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We’ll meet for an outdoor dinner at Tarantini’s (6:30 PM) followed by a short hop to the Farrington Point kayak launch. Sunset is at 8:23 PM, moonrise a bit earlier. We’ll be paddling along an arm of the lake that’s narrow enough to discourage waves and shallow enough to discourage motorboats. Nighttime on the water has its own magic. Owls and beavers can help. Come and enjoy. BYOB: Bring Your Own Boat, or borrow a canoe or kayak at the boat launch thanks to Russ Bowen. But. Nighttime is not the right time to try this for the first time. If you’d like to go but need some daytime familiarization, ask to join Stephen for a paddle (no charge).
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During June, Susan Brubaker Knapp’s fiber art will be hanging in the Sanctuary in her show titled “For the Beauty of the Earth”.
Susan Brubaker Knapp is a fiber artist, author, photographer, teacher, and host of “Quilting Arts TV,” which airs on many public TV stations across the U.S.
About this show Susan says: Gratitude is something I strive to actively practice each day. When walking in my neighborhood or on my travels, I take photos that often end up inspiring my art quilts. I look closely at the details; that’s where I find the most miracles. The name of this exhibition references one of my favorite hymns; it reminds us to be thankful for the astounding beauty and wonder that lies all around us. My artwork is my “hymn of grateful praise.”
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Although the Church Softball League is no more, a few of us diehards still gather every week or so to throw, pitch, bat and field. And, as they say, the more the merrier. All ages, genders and experience levels welcome. We provide the softballs, bats and a couple of extra gloves. Late afternoons/early evenings mid-week usually works best, but exact days and times can be adjusted to adapt to personal schedules.
To join us for a little exercise and a lot of fun, contact Nils Brubaker.
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106 Purefoy Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
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