Please be advised that the Heart of Virginia Council website is currently down. Due to technical issues, an old version of our website is currently available at This version includes outdated links and details. Until this issue has been resolved, please visit our Council Calendar for direct links to event registration pages. Updates will be made on our Facebook Page.

Winter Camp 2025 was a tremendous success, with nearly 1,000 Scouts from the Heart of Virginia Council and neighboring Councils enjoying a chilly but exciting adventure at Cub Adventure Camp. We'd like to thank our staff and volunteers for their tireless efforts, the Scouts and leadership teams for adventuring in the cold, and the fine folks who run and maintain the Heart of Virginia Council Scout Reservation.

📸Photo credit to Doug Hill

Hello, Heart of Virginia!

January 24th, 2025

News You Can Use

The Camp Card Sale is Open for Pre-Orders!

Looking for an easy fundraising opportunity? Camp Cards are a great way to raise dollars for your unit and can also be used to provide the necessary funds needed for summer and fall camping programs! Scouts will "clean-up" this year as we are excited to have Flagstop Car Wash join our Camp Card program and offer a FREE Ultimate Car Wash on each card (stay tuned for details)!

After a successful 2024 Camp Card fundraiser, the Product Sale Committee of the Heart of Virginia Council will continue the $10 Camp Card for 2025. There are 4 big reasons the $10 card was successful…

[Read All About It & Register]

CVOC Orienteering Day at Camp T. Brady Saunders

February 16th

Join the Central Virginia Orienteering Club (CVOC) for an exciting orienteering event at Camp T. Brady Saunders, a fantastic area featuring a detailed forest landscape and a complex trail network. Choose between a beginner-friendly 2.6 km White Course or test your skills on the Score-O course with a two-hour time limit. Pre-registration is required by Friday, February 14th at noon—secure your map today and get ready for an adventure!

[Register Today!]

Cub Scouts

Cub Scout Summer Camp Registration OPEN!

Return to the Old West

Are you thinking warm thoughts? Snow might be on the ground, but we have summer on the brain! Registration for Cub Scout Summer Camp is officially open! Choose from our four sessions and go back - way back - to the Old West. This year’s “Back to the Old West” theme will transport Scouts to a dusty frontier town where the stakes are higher than ever. Joined by the intrepid time travelers Lady Clementine and Lord Marmaduke, campers will unravel a thrilling mystery that could reshape the future.

[Register Your Unit Today!]

Scouts BSA, Exploring, Venturing, & Sea Scouts

Dental Career Exploration

January 29th, 7pm, Midlothian

The Heart of Virginia Council, in partnership with Virginia Family Dentistry, invites high school students (ages 14-20) to attend an open house to learn about an exciting 8-week Dental Career Exploration Program. This program provides a comprehensive introduction to the dental field through interactive activities, allowing students to explore the various aspects of dentistry.

[Register to Attend]

Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselor Orientation

February 16th

The HOVC Advancement Committee urgently invites selected unit members to attend mandatory Orientation sessions to become Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselors. Each Troop must have at least one designated and trained Counselor to meet the badge’s important objectives. Unit leaders and Committees, act now to choose who is best equipped to guide your Scouts on this vital journey.

[Secure Your Spot Today]

Did You Read the January Courier?

Get these five stories and so much more by reading the Courier, our monthly newsletter! Scheduled for the last Friday of the month at noon, the Courier features all the news, special events, and useful information you need to get the most of your Scouting experience.

[Read This Month's Courier]

"Try and leave this world a little better than you found it, and when your turn comes to die, you can die happy in feeling that at any rate, you have not wasted your time but have done your best."

-Lord Robert Baden-Powell, who published "Scouting for Boys" as a manual for self-instruction in outdoor skills and self-improvement, becoming the inspiration for the Scouting Movement, on this day in 1908.

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Heart of Virginia Council: (804) 355-4306

Scout Shop: (804) 204-2628

8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228

Scouts First Helpline:  (844) 726-8871

Prepared. For Life.