Transforming the Lives of All We Serve 

2024 was marked by rapid growth as we expanded to ten counties and opened new locations in San Francisco and Oakland. We launched programs for those at risk of overdose or facing behavioral health challenges, along with a program for children with developmental disabilities or delays.

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As we welcome 2025, we continue to strengthen and support communities, create partnerships, and model best practices.

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Felton Highlights


Honoring the Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.

In honor of Martin Luther King Day, Felton’s ECE programs uplift the civil rights leader’s vision of equity, opportunity, and community through our MLK center in San Francisco’s Bayview. Together, we’re empowering young minds to dream big.

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Felton Recognized for Excellence

Felton Institute was honored with the ‘Excellence in Service Award’ by For The Family, a nonprofit celebrating those who show compassion and care in their communities.

"[Felton] internalizes a collaborative culture that will prove more and more necessary if nonprofits are to effectively fill the gap in social services that is likely to grow as time goes on. Any community service agency with this ethic will naturally find ways to work together no matter their size.”

— Mr. W. Ward Cox. Administrator, For The Family, Inc.

Read the Full Press Release

Felton in the News

‘Former Convict on Mission to End Life Sentences’

Joseph Bell, a Peer Support Specialist for Felton's Reentry Engagement Program, was featured in the San Francisco Chronicle discussing his experience with the criminal justice system and his advocacy for prison reform.

Supported by Governor Jerry Brown and former D.A. Chesa Boudin, Bell began advocating while in prison and continues his efforts post-release.

Read the Article (PDF)

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Together, We Are Felton

Rooted in equity, Felton Institute transforms quality of life and promotes social justice to accelerate community led change.

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© Felton Institute 2023 | (415) 474-7310 |

Felton Institute is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization under EIN 94-1156530