Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Important News for You
You May Still Be Eligible to Opt Out of WA Cares
Act fast - deadline is tomorrow, June 1st
Published in The Seattle Times, May 29, 2023
Photo: Karen Ducey/The Seattle Times

Hundreds of thousands of people may be eligible to avoid a payroll deduction for Washington’s fledging long-term care insurance program, according to the state Employment Security Department.

But the June 1 deadline for those still able to opt out is quickly approaching.

Employers will start deducting a 0.58% payroll tax on nearly all Washington employees start July 1 to fund a first-in-the-nation long-term care insurance program. The implementation of the WA Cares Fund, intended to provide up to $36,500 to help older adults who need help with daily activities, has been delayed since 2022.

Chamber News
Check out and like the
Greater Kitsap Chamber Facebook pages!
Congratulations to Parade Winners
2023 Armed Forces Day Parade Winners Announced
RECAP: May Membership Luncheon
Grand Opening: Spread Supplies
Thursday, June 1, 2023, 4:00 pm
Grand Opening: Peaks Financial
Thursday, June 8, 2023, 4:00 pm
Bremerton GreenDrinks @ Admiral Theatre
Thursday, June 8, 2023, 5:00 pm
Renew your membership today to ensure your place as a Charter Member of the Greater Kitsap Chamber! Questions about when to renew or how to upgrade your membership? Contact Irene now!
Missed a previous edition of the Chamber's Community Connections?
View all the past issues on our website HERE.
Member News
New Members - Welcome to the Chamber!
Suitcases on Standby Travel
Where are your suitcases headed next?
(360) 621-3058 |
Big Changes & Additions Coming to
Lisa Stirrett Creative Warrior Studio
VIP Event: Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Join the team at Lisa Stirrett's as they announce some big changes coming to the Creative Warrior Studio. Lisa will reveal these changes at a VIP event on June 14th at 5:00 pm. To make room for these changes, Lisa is reducing her inventory by half and everything will be marked down 50% or more. Stay tuned for more announcements from the studio!
Explore the New KRL Website
and Support Local Kitsap Libraries
Show your love with library merchandise
Your online library experience has been transformed! KRL's new website is more intuitive and features additional ways to explore your Library. Discover all that the newly designed catalog and website has to offer, including easier searching and navigation, an improved events calendar and mobile-friendly access.

New FAQs make it easy to learn more. Jump into the Books page to explore the collection or research and learn online with our extensive resources and databases.  

KRL is also excited to share the new online store! Purchase your favorite library merchandise while supporting the library and community. A percentage of every sale will support critical library programs and resources.
Nominations Begin for Best of NK, CK, SK & BI
Nominations began May 26 and run through June 11
It’s time again to nominate businesses online for the Best of North Kitsap, Central Kitsap, South Kitsap and Bainbridge Island.

Voters can nominate their favorites in a variety of categories. You may nominate and vote once per day in each category.

The Top 5 in each category will then be voted on from July 10 to July 23 to determine the winners in each category. Results will be published in special sections inserted in the newspapers in September.

Click here to access the Best of North Kitsap 2023 ballot.
Click here to access the Best of South Kitsap 2023 ballot.
Click here to access the Best of Central Kitsap 2023 ballot.
Click here to access the Best of Bainbridge Island 2023 ballot.
Member Spotlight
Growing Greater Businesses Grant Spotlight: Ballast Books
A beloved haven for book lovers in Bremerton
Nestled in the heart of Bremerton, Washington, Ballast Book Co. is a charming bookstore that has captured the hearts of book enthusiasts, thanks to the passion and dedication of owner Kate Larson. Kate's journey began with a serendipitous path, from working at Books-A-Million to opening a pop-up store with Suzanne from Liberty Bay Books. In 2021, Kate became the proud owner, steering the store through the challenges of the pandemic. 

409 Pacific Ave | Bremerton, WA 98337 | (360) 626-3430
Education Committee
Member Education & Training Resources
Lift: Kitsap Women's Leadership Network
Navigating Microaggressions as a Woman in Leadership
Wednesday, May 31, 2023, 12:00 pm
BE$T: Artificial Intelligence for Small Business
Wednesday, May 31, 2023, 6:00 pm
Small Business Requirements & Resources
"Start a Business in WA"
Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 9:00 am
Presented by Washington State Small Business Liaisons

Are you considering starting a business, or did you recently start one and still have lots of questions?

This free, one-hour webinar will give you a strong foundation for starting a business in Washington. It covers planning, registration and licensing, and other regulatory requirements. You’ll connect with business liaisons from the Governor’s Office of Regulatory Innovation and Assistance, the Secretary of State’s Office, and the Departments of Revenue, Employment Security, and Labor and Industries, who will also provide you information about many free or low-cost assistance programs.
SBA: Boots to Business
Entrepreneurship training for transitioning
service members and spouses
June 13-14 & June 21-22, 2023
Boot to Business (B2B) is an entrepreneurial education and training program offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) as part of the Department of Defense's Transition Assistance Program. The curriculum includes steps for evaluating business concepts, the foundational knowledge required to develop a business plan, and information on available SBA resources to help access start-up capital and additional technical assistance. This class is for transitioning service members (including National Guard and Reserve) and spouses who have access to a military installation.
Lunchtime Lightning Talk
Wednesday, June 14, 2023, 3:00 pm
Join Matchstick Lab Microbusiness Accelerator Founders and members of the general public for monthly lunchtime lightning talks guaranteed to spark new ideas, conversations and collaborations.

For this last Lightning Talk, join the celebration of the conclusion of Vibe's first Microbusiness Accelerator with participants and community members. Arrive at 3:00 pm for conversation and networking. This lightning talk will begin at 3:30 pm and end promptly at 4:30 pm with light bites and drinks. Advanced RSVP is requested but not required.


Lighting Talks are FREE and open to everyone.

Located at Vibe Coworks in Poulsbo, you do not need to be a Vibe member to attend. If you ARE a Vibe member, attending the event does not use up any of your monthly access days, unless you plan to stick around to work for the day, too.
Military Relations Committee
Business News & Resources
Washington's Heat Pump Rules Paused

A costly Washington state rule that effectively bans the use of natural gas to heat new homes will not go into effect on July 1 as scheduled. The Washington State Building Code Council decided last week to delay the new rule requiring electric heat pumps until October. The Washington State Standard has details.
The decision came after a federal appeals court in April struck down a similar ban on natural gas hookups in Berkley, Calif. At the time, it was unclear what impact the ruling would have on Washington’s rules.

A spokesman from Gov. Jay Inslee’s office told the Washington State Standard the four-month pause will allow time to ensure the state’s rules comply with the federal court’s ruling.

A coalition of builders, unions and utilities sued the Washington State Building Code Council on May 23 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Washington to stop the rules. That follows a similar suit in March challenging the rules in Thurston County Superior Court.

Thousands of people and groups testified on the proposal last year, with many presenting evidence that the new rule requiring heat pumps instead of furnaces would make homes costlier and would put new strain on the state’s energy grid.
Changes to Licensing Renewal Notifications
Beginning summer 2023, Business Licensing Services will now send electronic renewal notices to the email address that is on the license account instead of paper by US mail to the listed mailing address. View and update your business email address in My DOR. 
WA Hospitality's Teen Labor Toolkit
As businesses continue to look for ways to combat the labor shortage across industries, the Washington Hospitality Association has put together helpful information on hiring a younger demographic. Check out WA Hospitality's Teen Labor Toolkit for helpful information on hiring younger workers and what steps a business needs to take when dealing with this special class of workers.
The Forever Labor Shortage:
More Americans are Getting Too Old to Work

According to a recent Moody's Investors Service report, the workforce in the U.S. and other G20 countries is aging, hinting at long-term labor shortages even with job market fluctuations. The report attributes the decline in working-age populations to falling birth rates and longer life spans. South Korea, Germany, and the U.S. are expected to experience the steepest declines over the next decade.

Labor Department data shows the job market is still resilient, with active "prime age" workers (25-53 years old). Their participation rate has slightly exceeded February 2020 levels, currently at 83.3%. However, the overall labor force participation rate remains below pre-pandemic levels, largely due to an uptick in retirements among older workers.

In the past 20 years, the proportion of Americans aged 55 and over has doubled, and this aging cohort is set to expand further. While many older Americans are working longer, retirement is still inevitable. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated retirements among older workers, with Moody's attributing 70% of the labor force participation decline to aging.

Some sectors continue battling labor shortages. In particular, low-wage healthcare jobs, currently facing high demand due to an aging population, are seeing a dwindling supply. A Mercer study forecasts a potential shortfall of 3.2 million workers in this sector over the next five years.

Michael Madowitz, director of macroeconomic policy at Equitable Growth, warns that this wave of retirements could significantly impact industries reliant on expertise and "human capital." Recalling the productivity slump in the 1970s and 1980s as baby boomers replaced retirees, he expresses concern about a similar "brain drain" in the future. This trend may push companies to devise strategies for retaining older workers, although this will not apply to all industries. Madowitz suggests that lower-wage employers, like fast-food chains, might opt for automation instead.
Nonprofit News & Resources
The Greater Kitsap Chamber is proud to be one of only five Chambers statewide selected to partner with the Nonprofit Association of Washington (NAWA) to bring education and resources to nonprofits in Western Washington. Stay tuned to this section of our weekly newsletter for education, resources and more for our nonprofit community. To learn more about NAWA, please visit their website here.
7 Recommendations for Including and
Engaging Your Board Members
Published on, May 25, 2023
Photo: Getty Images by AzmanL

As boards become more diverse to ensure they are hearing the voices of and being guided by the communities their nonprofits serve, ensuring that members are fully and meaningfully welcomed, oriented and engaged should become a bigger priority for nonprofit boards, too. 

Online: Finance Unlocked for Nonprofits
Wednesday, May 31, 2023, 10:00 am
We each have our own experiences with finance that may stir up excitement, mixed feelings, or uneasiness. These feelings can shape how we approach our relationship to nonprofit finance. Approaching nonprofit finance in a welcoming way, the Finance Unlocked for Nonprofits virtual workshop aims to help unlock your financial literacy. From key words and forms to understanding how everything fits together, you will increase your basic nonprofit finance knowledge.

The virtual workshop will cover:
  • Balance sheet
  • Income statement
  • IRS Form 990
  • Giving
  • Oversight

This workshop will be recorded. Registrants will receive the recording by email after the event. If you can’t attend the training but you are interested in learning about this topic, please register so you we can send you the recording and materials.  
Let's Go Legal!
Friday, June 2, 2023, 1:00 pm
Your nonprofit’s mission is important. Let’s Go Legal is here to help you achieve it and stay compliant in the process. Get started on a road to compliance by thinking of your nonprofit like a car. Just like a car, you need to register your nonprofit and know how to operate the organization. There are state and federal rules of the road to follow. Your nonprofit needs money and resources (fuel) to power the organization. The people in the car matter too, these are your nonprofit’s valuable workers. Lastly, similar to cars, every organization has a unique look and feel as well as special materials that you may want to protect. 
Nonprofit HR Gathering: What Nonprofits Need
to Know About the Equal Pay & Opportunities Act and Wage Transparency
Wednesday, June 7, 2023, 12:00 pm
The Equal Pay and Opportunities Act (EPOA), which took effect in 2018, promotes gender pay equity in Washington State through equal pay, equal career advancement opportunities, open wage discussions, prohibited retaliation, and other protections for employees and job applicants.

What does your nonprofit need to know about the EPOA? And why is wage transparency important? Join the gathering to hear from specialists from L&I and nonprofit leaders who are advocating for an even more transparent process. This gathering will include presentations from L&I’s equal pay agents and a nonprofit advocate for equal pay, an interactive panel discussion, and time at the end to have your questions answered.

The HR Gathering is for those who currently work in human resources or similar roles in the nonprofit sector. We invite those whose work focuses on HR to come together to learn, exchange information, and support each other. Whether you work in an HR department or support HR in another capacity, this gathering is for you!

This gathering will be recorded. If you are unable to attend, you can still register to receive the recording and resources.
Greater Kitsap News
Port of Bremerton Spring Newsletter
Photo: Bremerton Marina, Isaak Hammers

The Port of Bremerton's Spring 2023 Newsletter is officially live! To read about the latest updates to facilities and more, click the link below.

This quarter's foreword was written by current Commission President Axel Strakeljahn and gives an overview on all that the Port is working towards. 

Overnight closure 6/1: Brownsville Hwy NE CLOSED between NE Hoffs Dr and NE Tagholm Rd overnight on Thursday, June 1 beginning at 5:00 pm through Friday, June 2 at 9:00 am. Detour via Old Military Rd NE and Central Valley Rd NW.

Overnight closure 6/8: Brownsville Hwy NE CLOSED between South Keyport Rd NE and Old Military Rd NE from Thursday, June 8 beginning at 5:00 pm through Friday, June 9 at 9:00 am. Detour via South Keyport Rd NE.

SR 308 (NW Luoto Rd) is restricted between NW Silverdale Way and Hawk Ave NE with one lane traffic weekdays from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm through June 21.

Lane shift on SR 308 (NW Luoto Rd) at intersection with SR 3 from May 15 through June 21.
Community Information
Music Discovery Center & Coffee Oasis
First Fridays Live
Silverdale GreenDrinks
Wednesday, June 7, 2023, 5:24 pm
Juneteenth Community Resource Fair
Friday, June 16, 2023, 12:00 - 4:00 pm
Kitsap Juneteenth Festival 2023
Saturday, June 17, 2023, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Bainbridge Gears Up for Grand Old 4th
Contact the Bainbridge Chamber for Opportunities
The Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce is preparing to celebrate the Island's largest and longest-running island tradition - The Grand Old 4th!

As your hosts, the Chamber is delighted to have registration open for the Street Fair (all vendors, including food) & Hometown Parade, as well as to humbly ask for Community Volunteers to consider signing up to be part of the fun.

Important Upcoming Dates:
  • June 2 - Street Fair Vendor Deadline
  • June 16 - Parade Deadline
  • June 23 - Car Show Deadline
Masks & COVID Testing Kits Available
Free at the Greater Kitsap Chamber & Visitor Center
The Greater Kitsap Chamber still has some supplies available if your local business is in need of KN95 masks or COVID testing kits. Pick up your supply at both GKC locations today. Available while supplies last.
Tourism Information
Bremerton Community Theatre Presents:
Murder on the Orient Express
June 2 - 25, 2023
Just after midnight, a snowdrift stops the Orient Express in its tracks. The luxurious train is surprisingly full for the time of year, but by morning it is one passenger fewer. An American tycoon lies dead in his compartment, stabbed eight times, his door locked from the inside. Isolated and with a killer in their midst, the passengers rely on detective Hercule Poirot to identify the murderer – in case he or she decides to strike again. Ken Ludwig's clever adaptation of the Agatha Christie classic boasts all the glamour, intrigue and suspense of Dame Agatha's celebrated novel, with a healthy dose of humor to quicken the pace.
Bremerton Symphony Chorale
Saturday, June 3, 2023, 7:30 pm
Admiral Theatre Presents:
Postmodern Jukebox - Life in the Past Lane Tour
Saturday, June 10, 2023, 8:00 pm
Times change and trends come and go, but -- like a 1961 Jaguar XK-E -- the classic sounds of the past only appreciate with age. Postmodern Jukebox's Life In The Past Lane Concert Tour is a celebration of the greatest 20th century musical genres, fused with the recognizable hits of our own modern era, for the perfect patina of "vintage" and "modern." As always, we'll be bringing the PMJ Universe to life with a cast full of today's most exciting vocalists, instrumentalists, and tap dancers, to bring you the top-shelf entertainment experience for which PMJ is known. Whether you're a vinyl aficionado or a TikTok fashionista, catch a ride with us for an unforgettable trip through 100 years of timeless music.
Admiral Theatre Announces 2023-24 Season
Tickets on sale to the general public June 13th
Bremerton's Admiral Theatre proudly presents their 2023-2024 season! Current season ticket holders have until June 1 to renew their seats before they are released to the public.

Full season, half season and preset 5-6 show ticket packages go on sale to the public on Tuesday, June 13 at 10 a.m. Full season tickets include 25 shows featuring world-class artists such as Pink Martini, The Music of Billy Joel Starring Michael Cavanaugh, Jake Shimabukuro, Samantha Fish, Comedian Brian Regan, Eli Young Band, Tito Puente, Jr., “The Drifters, The Platters, and Cornell Gunther’s Coasters,” and more! Two half season packages will be available with 12 shows each. Reserve any ticket package now with a $100 deposit per seat*.
Music Discovery Center's "Make Music Day"
Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 5:00 - 8:00 pm
SAVE-THE-DATE: Bremerton Bridge Blast
Saturday, June 24, 2023
Stay in the know with what's happening for events
in Central Kitsap by checking out and liking the
Contact Us
Have something to share? CLICK HERE to submit stories and
events for Tuesday's Community Connections!
David Emmons
Irene Moyer
VP, Membership & Strategic Communications
Brenda Kelley
Tourism Coordinator
Bremerton Office (360) 479-3579 | 4th & Pacific Downtown Bremerton
Silverdale Office (360) 692-6800 | Kitsap Mall next to Macy's
PO Box 1218 Silverdale WA 98383
If you need assistance, please contact us directly.