Join Us for Holy Week at First Farragut UMC
Holy Week is a sacred time when we journey with Jesus through His final days, from the joy of His triumphal entry to the sorrow of the cross and the victory of the resurrection. We invite you to walk this path with us, reflecting on Christ’s love, sacrifice, and triumph over death.
🔹 Palm Sunday | April 13 | 10:30 AM – Celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem as we wave palm branches and proclaim, “Hosanna” during our Sunday morning worship experience.
🔹 Maundy Thursday | April 17 | 6:30 PM – This experiential service will immerse us in the story of Jesus’ last meal with His disciples, inviting us to engage our senses as we remember Christ’s command to love one another.
🔹 Good Friday | April 18 | 6:30 PM – This service of worship will give us pause as we stand at the foot of the cross, contemplating the depth of Christ’s sacrifice for us.
🔹 Easter Sunrise Service | April 20 | 7:00 AM – Gather with us at the outdoor chapel (to the left of the main entrance) as we welcome the dawn of resurrection morning with prayer, scripture, and song.
🔹 Easter Worship | April 20 | 10:30 AM – Celebrate the risen Christ with joyful worship, uplifting music, and the powerful message of hope and new life. He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!