Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Governing Board will be held April 8, 2025, at Grossmont College. Meeting agendas are posted on the District’s website 72 hours before a regular meeting and 24 hours before a special meeting.
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Cuyamaca College Student Trustee Manuel Juarez Lopez congratulated Cuyamaca College’s new ASG President Marseel Bahnan, and is excited to have her as the new ASG President due to her motivation to help students. He reported that he is looking forward to attending the Student Senate for California Community Colleges General Assembly in April.
Grossmont College Student Trustee Cesar Nuñez reported that next month he will be traveling to Washington, DC to speak with legislators. He reported that Grossmont College hosted a Sip & Paint event for Women’s History Month, and Associated Students will soon be hosting their first Town Hall.
Board Member Desi Klaar reported that on March 4, she toured the Hyde Gallery at Grossmont College with other Trustees. She was very impressed with the artwork by Harry Lum, a former Grossmont College faculty member. She expressed appreciation for the tour given by Alex DeCosta, Grossmont College Art Gallery Technician, which included the history behind the art and the artist. She reported attending the California Community Colleges webinar entitled, "The Content Authenticity Initiative - Transparency in the Age of AI." She reported that she was impressed with everything being done with AI that benefits students. She asked if the colleges are applying for AI grants.
Board member Brad Monroe reported that he was impressed with the Presidents’ Reports this month and the focus on students. He stated it was good to see how much our students are doing. He reported that Student Trustee Manuel Juarez Lopez was selected to participate in the 2025 cohort for the Creating a Path to Success (CAPS) program, and student Maria Suarez is also a finalist. He reported that Cuyamaca College student Christine Valdez has been selected to receive the SDC-AAWCC 2025 Student - Woman of the Year award. He congratulated the Cuyamaca Men’s Cross-Country team for being selected as a California Community College Athletic Association (3C2A) Scholar Team Recipient. He congratulated Grossmont College student Makini Cambridge-Ragan for receiving the Griffin Award of Excellence from the Foundation for Grossmont and Cuyamaca Colleges. He congratulated the Grossmont College Women’s Basketball team for making it to the playoffs for the first time in 20 years and winning their first game against LA Trade Tech. He congratulated the Grossmont Griffins Speech and Debate Team for receiving multiple awards and placing first in a recent tournament. He appreciated the Administrators Association Report which highlighted trainings and activities. He expressed appreciation for all of the reports, and stated that they help the board members feel connected to everything that is going on at the colleges.
Board Clerk Elena Adams recognized and thanked both campuses for all of the Black History Month events, and is looking forward to all of the events scheduled for Women's History Month. She commended the District for their diligent outreach work, and for letting communities know that community colleges are an excellent option. She reported that she is anxiously awaiting the birth of her second great-grandchild.
Board Vice President Julie Schorr thanked the colleges for recognizing Women's History Month. In February, she attended the SDICCCA dinner with other trustees from around the region, which was held at the Imperial Valley Community College (IVCC). She reported that it was a great event, and she learned about IVCC’s special lithium battery production program. She reported attending the East County Chamber’s 113th Annual East County Honors event at Sycuan and congratulated Sally Cox, Javier Ayala, and the Water Conservation Garden for receiving awards. She appreciated attending the Hyde Art Gallery Tour and exhibition and stated that it was very moving and historically significant. She reported attending an advisory committee on legislation, where she received updates on bipartisan support for federal and state legislation that concerns community colleges. Last week she reported attending a Grossmont Union High School District (GUHSD) Governing Board meeting, with over 600 people in attendance. Trustee Schorr expressed concern for students and the community based on positions that were cut by GUSHD, and expressed gratitude for being part of a District that values education, employees, and students.
Board President Debbie Justeson thanked the other Board members for mentioning so many events and topics and congratulated all the students who were mentioned in the Presidents’ reports. She expressed gratitude to Griffin Award of Excellence student Makini Cambridge-Ragan for her leadership, and for assisting her fellow students with their financial aid applications. She reported that she was proud to be included in a tour of Grossmont College for La Mesa Mayor Mark Arapostathis, and expressed appreciation to Grossmont College for providing a wonderful tour of the arts programs, which were of particular interest to him.
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Chancellor Lynn Neault reported she enjoyed watching the Lady Griffins playoff game against LA Trade Tech. She expressed how impressed she was with the team’s phenomenal effort and was very proud to see them go all the way to the finals. She reported that she is working with the college presidents and academic senate presidents to create an AI task force, and will be convening the group shortly to look at our institutional work with AI. She reported on all of the women leaders from our colleges and district who are receiving awards at the San Diego Chapter American Association for Women in Community Colleges (SDC-AAWCC) 2025 Annual Summit that the Chancellor and others will be attending next week. She thanked Grossmont College Counselor Noora Al Saegh for her leadership, and for serving on the group.
The Chancellor reported that this week Cuyamaca College is hosting a tour for County Supervisor Monica Montgomery Steppe as part of our effort to get connected with local leaders and showcase our work. She reported that the District recently hosted an Accessibility Capability Maturity Model (ACMM) training held by the State Chancellor's Office regarding the accessibility of our website, forms, and processes, which will help GCCCD meet standards that will be required next year. She thanked everyone involved in the effort. She reported that the beautiful Foundation Donor Walls are now installed at both campuses, due to nearly reaching the $4 million endowment goal for the Promise Plus. She reported on the success of the Principals Breakfast hosted by the colleges, which focused on dual enrollment. It was held at Grossmont College and included a tour.
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At the March Board meeting, the Governing Board:
Board President Justeson thanked the Grossmont College CalWorks program on providing the Cultural Compass book, which includes information on culture, history, events and customs. She also mentioned multiple other cultural and heritage months that are recognized in April.
Heard public comment from My-Linh Nguyen, Counseling Department Chair at Cuyamaca College on the detailed intentional strategy and logistics of the department, and in support of the counselors at Cuyamaca College.
Heard public comment from Karen Marujo, Academic Senate President at Cuyamaca College in support for counselors to have remote work options. She expressed concern about impacts to students and employee retention.
- Approved the minutes of the February 11, 2025, Governing Board Regular Meeting.
- Approved the minutes of the February 21, 2025, Governing Board Special Closed Session Meeting.
- Adopted Resolution 25-003 Trustee Absence, as recommended by the Chancellor.
- Approved the consent calendar agenda items.
Heard a report from Chancellor Lynn Neault about the new fee schedule. Approved the 2025-2026 Student Fee Schedule to be charged to students and exempt non-credit students from paying the required Student Health Fee commencing with the fall 2025 term.
Heard a report from Grossmont College Curriculum Committee Faculty Co-Chairs Dee Aceves and Cuyamaca College Curriculum Committee Faculty Annalinda Arroyo.
- Approved Grossmont College and Cuyamaca College credit course, certificate, and degree changes, as recommended by the Chancellor, and authorize publishing in the 2025-2026 Grossmont and Cuyamaca College catalogs.
Heard a report from Interim Vice Chancellor Linda Beam, on withdrawing from the Alliance of Schools Cooperative Insurance Program Workers Compensation Joint Powers Authority, and declaring membership in the Protected Insurance Program for Schools and Community Colleges Joint Powers Authority.
- Adopted Resolution 25-004 Declaring withdrawal of membership in the Alliance of Schools Cooperative Insurance Program Workers Compensation Joint Powers Authority, and declaring membership in the Protected Insurance Program for Schools and Community Colleges Joint Powers Authority.
- Adopted Resolution 25-005 Declaring withdrawal of membership in the Alliance of Schools Cooperative Insurance Program Property and Liability Joint Powers Authority and declaring membership in the Statewide Association of Community Colleges Joint Powers Authority.
Granted authority to the Chancellor to authorize three coaches (Michael McHan, Roxanne Tuscany, and Andrew Jassick) and five to ten students from Grossmont College to travel to Norfolk, Virginia, during the period of April 7-12, 2025, as part of the National Phi Rho Pi Speech and Debate Tournament.
- Accepted a report on the current budget status, accepted related revenues or revisions, and granted authority to the Chancellor to budget these funds.
- Approved an expenditure plan for 2024-2025 Education Protection Act funds, as recommended by the Chancellor.
- Granted authority to the Chancellor to declare personal property as surplus to the needs of the District, and authorized the Chancellor to dispose of personal property by donation to another public institution/agency, trade-in on purchase of new property, sealed bid sale, public auction, private sale, or in the local sanitary landfill.
- Ratified the action of the Chancellor in approving the agreements, purchase orders and warrants issued during January 16, 2025, through February 15, 2025, payroll warrants issued during period of February 1 through February 28, 2025, and granted authority to execute appropriate documents, accept, budget, and spend any proceeds therefrom.
- Ratified the action of the Chancellor in approving classified and academic personnel actions from February 7, 2025 - March 6, 2025.
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Board President
Debbie Justeson
Board Vice President
Julie Schorr
Lynn Ceresino Neault, Ed.D.
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Board Clerk
Elena Adams
Board Members
Brad Monroe
Desiree Klaar
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Student Trustees
Cesar D. Nuñez, Grossmont College
Manuel Juarez Lopez, Cuyamaca College
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8800 Grossmont College Drive
El Cajon, CA 92020
(619) 644-7010
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