Ocean Shores Food Bank Logo

So no one in our community goes hungry.

What is a Food Bank?

That may seem like a silly question. After all, don’t we all know that a food bank is a place that offers free food to those in need? But the problem with that answer is that the food is not free.


While it is true that the Ocean Shores Food Bank offers food at no cost to its guests, there are huge costs to consider. The food comes from several places. From our hunger relief partners like Coastal Harvest, Northwest Harvest, and Food Lifeline. From the North Beach Food Alliance (a division of the North Beach Senior Center) which has become an important source of the food bank’s offerings even as the amount of food from other sources has dwindled. From The Emergency Food Assistance Program (or TEFAP) which is funded by the federal government and not only provides much-needed nutrition to food banks but also helps keep US farms and farmers going even in uncertain times. 

This food is not free. It must be sourced from a large network of farms and businesses. It has to be picked up, sorted, allocated among participating food banks, and delivered to them. Similar to our food bank, a lot of the work is done by volunteers, but these organizations also have dedicated employees who work hard to ensure that the food banks that rely on them are adequately served. And as most of us have experienced, the cost of gasoline and other transportation-related expenses continues to grow.


Additional food comes from food drives and those drop-off bins you see at area businesses—food that your generosity provides to the food bank at no cost to the organization but which is also certainly not free.


The food that the Ocean Shores Food Bank acquired through outside organizations and community donations in 2024 is valued at a whopping $477,161.17.

Finally, even with the help of these outside organizations, to serve our community, the Ocean Shores Food Bank must also purchase food—everything from canned goods to eggs and bread to frozen protein. Care is taken to source food at the lowest possible cost, but in 2024, the food bank purchased a total of $140,232.87 worth of food—food that, yes, was provided at no cost to our guests, but that was costly indeed.


And when you include rent, utilities, maintenance, and the remarkable 13,337 hours logged last year by volunteers, it is clear—the food made available week in and week out at the Ocean Shores Food Bank is anything but free.

What makes all of this possible is the generosity of this community—our hunger relief partners, food drive participants, volunteers, and the individuals and businesses who donate financially. You are the ones putting food on local tables.


For all you did in 2024, all of us at the Ocean Shores Food Bank are truly grateful.

North Beach Singers Bring Holiday Cheer and Collect for the Food Bank

Many thanks to the North Beach Singers, whose holiday concerts lifted spirits and collected donations for the Ocean Shores Food Bank. They not only brought the joy of the season but helped ensure that no one in our community goes hungry.

Coast Communications Shout Out

Our thanks also go out to Coast Communications and all who participated in their "Holiday Channel 2 Shout Out" this holiday season. Your generosity will go right to work helping to put food on local tables.

One of our guests recently shared that she works at one of the area hotels. She loves her work and the people she meets there. But so much of the work is seasonal, and during the winter off-season, it can be hard to make ends meet. She told us, “The food that you guys make available is really important to a lot of people.”


We are so pleased to have the opportunity to help—this winter and all year round.

December by the Numbers

Total households served: 1,130

Total household members: 1,822

New families: 40

Kids' books distributed: 125

Number of volunteer hours logged: 954.4


The Warmth You Give

Winter is a wonderful season here in Ocean Shores. The crowds thin down, and the king tides arrive to crash majestically against the rocks. But it is also a hard time for many of our neighbors. Fewer tourists mean less work. More hotel rooms are empty. Some restaurants close for the season. For those in our community who work in our hospitality industry, this can bring hard choices. With a tight budget, it can be hard to make expenses.


With your help, the Ocean Shores Food Bank is able to provide supplemental groceries for our neighbors in need. Please consider making a donation this winter. This can be a cold season, but your generosity will bring great warmth. As the Dalai Lama has said, “Even more important than the warmth and affection we receive, is the warmth and affection we give.”

Donate Now

Ocean Shores Food Bank

Physical Address:

848 Anchor Ave NW

Ocean Shores, WA 98569

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1293

Ocean Shores, WA 98569

Regular Distribution:

Every Thursday from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Emergency Food:

Tuesday and Saturday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to noon

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