CCS Families In the Know

Board of Education ESSENTIAL PIECE Recognition

Today, The Board of Education, together with Dr. Miller and her leadership team, celebrated the work of the transportation department. This department holds the "unsung heroes" that keep the school district moving effectively and efficiently. So, it is with great pride to spotlight one of the many superheroes among us today, Mr. Shannon Price-Mechanic.

Mr. Price's dedication to keeping our students and drivers safe in the western area is very much appreciated. The drivers often state that he makes them feel that their concerns are heard and matter. He spends endless hours keeping their buses operating at an optimal level. Mr. Price is an "ESSENTIAL PIECE" of the CRAVEN COUNTY SCHOOLS PUZZLE. We also want to emphasize that al 1)YOU ARE APPRECIATED, 2) YOU MATTER, and 3) AND WE THANK YOU for making your daily mission to keep students safe!


Craven County Schools invites all students, staff, parents, and community members to provide feedback on the DRAFT 2023-2024 Traditional Academic Calendar. THIS WILL BE SHARED IN MULTIPLE PLACES TO GAIN AS MUCH FEEDBACK AS POSSIBLE. PLEASE ENCOURAGE YOUR STAFF TO REVIEW AND COMPLETE THE SURVEY


Please visit THE FOLLOWING PAGE to review the draft calendar AND complete the survey.

 The survey will be open until November 14th at 8:00 Am.

 We appreciate your input and thank you for your participation.

(Click on the image to read more about WCH FFA accomplishments)

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