Volume 61 | March 2023

Caspersen Rowing Center Happenings
Visit our Website at
Providing a venue where athletes of all ages, talents and backgrounds have the opportunity to develop their rowing ability to their highest potential.

Outreach Volunteer Opportunities

We have two amazing outreach programs for Trenton Metropolitan Middle Schoolers this spring - the Swim to Row and STEM to Stern programs!

We are looking for volunteers who can help with coaching some erging techniques and are willing to help with transportation during May.

The volunteer positions that need to be filled are:

Coxswain for 8: Helping to cox the 8 for on-water practices Tuesday and Thursday from 4:15-5:15

On-call seat fillers: Helping with filling out the boat when we are on the water for practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:15-5:15

Erging Teacher: Teaching rowing to Trenton Middle school students. A schedule and plan will be provided for each practice.

Tuesdays and Thursdays

Session I: 5:00 - 5:45 p.m.

Session II: 6:00 - 6:45 p.m.

Transportation Chaperone:

Riding in the van to pick up and drop off students at local middle schools.

Van 1: 2:10-3:10

Van 2: 2:45-4:00

Van 3: 6:15-7:15


If you have any questions about volunteering, please reach out to our Outreach Manager, Arlynn Baer, at

Adult Summer Rowing Opportunities

Our Learn to Row program will be offered again this summer. The program will meet three times a week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 5:45 to 7:15 pm starting June 20 through August 10

We will also be offering the adult barge class this summer. This is a low-key, fun way to get out on the water and enjoy beautiful  Class size is limited to 8 people.

There will be two weekly sessions, one hour each, on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30 to 10:30 am.



PNRA Learn to Row

Summer Camps

Registrations for the PNRA Junior Learn to Row Summer Camps 2023 are now open! 

For almost 20 years, we have been introducing rising 7th graders through 12th graders to the sport of rowing through our Learn to Row Camps. In each week-long camp we teach the fundamentals of rowing in a fun and safe environment.  The camps also provide a great opportunity to try out rowing before joining the Mercer Junior Program.

Rowing Session I, Level 1 (FULL with Waitlist):

June 19 – 23, 2023

Rowing Session II, Levels 1 & 2:

July 10 – 14, 2023

Rowing Session III, Levels 1 & 2:

July 17 – 21, 2023

Rowing Session IV, Levels 1 & 2:

July 24 – 28, 2023

Rowing Session V, Advanced Level:

July 31 – August 4, 2023

Level 1 camps are designed to introduce the camper to the sport of rowing.

Level 2 camps allow the camper to expand on the skills learned in Level 1 camps.

Advanced campers must have attended either a Level 1 and/or Level 2 session.

Link to Summer Camp Registration

Host A National Team Rower

This summer, the Caspersen Rowing Center will play host to several National Team Selection Camps. There will be a number of post-collegiate athletes who will be coming to Mercer County to take their first steps toward the Senior National and Olympic Teams.

You can be a part of their journey!

If you are Interested in hosting a National Team athlete, either short or long term, and being a part of an athlete's Olympic journey please contact Hilary.

Click HERE to learn more about this great and unique opportunity.

U23 Summer Rowing

We will be running a U23 Summer Program this year starting Monday, June 19th through August 14th.

Practice will be held Monday-Friday, in the mornings and afternoons.

Click here for more information and the interest form

Does your employer have a matching gift program?

Check out the Matching Gift finder feature on our website. Click here to find if your employer has a program.

We're all in this together!!
Your support today will make a difference.

Thank you.

Mercer Team gear is still available - hats, scarves, umbrellas, shirts . . .

Show your Mercer Spirit!

Contact Hilary Gehman

PNRA is a 501 (c)3 nonprofit corporation. We are grateful to all who support our mission and could not do it without you! We gladly accept gifts of appreciated stock and corporate matching gifts. Have questions? Contact Kris at

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Through your support you make a difference at PNRA!