Dear Alumni,

To borrow the verse from a classic Christmas carol, "The weather outside is frightful!" With windchill factors dipping well into the negatives on the Fahrenheit scale in mid-January, we have been keeping a close eye on the weather and have held eLearning days a couple of times instead of coming into school in the interest of student and faculty/staff safety.

When we are here, though, the building feels great, as our new HVAC system is up and running for its first winter. Most of the academic wing, as well as several common areas and hallways, have been refitted with small, highly efficient ceiling-mounted HVAC units. The building is much more comfortable, and the system has proven to be more than capable of dealing with the considerably colder outside temperatures we have seen recently.

This project was a necessity we recognized shortly after I arrived in 2021. An incredibly generous anonymous alumni donor funded approximately 40% of this $1.05 million project, with the Endowment Board also providing significant support and the Hauck Charitable Foundation adding $200,000. Alferman Air (Marty '89 and Tracy '89 (Trower) Alferman) has done a fantastic job completing this project. The Ameren BizSavers program, which incentivizes organizations such as ours to invest in energy efficiency, rewarded us with over $100,000, which will go toward project completion. We are already seeing significant cost savings in our energy bills along with the increased comfort in the building.

Please stay safe this winter. We hope to see you on campus for the annual Legacy Gala on February 17th!


Matt Schutte
President, SFBHS
Share Your Positive Experience - Leave Us a Google Review!
If you've had a positive experience with us, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to share your thoughts by leaving a Google review. Your feedback not only helps us improve but also assists others in discovering all the things that make St. Francis Borgia such a special place.

Your feedback means the world to us, and we thank you for being a valued part of St. Francis Borgia High School. We look forward to hearing about your positive experiences!
Mega Raffle 2024 will run this year between February 1 and February 16. Watch our social media for details and the link to purchase tickets.
Since its inception, St. Francis Borgia High School has stood as a beacon of faith, education, and community. Through the unwavering commitment of our supporters, families, and friends, we have provided exceptional educational programs, spiritual guidance, and a nurturing environment that fosters growth, compassion, and integrity.
The Borgia Annual Fund plays an integral role in ensuring the continued success of our mission. Your generous contributions directly support these critical aspects of our institution:
  • Educational Excellence: Your donation allows us to enhance our curriculum, provide professional development opportunities for our educators, and invest in state-of-the-art resources that empower our students to excel academically.
  • Spiritual Enrichment: By contributing to the Annual Fund, you enable us to maintain and enhance our liturgical celebrations, retreats, and religious education programs, fostering a deep connection to faith and spirituality.
  • Tuition Assistance: Your donation plays a crucial role in providing tuition assistance to deserving families. By contributing, you directly empower students to access education they might not otherwise afford.
  • Community Outreach: Our commitment to service extends beyond our walls. Your support enables us to engage in meaningful community outreach initiatives, supporting those in need and fostering a spirit of compassion and service among our students.
  • Facilities: We strive to create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone who enters our doors. Your contribution helps us maintain and improve our facilities, ensuring a conducive learning, worship, and fellowship setting.
To donate, please visit our secure online donation portal at If you have any questions or would like more information about our programs and initiatives, please feel free to contact Donna Grahl, Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations, at 636-239-7871 ext. 131.
Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to St. Francis Borgia High School. Together, we can continue to inspire, educate, and uplift those we serve. May your kindness and generosity be returned to you many times over.
Thank you to our 2023-2024 Community Partners
Click on any of the links below to learn more about each of our partners.
After years of faithful support to St. Francis Borgia High School, you may wish to leave a planned gift to benefit our school and sustain our mission long into the future. Such a gift will allow you to extend your devotion to SFBHS beyond your lifetime.

A planned gift is one that comes from assets and, therefore, allows you to make a more significant contribution than you could from income. While some planned gifts can provide you with a lifetime of income, others use estate and tax planning techniques to maximize your gift and/or minimize the impact on your estate.

To learn more, please contact Donna Grahl at
Get ready to be inspired! The Borgia Alumni Speaker Series is bringing you an incredible lineup of accomplished speakers who are ready to share their stories, insights, and expertise.

Join us for an evening of inspiration as we welcome distinguished St. Francis Borgia alumni who have made significant strides in their respective fields. From business moguls to science innovators, healthcare leaders to creative visionaries, our speakers will provide valuable perspectives on their journies since leaving St. Francis Borgia High School.

This is not just an event; it's a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights from fellow alumni who have blazed trails in their industries. Whether you're a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, there's something for everyone in this engaging series.

Don't miss out on the chance to be part of this enriching experience! Save the date, mark your calendar, and stay tuned for more details. The Borgia Alumni Speaker Series is your chance to connect, learn, and be inspired by the success stories of our incredible alumni community.

We look forward to seeing you at our next event on February 29.
If you have any questions about the speaker series, please contact Donna Grahl, Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations, at 314-803-7913 ext. 131 or
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Dennis Brinker '73
December 15, 2023
Sr. Mary Paul Holdmeyer '50
December 18, 2023
Judy (Meyer) Ruether '63
December 18, 2023
Dennis Schelich '60
December 20, 2023
Wendy Wildberger '98
January 1, 2024
Angela (Straatmann) Aholt '77
January 2, 2024
Emil Wildt '53
January 4, 2024
Best wishes to Rachel Conroy '17 and Dominic Struckhoff '15 who were married on January 13, 2024.

Wishing you so much love and happiness!
Congratulations to Jonah Leykam '14 and his wife, Liz on their recent wedding in Cabo San Lucas.

We're so happy for you!
Andrew Richard Boff
Congratulations to Olivia (Unerstall) and Joshua Boff as they welcomed a son on December 15, 2023.

Wishing you all the love and joy as you embark on this incredible journey of parenthood. May each moment be filled with laughter, warmth, and the sweetest memories.
Check out this article about Phil Schroeder '83. This Mizzou superfan travels to Mizzou football and basketball games with his giant stuffed tiger, Omar.
Take a look at this feature from KOMU-TV (Columbia) highlighting the collaboration between two St. Francis Borgia High School alumni - Matt Maschmann, '96, an associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Mizzou Engineering, and Brock Olivo '94, a former Borgia running back and current Special Teams Analyst. They have joined forces to address a distinctive challenge for the Mizzou Football Tigers!
When planning your reunion, our Advancement office is your dedicated partner in ensuring a memorable and stress-free experience. Beyond the essentials, such as class lists, Save-the-Dates, and invitation mailings, we offer a wide range of additional services to make your event truly exceptional.

Our support includes assistance with a variety of areas:

  • Venue - You can have your reunion on campus free of charge
  • Guided Tours
  • Personalized nametags
  • Mass
  • And much more!

We're committed to making your reunion a resounding success. Please don't hesitate to contact Donna Grahl, Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations, at 636-239-7871 ext. 131 or for any assistance or information you may need.

Your vision, our support - together, we'll create an unforgettable reunion experience.
During a pre-game presentation on January 20, Coach Dave Neier '71 was honored with the game ball from his 800th win on December 19. Along with the game ball, he received a proclamation from the State of Missouri. In the photo (left), Hall of Fame Coach Dave Neier is pictured with Chris Arand, SFBHS Activities Director, Kyle Marquart '81, Missouri State Representative, and several of his classmates from the Class of 1971.
We are delighted to introduce Officer Wyatt Loague, who joined our campus at the beginning of the new semester. He will serve as the Resource Officer at SFBHS, Immanuel Lutheran, Our Lady of Lourdes, and SFB Grade School. We feel fortunate to have Officer Loague contributing to the safety of our educational community. Our commitment to ensuring safe and secure school environments is strengthened with Officer Loague's presence.
Athletic and Activities Schedule
Together, let’s always and, in all ways, celebrate the efforts of our students, players, coaches, and teachers as they strive to make Borgia #1 in class, style, sportsmanship, and competitiveness. Go, Knights!!

Click on the logo to see a comprehensive athletic and activities schedule.
Alumni Prayers
In thanksgiving for the sacrifices and contributions offered by those before us on our behalf, we at St. Francis Borgia High School offer our afternoon prayer for different members of our alumni each day.
If you have children who are graduates and still receive mail at your home, but no longer live there, please contact Donna Grahl, Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations, to update your child's address. She can be reached by phone at 636-239-7871 ext. 131 or via email at
Recently married? New baby or job?
Let us know what's going on in your life so we can share it with your classmates in this newsletter!
Send information and photos to

St. Francis Borgia High School 

1000 Borgia Drive
Washington, MO 63090

P: 636-239-7871
F: 636-239-1198