We’re mid-way through the school year with the 23-24 Educator Coaching Program cohort! In December the ECP cohort came together for the winter edition of our quarterly cohort gathering.
Attendees across schools built community, tried some Haitian Freedom Soup (or Soup Joumou) from the children's book by Tami Charles, and learned best practices for cooking in the classroom with a Fry Bread cooking demo. An easy way for teachers to incorporate cooking in the classroom is with a literacy connection! We tied our cooking demonstration back to the book Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story. Each participant left with cooking supplies and all the ingredients to try making Fry Bread with their students.
Now that we’re back in action after a strangely warm January, our team has been meeting with school staff to check in on the goals they set as a team in September and make plans for a busy spring growing season!
One of our partners, Bridges Public Charter School, has been making strides in creating new sensory garden features in their PreK-2 playground. They have gained input from their staff and started designing what their space could look like. Check out the rest of the fall & winter highlights from their garden program below.