March 31, 2023

ARC Awarded HSI Grant

ARC has been awarded a 5-year, federal Developing Hispanic-Serving Institution Grant totaling $3 Million. The grant intends to increase retention, graduation, and transfer rates of Latino/a students. Key activities outlined in the grant include the expansion of the LatinX Cultural Center, mentoring, tutoring, study groups, development of a Success Summer Program for incoming Freshman, development of a lending library, outreach to K-12, and the development of a Summer Camp for K-12. 

Library Reopen

Crews are expected to complete the Library cleanup as scheduled. The Library will reopen and resume normal operations on Tuesday, April 4.

Reminder: Complete the #RealCollegeSurvey

Friendly reminder that American River College would like to hear from you to understand the challenges students face while attending college and to learn more about how you overcome these challenges.


This survey is being administered by The Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges (The RP Group) on behalf of American River College. The survey results will be used both statewide and by individual colleges to better support students now and in years to come. We greatly appreciate your time to share your insight.

Take the Survey

Spring Sting

Are you thinking about transferring? Consider Sacramento State University! Come to our Spring Sting at ARC on Wednesday, April 5, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to learn more.

Register Now!

Career Prep Workshops and Spring 2023 Career Fair

Check out the upcoming career workshops! See the calendar for a full list of April career events.

Resume 101

Tuesday, April 4, Noon - 1:00 p.m., on Zoom

A resume is one of the main tools we use during our job search, so it is important to keep it updated and looking sharp. Join us to learn how you can make your resume stand out and land you that interview!

Free Employment Assistance Workshop

Wednesday, April 5, Noon - 1:00 p.m., RSVP for Zoom Link

Sacramento Employment and Training Agency (SETA) in partnership with Los Rios colleges is offering free job development assistance to Career Education students at no cost! 

How to Ace an Interview

Thursday, April 6, Noon - 1:00 p.m., on Zoom

Join us for tips and advice on how to interview like a pro!

Developing an Effective Job Search Plan

Friday, April 7, Noon - 1:00 p.m., RSVP for Zoom Link

Your job search is your own, and, yet, in today’s complicated job market, there are common strategies that are proven to work.

Preparing for the Career Fair

Tuesday, April 11, Noon - 1:00 p.m., on Zoom

This is a great time to learn tips and advice on how to make the best first impressions with recruiters!

Spring 2023 Career Fair

Wednesday, April 12, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., ARC Student Center

Find your next career! Come meet with employers who are looking to hire you. Hosted by ARC's Career & Pathways Support Services. Open to all Los Rios students.

Pharmacy as a Career

Wednesday, April 12, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m., on Zoom

The California Northstate University Pharmacy Program informational zoom session will overview career options and admission requirements.

Networking for People Who Hate Networking

Friday, April 14, Noon - 1:00 p.m., RSVP for Zoom Link

Establishing and maintaining professional connections are key to scoring that dream job and advancing in the workplace. Join us as we discuss accomplishing this with minimal anxiety.

Careers at Raley’s, Bel Air, and Nob Hill Foods

Friday, April 14, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m., RSVP for Zoom Link

Come learn about the exciting career opportunities at Raley’s, Bel Air, and Nob Hill Foods. We’re actively hiring at our stores, pharmacies, corporate offices, and distribution centers. Full-time, part-time, and seasonal positions are available. Perks include great pay, benefits, and a household discount on your groceries.

Refugee Career Pathways

Are you a refugee student in Los Rios or know someone interested in becoming a student? Refugee Career Pathways is a program that helps refugee students with onboarding to college, finding classes, tuition assistance (depending on eligibility), and help with job search. Come to our next session on Thursday, April 13 at 12:00 p.m. to hear about the specific services available and the various immigration situations that make students eligible for various resources.

Register Here

Wellness Writing for Stress Relief

Join us for a "Write Your Way to Wellness" workshop on Monday, April 10 from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. via Zoom. Learn about the therapeutic power of wellness writing and journaling, which can help you decompress when life's many demands start to overwhelm you. All Los Rios students and employees are welcome to participate! Hosted by FLC’s Tom Goff with the Reading & Writing Center and Mary Hansen with Health & Wellness Services.

Tax Day Workshop for Students

Thursday, April 13, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., RSVP

Presented by the Foundation for California Community Colleges in partnership with the Golden State Opportunity Foundation.


CA community college students are invited to a free informational session to learn more about federal and state tax credits. Tax-filing tips and resources will help students avoid leaving money on the table by exploring how tax credits work. The workshop will review four tax credits available to students: 

  • Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
  • California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC)
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC)


For more information and questions, contact

College PRIDE Month

April is College Pride Month #ShowYourCampusPride

Wellness Wednesday

Wednesday, April 12, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Student Center Lobby

This event is all about student mental, physical, and emotional health. Learn how to live your best life with ARC's community partners.

LGBT+ Trivia (Kahoot)

Tuesday, April 18, Noon - 1:00 p.m., Unite Center

Think you know LGBT+ history, gay icons, and culture? Join the ARC PRIDE Center in a game of Kahoot. Lite snacks will be provided and prizes will be awarded. All Students are Welcome!

Drag Queen Bingo

Thursday, April 20, Noon - 1:00 p.m., Student Center Lobby

Join us for a game of bingo like you have never seen before. Lite snacks will be provided and prizes will be awarded.

Midday Movie Madness

Thursday, April 27, Noon - 2:00 p.m., Unite Center

Join the Pride Center in watching a throwback classic film. Popcorn and lite refreshments will be served.

Trick Out Your Cap

Thursday, May 4, Noon - 1:00 p.m., Unite Center

Get ready to celebrate!!! Join the Pride Center in decorating your graduation cap. Lite snacks and refreshments will be provided.

ARC Plant Sale

The ARC Plant Sale is back! 🌻🌵 See you there, Saturday, April 22 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Check below for this spring's offerings.


🌱 We are selling mature plants grown for the Spring 2020 sale (that was canceled due to COVID) for only $10 a piece

🌱 Lots of 3” veggies and 3” annual flowers

🌱 Limited 4” and 1 gallon herbaceous perennials

Location: ARC Horticulture Department - in the Technical Education area on North East corner of campus, behind Automotive; Parking Lot A off Myrtle Avenue.

ARC Calendar and Events

Check out ARC Events
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American River College