Alamitos Bay Water Circulation Fix Delayed to 2028
Contibuted by Greg Magnuson
On Wednesday September 13th over 250 people attended a meeting at Long Beach Yacht Club on the Alamitos Bay’s water circulation. The meeting, sponsored by 3rd District Councilwoman Kristina Duggan, provided a presentation by City staff and an AES representative to update community members on the Alamitos Bay Water Quality Enhancement Project.
We thank the Councilwoman for facilitating the meeting, and City staff for their report on replacement pump design progress; the status of funding; and information related to water quality in the Bay. Although grateful to receive this information, many in the audience were dismayed that that the target date for pump replacement has been extended to 2028, and that the City is relying on uncertain grant funding, rather than City infrastructure funds, for this critical project.
As many Alamitos Bay residents know, the health of the bay is directly tied to AES pumping activities along Studebaker Road to the San Gabriel River, And as City studies indicate, as the AES pumps are being phased out in 2026, water quality across the bay will decline.
Residents are encouraged to review the September 13th meeting presentation and background materials available on the ABWQ project website at: and HERE.