The Avocado Surge:
Europe's Growing Appetite
Ripe Opportunities in an Expanding Avocado Market
Did you know Europe's demand for avocados is projected to continue its upward trend year over year, making it a lucrative market for producers and exporters?

Did you also know that Scandinavia consumes more avocados per capita than any other region in Europe and France is the leading end market for avocados?

This article sheds light on critical insights into consumer preferences, sustainability practices, and market dynamics shaping the avocado trade's future.

Learn why staying informed about these trends is essential for anyone in the fruit industry, especially those focused on quality and sustainability.

For a more thorough understanding, check out the full article below.

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New opportunities for Interactive Demos.
International Africa Avocado Congress - Nairobi - May 7-10th
Avocado Africa 2024 is the most significant convergence of stakeholders in the avocado sector in the world for Africa.
ASHS Annual Conference - Honolulu, HI - Sept. 23-27
The ASHS Annual Conference showcases the latest advances in science and technology related to horticulture and specialty crops.
Fruit Attraction - Madrid - Oct. 8-10
Fruit Attraction is the commercial tool of reference for the worldwide marketing of fruit and vegetables.
- New Infographic -
What is Leaf Area and How to Measure It
Our latest infographic explores this topic!
Check out this infographic and learn how others use leaf area measurements to improve their research and how you can use them, too!

Latest Articles & Resources
What We Learned About Roots in 2023
In 2023, breakthrough research revealed that fine roots account for 30% of global net primary production, a discovery made possible by advanced studies in Congo's tropical peatlands using minirhizotron technology. This finding highlights the crucial role of fine roots in ecosystem health and agricultural productivity.

Further studies showed how roots adapt to environmental stresses like waterlogging, with cotton plants growing deeper roots (24-60 cm) to avoid saturated soils. This adaptation underscores roots' pivotal role in plant resilience, offering critical insights for enhancing agricultural sustainability and crop efficiency amidst climate change.

What You Need to Know About AI in Agriculture
Did you know AI is reshaping agriculture, making it more efficient and sustainable?

By harnessing the power of AI, farmers are optimizing productivity while using fewer resources, crucial for tackling today's environmental challenges. AI-driven tools offer valuable insights for soil and crop monitoring, farm management, and even making strategic decisions that influence the entire agricultural cycle.

The adoption of AI in agriculture is not just about technological advancement; it's a game-changer for resource optimization and environmental protection. From precision irrigation that conserves water to intelligent pest detection, reducing the need for chemicals, AI is at the forefront of transforming farming practices. Learn more in our latest article below.

Effect of Drought on Forest Productivity
In the face of increasing global climate changes, plant scientists and researchers are called to delve deeper into understanding droughts' profound impact on our forests. Our latest article sheds light on the devastating trend of forest productivity reductions due to these stressful drought conditions. This vital information has far-reaching implications for balancing global carbon cycles and optimizing our forest ecosystems.

We can only process and plan for tomorrow by understanding our forests' trials today. Let’s work together to shape a more informed perspective and sound framework for future forest conservation efforts. Read the full article below!

Maximizing Agricultural Quality and Efficiency:
The Comprehensive Guide to Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Applications
"Portable NIRS devices are seeing the most development for commercial use" highlights the pivotal role of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) in agriculture. This technology is reshaping preharvest practices by enabling precise maturity estimation, nutrient management, and stress detection in crops. The move towards portable devices marks a significant leap towards more efficient, data-driven farming methods.

Post-harvest, NIRS continues to play a crucial role in maintaining product quality through shelf life assessment, defect detection, and process monitoring. This seamless integration of NIRS from field to post-harvest operations exemplifies a synergistic approach to agriculture, ensuring quality and sustainability throughout the food supply chain.

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