VICA Weekly
Valley Industry & Commerce Association

June 23, 2023

In This Issue
  • VICA Returns to Advocate in Sacramento
  • VICA Hosts University Workshop on Medicare for Businesses
  • VICA Opposes AB 1356 - Unwarranted Expansion of the WARN Act
  • VICA Opposes SB 365 - No to Unnecessary Arbitration Agreements
  • VICA Opposes SB 616 - No to Increased Mandated Employee Costs
  • Voter Guide - VICA PAC Endorses Imelda Padilla for City Council

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Since I was elected, I've led the fight to raise pay for our military service members. I'm proud to deliver for our heroes by securing the largest base pay raise in history, ensuring that every single soldier makes at least $31,200 a year. More work is needed, but this is a real step in the right direction."

Congressman Mike Garcia

Statement on Passage of Pay Increases for Servicemembers at House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee

VICA Advocates in Sacramento

From Left to Right:VICA President Stuart Waldman, Assemblymember Luz Rivas, Jim Theiring (Mission Community Hospital), Dr. Ben Drillings (Walking Soccer Association), Nirvan Rayamajhi, and Ross Pendergraft (Leavitt Group)

On Tuesday, VICA members returned to Sacramento after bills in their originating house passed the June 2nd deadline to cross over to their alternate chamber. As the legislature enters the second half of the session, VICA returned to continue our advocacy for business-friendly proposals.

VICA members met with Assemblymembers Marie Waldron, Luz Rivas, Gail Pellerin, Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones, State Senator Caroline Menjivar, and staff of Senator Angelique Ashby, Assemblymember Tim Grayson, and Assemblymember Lisa Calderon.

VICA members advocated for permanent streamlining land use development projects, right-of-way development on religious and private university land, removing parking requirement barriers, and manufacturing equipment tax credit. VICA advocated in opposition to proposals including joint liability requirements for franchisees, expansion on time in which a business must indicate mass layoffs, changes in arbitration procedures, healthcare minimum wage increases, and expanded time off benefits.

Click the link below to join VICA at our next Sacramento Advocacy Day.

July 12 Advocacy Day

VICA President Stuart Waldman, Jim Theiring (Mission Community Hospital) with Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel

VICA members Advocate with Assemblymember Miguel Santiago

VICA members meet with Assemblymember Marie Waldron

VICA Joins Mayor Karen Bass at Signing of Executive Directive to Support Business Development

On Thursday, VICA President Stuart Waldman joined Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, Council President Paul Krekorian, and other community business leaders for her signing of her fourth Executive Directive to identify barriers that impede small business development.

Her announcement included the establishment of the Los Angeles Business Steering Committee, which will bring together leaders from city departments to identify ways to assist businesses to open and operate, led by Deputy Mayor Rachel Freeman and the Office of Business and Economic Development.

The Executive Directive would require a review of existing business taxes and fees, existing processes and timelines associated with opening and operating a business, and a comparative analysis of other jurisdictions' business regulations and approaches for fostering business growth and attraction.

VICA applauds Mayor Karen Bass for recognizing the importance of the business community and looks forward to working with her administration in creating meaningful efforts to have healthy economic development in Los Angeles.

VICA Hosts Online University Workshop - Medicare and Health Plan Options for Businesses

On Wednesday, VICA members attended an online VICA University workshop presented by Paul Davis, Founder of Paul Davis Insurance Services, on Medicare and Health Plan Options.

Members joined us for an informative 90-minute program covering Medicare's various plans, rules, and options to keep costs low for businesses, clients, and employees. The information session covered various issues, including Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D; sign-ups for Medicare; late enrollment penalties; supplemental health options; coverage of senior workers; COBRA; and Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amounts.

VICA would like to thank Paul Davis of Paul Davis Insurance Services for speaking to our members.

If you would like to watch VICA U, or would like more information, please contact the VICA Office and we will connect you.

VICA Opposes AB 1356 - Expansion of WARN Act Requirements

VICA opposes Assembly Bill 1356 (Haney) which looks to expand existing WARN Act requirements unnecessarily and is overly broad in its application to labor contractor employees, including failing to account for the terms of a contract or agreement of a contractor and client.

Many companies are not aware within a 90-day period that they will be going out of business or must conduct a mass layoff; this was best exemplified by the COVID-19 pandemic when the economy effectively shut down overnight, and many businesses had to lay off or furlough their workers almost immediately.

Under AB 1356, a business would have to pay penalties for attempting to pay out their employees immediately following a separation including layoffs, which would harm both the employer and the displaced worker by lengthening the time that restitution is provided to the employee while increasing costs for businesses.

VICA will continue to advocate for common sense policies that work to provide fair and balanced policies for both businesses and displaced workers.

VICA Opposes SB 365 - Unnecessary Restrictions to Arbitration Agreements

VICA supports Senate Bill 365 (Wiener), which would restrict the use of arbitration agreements while incorrectly assuming all appeals to arbitration are meritless.

SB 365 will likely lead to increased civil litigation for the benefit of the plaintiff's attorneys rather than consumers or workers. Attorneys typically recover a significant percentage of a worker's total recovery, with an average above $350,000 in litigation.

Additionally, workers in PAGA cases often experience lower average recoveries and wait twice as long for their wage claims to be resolved. SB 365 assumes that all appeals of a denial to compel arbitration are meritless while presuming that no trial court can ever be wrong. Additionally, SB 365 discriminates against arbitration by stating that California's Civil Procedure code should never apply to appeals related to a motion to compel arbitration.

VICA will continue to advocate for policies that look to mediate and resolve issues in a fair and transparent manner without increasing litigation in the courts and unnecessary costs for both plaintiffs and businesses.

VICA Opposes SB 616 - Increased Mandated Benefits

VICA opposes Senate Bill 616 (Gonzalez), which looks to amend the Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act to more than double the paid sick days from three to seven days that employers are required to provide.

While one more paid benefit does not seem significant, this mandate must be viewed in the context of all of California's other leaves and paid benefits. The culmination of both state and local mandates, increased labor costs, supply chain disruptions, and long-lasting pandemic impacts have placed a significant burden on many small profit-margin businesses that have survived the pandemic.

VICA will continue to oppose policies that do not address existing problems with other paid leave benefits, and could lead to increased prices, elimination of jobs, and reduce hours and other benefits.

VICA PAC Voter Guide - Council District 6 Special Election

As we enter the final few days of the 2023 Special Election Runoff for Council District 6, it is important to get out and vote.

The VICA PAC is proud to endorse: Imelda Padilla

for City Council.

Click the button below to find a voter center near you. The last day to vote in the CD6 special election is Tuesday, June 27.

LA County Vote Centers
imelda-padilla-hero-01 image


VICA Thanks Our New and Renewing Members!

Gold Member

Silver Member

Bronze Member

Renewing Member

New Member



VICA Leaders Forum: LA City Council President Paul Krekorian

June 29 | 11:30 AM

Burbank Airport Marriott

Since 2010, Paul Krekorian has served on the LA City Council where his leadership of the Budget and Finance Committee helped guide the city through the Great Recession. He also leads the San Fernando Valley Council of Governments, a coalition of leaders fighting for the Valley, and serves as a board member for Metro and Metrolink. In 2022, he was unanimously elected by his colleagues to serve as President of the City Council.

The Leaders Forum is presented by Amazon & Flatiron.

Click the button below to register!

Register Here


Local Officeholders Luncheon

August 10 | 11:30 AM

Sheraton Universal Hotel

Local Officeholders representing Los Angeles County, the City of Los Angeles, and other Valley cities join VICA and its members to discuss the pertinent issues facing businesses during the annual Local Officeholders event. Attendees have the opportunity to formally ask questions on a wide range of topics.

The Local Officeholders Luncheon is presented by: Amazon, Comcast NBCUniversal, JPMorgan Chase & Co., LA Department of Water & Power and SoCalGas.

Register Here

Save the Date 

Transportation Committee

Tuesday, July 11

8:30 - 10:30 AM

Hosted by The Garland


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee

Thursday, July 13

Noon - 1:30 PM

At the VICA Office


Ambassador Committee

Wednesday, July 12

9:00 - 10:30 AM

At the VICA Office


Aviation Committee

Tuesday, July 18

Noon - 1:30 PM

Hosted by the Aerolease Group


View Calendar

Hot News

Harris-Dawson is President Pro Tem

The Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday, June 20, elected Councilmember Marqueece Harris-Dawson as its new president pro tempore, replacing Councilmember Curren Price, who stepped down from the leadership post last week and is facing corruption charges. The council took the 12-0 vote to name Harris-Dawson the new president pro tempore with no discussion.

Hospital Executive Pay on the Ballot

On Wednesday, Los Angeles City Council voted to put the proposed measure on the March 2024 ballot. The ballot measure, backed by SEIU-UHW, argues that pay for hospital executives has been excessive and out of line with the mission of providing affordable care. The union contends that hospital executives should not be paid more than the United States president, currently at $450,000. Opponents have argued that the proposal needs to be revised and makes it harder for hospitals to recruit and retain talent.

LeBron Earns ESPYs Nomination

LeBron James has won 15 individual ESPYs during his 20-year NBA career and has been honored by ESPN as top male athlete three times, best NBA player eight times, top championship performance three times, and breakthrough athlete once. This year, he's a first-time nominee for best record-breaking performance after passing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as the NBA's all-time leading scorer on February 8 after scoring 38 points during the Laker's 133-130 loss to Oklahoma City. In the nomination announced Wednesday, James is up against Dutch Belgian driver Max Verstappen, Serbian tennis star Novak Djokovic, and U.S. skier Mikaela Shiffrin.

Wildlife Ordinance Nears Approval

LA City's Wildlife Ordinance designed to minimize the impact of hillside homes on the surrounding environment cleared a major hurdle on Tuesday, June 20, unanimously backed by the Council's Planning and Land Use Management committee. The decision was met with delight by supporters but angered many homeowners who fear regulations will decrease property values.

LA Approves First Step for Public Bank

The Los Angeles City Council voted 12-0 on Tuesday to pay for a consultant to look into creating a public bank within the city. Public banks, which are run by a city or county, have been a hot topic in California, with the difference between corporate banks being the privatization of loans and their location. Deposited money stays in the local bank and can be distributed as seen fit, with public banks generally having smaller loans and greater access compared to corporate banks that include more branches and banking options.

LA wants Tougher Lobbying Rules

On Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council requested a report on how the city could revise its ethics and conflict of interest laws to require lobbyists to disclose ties to a council member or their staff. The motion by Councilmember Katy Yaroslavsky was in response to a possible ethics violation by her predecessor's deputy of planning and land use in acquiring a zoning designation for the development projects in the area. The motion requested city staff to establish laws that require lobbyists to disclose if they are a spouse, registered domestic partner, partner or child of a councilmember or councilmembers staff.

Member Messages

Member Messages

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VICA members can promote their business, events and news in VICA Weekly. Member messages are available for $50 per week or $175 for four weeks. Messages are text-based and may not contain more than 70 words. A logo may be added for an additional $5 per week. For more information or to schedule your member message, contact or call (818) 817-0545.

Presenting the business perspective on behalf of employers in the
San Fernando Valley cities of Los Angeles, Burbank, Glendale, Calabasas,
Hidden Hills, San Fernando and Santa Clarita.
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