Sonoma County 5th District

February 28 , 2024

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Sonoma County Board of Supervisors Welcomes New Leadership for 2024, Supervisor Hopkins Elected Vice Chair

We are delighted to announce that in a unanimous decision by the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, Supervisor David Rabbitt has been elected as the Chair and Supervisor Lynda Hopkins has been named Vice Chair for the year 2024.

This leadership transition marks a significant moment for our community. Supervisor Hopkins will bring her dedication and vision to the forefront in her role as Vice Chair. She is committed to addressing the array of challenges our county faces, including climate action, transportation, wildfire resilience, coastal climate adaptation, equity and inclusion, affordable housing, homelessness, and local infrastructure needs.

As we move forward into 2024, the Board of Supervisors is set to tackle key issues such as finalizing a tree ordinance, considering implementing a Micro-Enterprise Kitchen program, and updating the General Plan, among other significant initiatives.

Sonoma Clean Power E-bike Program

As a County Supervisor, Supervisor Hopkins is actively engaged in various County-initiated and external boards and committees. Curious about what these entail? Explore more information here.

One board Supervisor Hopkins is Chair of is Sonoma Clean Power, a non-profit agency that provides residential and business customers the option of using power generated by renewable resources, like solar, wind and geothermal, delivered through PG&E infrastructure.

We’re excited to announce the launch of Sonoma Clean Power’s E-Bike Commuter Program, part of their commitment to assisting in the purchase and use of alternative mobility options. The overall goal of the E-Bike Commuter Program is to offset light-duty vehicle emissions and congestion from commuting through the use of electric bikes. When compared to traditional bikes, e-bikes allow riders to travel longer distances in a shorter amount of time. The added range and electric-assisted pedaling offer a faster, easier commute, and can help bridge the gap between public transit stops and work or home.

As of February 14, Sonoma Clean Power has started accepting grant applications from qualified entities for up to $20,000 in funding for the purchase of electric bicycles (e-bikes) for their commuting staff, along with other safety, security, and storage resources. For organizations, this program is intended to provide the comprehensive funding and support needed to create and sustain an electric bike commuting program for their staff. Electric bikes may be purchased or leased, depending on the needs of the Grantee. In addition to the purchase of electric bikes, grant funds can be used to buy safety and security equipment, install bike racks and chargers, and provide other benefits and perks to commuters that participate in the program (e.g., free lunches or a bus pass). Eligible organization types include businesses, non-profits, public entities, Tribal nations, and educational institutions. Applicants must also be a Sonoma Clean Power customer and have at least five staff, volunteers or students who commute using light-duty cars and trucks.

The application is available online at, and the deadline for submissions is April 3, 2024. The target date for awards is May 22, 2024. If you or someone you know has any questions about the application process or program, please email

District 5 Satellite Office Open House and Ribbon Cutting in Guerneville on Saturday!

5th District Satellite Office Grand Opening March 2 10 am to noon, 16390 Main St, Guerneville

Chanslor Ranch Opening on March 9

We are excited to share the wonderful news about the acquisition of Chanslor Ranch, a magnificent 378-acre property nestled along Highway 1 near Bodega Bay. This area, known for its natural beauty, scenic vistas, and recreational opportunities, is now the newest regional park and open space preserve in our county, and it fills us with pride to see such a cherished piece of our coastal environment preserved for public enjoyment.

Thanks to the collaborative efforts of Sonoma County Ag + Open Space and Regional Parks, we have been diligently preparing Chanslor Ranch to welcome the community. Our focus has been on enhancing the site to ensure it remains a place where nature's tranquility can be enjoyed by all. From improving the parking area and marking trails to removing safety hazards, our teams have worked hard to make this space accessible and safe for hikers, equestrians, and nature lovers alike.

The county will host an open house on Saturday, March 9. This event will serve as a grand introduction to the endless possibilities this park and preserve has to offer. Plans include informational booths, engaging activities, and insightful interpretation sessions that will enrich your understanding and appreciation of the area's unique ecological and cultural significance. We hope to see you there!

scenic landscape

Do You Still Have Storm Debris that Needs to be Chipped?

Supervisor Hopkins has set aside funding to address chipping needs in the 5th District after many limbs and trees fell during the recent storms. Reach out via this link for applications. Please note that preference is given to those with barriers to success in carrying out this work themselves.

District 5 Staff Volunteering in the Community

Ché Casul recently joined the District 5 team as our Director of Community Initiatives. Well known in the fire fuels and fire safety worlds of West County, Ché believes strongly in volunteerism, community action and the importance of landscape level treatments to keep our community safe. Ché volunteers with his wife as certified wildland firefighters with the Good Fire Alliance, leads small prescribed fire, pile burn, and fire fuel grazing workshops for community members, nonprofits and firewise groups, and recently served on the Board of Safer West County. Through Safer West County Ché was able to build upon the ethos of neighbors helping neighbors that was so pivotal in his young life growing up in rural west county and inform in a broader sense the ways in which we look at our landscapes and how we as humans interact with those landscapes to effect positive change. Ché believes strongly that only through volunteerism, community action and landscape level treatments can we change the natural world around us to be safer from fire, more productive, and more ecologically healthy. If you have interest in getting involved with local vegetation management organizations, or if you have vegetation management questions relating to your property, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Ché at and he can help point you to local and county resources. 

Meet Mia, our New Intern

Hello everyone! My name is Mia Pedrazzetti. I’m so excited to join the County as the new intern for District 5. I am currently a college student studying biology at Santa Rosa Junior College. After my time at SRJC I hope to transfer to university to study biochemistry. My career goal is to work in the forensic sciences. I am a lifelong resident of Sonoma County and I grew up in Sebastopol. I have always loved the beautiful surroundings and close communities we have here. I am eager to learn more about local government and its processes and get involved in my community. I am so grateful for this opportunity; I look forward to working with all of you.

Mia Pedrazzetti

Guerneville Community Spaces - Survey & Community Meeting

There is an effort underway to develop a new recreational space in Guerneville and we would love to have your input. In addition to this survey, we will be hosting two community meetings to share the next steps and look at possible designs for the new park. The first meeting will be held on March 9th from 10:30am to 12:30pm at the West County Health Centers Resiliency Center at 16385 First St in Guerneville.

Guerneville Community Spaces Meeting 3/9/24: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm 16385 First Street, Guerneville

Russian River County Sanitation District Survey

Russian River County Sanitation District (RRCSD) is applying for state funding to upgrade critical wastewater collection and treatment infrastructure within their service area. To determine our District’s eligibility, the funding agency must determine the median household income of RRCSD’s service area. 

Action Requested:

If you receive an envelope (like the one shown below) in your mailbox or on your door, please fill out the income survey inside and return it using the self-addressed stamped envelope. A large response rate is required for the survey to be considered valid. Surveys will be mailed to households the last week of February 2024. This survey will be conducted by the Rural Community Assistance Corporation ( Your responses to this survey will be kept anonymous. No personal identifying information will be reported in the survey results. All respondents’ personal information will remain confidential.

Learn more about Russian River County Sanitation at

Image of resident survey mailer from Russian River County Sanitation District

Have Questions about How Changing Septic-related Regulations will Impact You, Your Property or Your Community? 

If so, you are invited to meet with the County’s Clean Water Ombudsman, Michael Makdisi, during his “office hours” from 2-6 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month, through the end of June, at the Monte Rio Community Center, located at 20488 Highway 116, Monte Rio, CA 95462. You can also call him at (707) 565-3747 to schedule a separate meeting or send him an email at

Michael Makdisi, Clean Water Ombudsman

Expanded Program for Mental Health Emergency Response

In 2012, the county’s Behavioral Health division began sending teams of mental health professionals instead of dispatching law enforcement to help individuals in the throes of a mental health crisis. This became a model for several cities in Sonoma County that have developed similar crisis response teams with funding from Measure O, a quarter-cent sales tax passed in 2020 to support mental health and homelessness services.

After advocacy from Supervisor Hopkins, these services are now available in District 5 and across the county under a plan recently approved by the Board of Supervisors. Mobile Support Teams will respond to calls within 60 minutes in urban areas and 120 minutes in rural areas, at any time of day or night. They will include professionals trained to treat drug overdoses and mental health emergencies. To obtain help during a mental health crisis, contact the Emergency Mental Health Hotline at 800-746-8181.

PG&E Resources

The California Public Utilities Commission run by the State is ultimately in charge of regulating PG&E, but our office is dedicated to advocating for residents and connecting them with resources. We want to take a moment to share some of the resources available through PG&E, but know we’re consistently advocating for improvements. 

Health and accessibility support:

The Medical Baseline Program offers support and lower energy rates for customers relying on power for medical needs. No specific conditions are necessary for eligibility, and customers can self-certify for extra assistance. Additionally, the Disability Disaster Access and Resources provide aid in emergency planning and transportation. The Portable Battery Program assists during outages, and language and assistive resources are available as needed. 

Storm inconvenience Payment:

PG&E's Safety Net program provides Storm Inconvenience Payments to residential electric customers who endure 48-hour or longer outages due to major weather events. Eligibility criteria include having a residential PG&E account in good standing and experiencing an extended outage due to significant weather-related damage. Payments range from $25 to $100 based on outage duration, with FAQs addressing eligibility, service guarantees, and claims.

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP):

Eligible customers may qualify for up to $1,000 to help pay household energy costs, or receive

in-home weatherization services. To learn how to apply, please visit, or call the toll-free help line at 1-866-675-6623.

Relief for Energy Assistance through Community Help (REACH):

Provides financial assistance during times of hardship. To qualify for an energy credit your past due bill balance cannot exceed $300. To see if you qualify for this program, please visit, or call 1-800-933-9677.

California Alternate Rates for Energy Program (CARE): 

Offers a monthly discount of 20% or more on gas and electricity. To see if you qualify for this

program, please visit, or call 1-866-743-2273.

Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA): 

Provides a monthly discount of 18% on electricity to households with three or more people. To see if you qualify for this program, please visit, or call 1-866-743-2273.

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Fifth District Supervisor Lynda Hopkins | County of Sonoma | 707-565-2241

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