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NIA Hot Topics

August 2023

Welcome to the August edition of NIA Hot Topics, Naples Improvement Association's eNews communication.

NIA Hot Topics is distributed 1-2 weeks following the NIA's monthly board meetings. Hot Topics shares quick updates on Naples happenings, NIA business, and announcements.

Feedback? Send comments to Steve Pruitt at:

NIA Membership Drive!

Join Now!

Thank you to all our 23/24 NIA Members!

And for those of you that have not yet signed up - Do it Now!

Our new membership year runs June 1, 2023 thru May 31, 2024.

 And please come out and join us at the 

Tuesday, Aug 29 concert 

to pick up your membership benefits or register in person!

In this issue:

  • Naples Concert August 29
  • In the Know
  • Neighborhood Watch
  • Stop Storm Drain Dumping
  • Seawall Update - Notices to Residents
  • NIA CERT - LB Emergency Readiness Expo
  • Upcoming Naples Calendar
  • Check if your NIA Membership is Up-To-Date!

This Hot Topics section has local news that may be of interest to Naples Residents and help us all stay involved. Click the links for more info.

City of Long Beach Proposed Fiscal Year 2024 Budget

The Mayor and City Manager unveiled the 2024 Proposed Budget on August 1. View the City of Long Beach FY24 Budget. It is 660 pages. Share Your Feedback through the Digital Comment Card. This provides an opportunity for the community to give additional feedback on the January community engagement results as well as the Proposed FY 24 Budget now that it has been developed. This survey will close at the end of the day on Wednesday, August 25. The City invites you to Join the Conversation and share your feedback on the proposed budget at one of the upcoming community meetings. The Mayor has outlined his Budget Highlights.

From the Long Beach Post

Struggling to fill positions, LBPD chief says department could hit 24% vacancy in 6 months

While Long Beach officials said last week that there would be no service reductions in this year’s budget, filling vacant positions could be a challenge for the city’s public safety departments, with the Long Beach Police Department at risk of having one out of four positions unfilled within the year, officials told the City Council Tuesday. The Long Beach Police Department and Long Beach Fire Department presented their budget proposals to the City Council Tuesday night, with both chiefs of those departments saying that staffing levels were a concern going into 2024.

Welcome to our new East Side Police Commander Michael Pennino!

He replaces Commander Richens, who will now head up our Detective Bureau sometime this fall.

Commander Pennino began his career with the Long Beach Police Department as a police officer in 1995. Commander Pennino has served in various assignments throughout his career including Burglary Detail, A.T.F. Task Force, Sex Crimes Detail, Identity Theft Detail, Night Auto Theft Detail, Investigations Bureau Office, Watch Commander, Drug Investigations Section and the Police Department's Information Technology Section.  

Naples looks forward to working with Commander Pennino to keep our island safe!

STOP Storm Drain Dumping!

Lots of construction work in our area recently means many out-of-area workers don't know that our street and alley drains go DIRECTLY into our canals!

Please remind contractors that NO construction waste is permitted to be dumped on our streets or alleys.

This includes paint cleanup buckets, concrete residue, paint thinner, chemicals, sawdust, paint chips, or anything else. Only one thing can go into our drains- pure water. It also goes without saying this also includes motor oil or any other hazardous substance. It's illegal to dump into storm drains.


IF you see construction waste of any sort heading to a drain, it's an immediate call to 911, and tell them you need Fire. Don't call the non-emergency number, or any of the lines on the city websites- they will all refer you to call 911. Our fire department is trained in managing and disposing of hazwaste, and stopping it from going into our bay. They will put up barriers or put down absorbent, and contact the appropriate cleanup crews as necessary. 


As the homeowner YOU are liable for any dumping by your workers, and the fines are not cheap. Start a job off right at your property by reminding all contractors and their workers before work begins that dumping must go down the sink drain to be processed if allowable, or taken away for proper disposal.

Naples Seawall Update

Inspections Sept 11 to 29

The City of Long Beach is providing initial notice to property owners and/or residents adjacent to the Naples Island seawalls of upcoming field work and inspections to be performed by the City’s consulting engineers, TetraTech, Inc. and specialty diving company, American Marine Corporation between Monday, September 11, 2023, through Friday, September 29, 2023, between 7:00am – 4:00pm.

Important Documents for Download

You can also find out more information at the city website - HERE.


Join members of your Naples Islands CERT Team at the

2023 READY Long Beach 

Emergency Preparedness Expo

Have fun and be entertained WHILE gaining insights 

for your family's emergency preparedness plan and

picking up the latest in life-saving products for your home

Saturday, September 9 • 10AM - 4PM

Walter Pyramid at Long Beach State University

1250 N. Bellflower Blvd

Free Admission, Complimentary Parking


Food - Music - Kids Rides - Prizes - Vendors

Emergency Vehicle Displays

Information / Vendor Booths

Fire Safety Demonstrations

Emergency Supplies & Equipment

Life-Saving Tips

For more info click HERE (if the link does not work, please try again later as the city gets the link working!)

Upcoming NIA and Naples EVENTS 

Gatherings, Meetings and Celebrations!

Go to the website HERE to see the whole calendar!

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• Aug 29 - Summer Concert - King Salmon Band

• Sept 10 - Street Dance Concert - Ocean Blvd

• Nov 8 - NIA Annual Meeting

• Dec 13 - Holiday Decor Judging

• Dec 16 - Christmas Boat Parade

• Dec 17 - Spark of Love - Joy of Giving Toy Donations

• Jan 17, 2024 - NIA Installation/Awards Dinner

"Is my NIA Membership


Not sure if you renewed your membership this year?


to view our list of active members.

Membership runs June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024

Questions or Help Registering?

Contact Tony Digiovanni at


NIA Mission

Promote • Unite • Improve

The mission of the NIA is to promote and protect the interests and welfare of the Naples community, particularly in regards to public improvements, public utilities and all other governmental related activities; to unite the property owners and residents for the purposes of developing and improving the civic and social interests and activities; and to partner with other organizations and associations whose missions are similar to those of the NIA.