Welcome to the July edition of NIA Hot Topics, Naples Improvement Association's eNews communication.
NIA Hot Topics is distributed 1-2 weeks following the NIA's monthly board meetings. Hot Topics shares quick updates on Naples happenings, NIA business, and announcements.
Feedback? Send comments to Steve Pruitt at: comms.nia@gmail.com
Thank you to all our 23/24 NIA Members!
And for those of you that have not yet signed up - Do it Now!
Our new membership year runs June 1, 2023 thru May 31, 2024.
And please come out and join us at the
Tuesday, July 25 concert
to pick up your membership benefits or register in person!
In this issue:
- Manuel the Band Concert July 25
- In the Know
- Chili Cookoff Winners
- Naples Milestones
- Upcoming Naples Calendar
This Hot Topics section has local news that may be of interest to Naples Residents and help us all stay involved. Click the links for more info. |
Help Shape New Regulations for Secondary and Accessory Dwelling Units
Many communities across the State are adamantly opposed as it would forever change the charter of single-family neighborhoods. See here an article published in The Post earlier this week: Long Beach seeks public input on changes to ADU, duplex construction ordinances. Join the City of Long Beach for an in-person open house to learn about and provide feedback on a new local ordinance for accessory dwelling units (ADUs) as well as an ordinance for two-unit residential developments in alignment with Senate Bill 9 (SB 9).
ADU/SB 9 Open House - Wednesday, July 19, 2023, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Long Beach Utilities Auditorium, 2400 E. Spring St., RSVP online
Learn more at longbeach.gov/adusb9 and sign up to receive updates.
How to Give your Input on Long Beach’s 2024 Budget
See the Post article HERE. Six meetings will be held at parks, libraries and high schools across the city starting Aug. 9, according to a city memo - HERE. What was once expected to be a budget deficit in the $40 million range has shrunk substantially as portions of the city’s economy continue to outperform expectations. In March, city officials said the figure had dropped to about $6 million.
Long Beach Yacht Club Red Cross Blood Drive
Tuesday, July 25th from 10am - 4pm.
All Naples residents are invited to donate.
The need for blood has never been greater - and we want to save as many lives as we can! Sign up HERE, Sponsor Code: LBYacht
Please email Tyler Appel at communications@lbyc.org if you have trouble signing up.
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Long Beach Police National Night Out
Aug 1, 2023
The Long Beach Police Department would like to invite neighbors, community groups, and businesses to join us in celebrating in the 40th Annual National Night Out, on Tuesday, August 1, 2023. National Night Out was implemented to improve police-community relationships, increase crime prevention awareness, and strengthen neighborhood camaraderie.
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More info HERE. Register HERE. | |
What Happenned to the Municipal Band Concerts?
In past years many Naples residents enjoyed walking, riding or boating to the summer Municipal Band concerts at Marine Stadium. This year with the construction Kristina Duggan was able to keep the concerts in the 3rd District, but moved to Rec Park on 7th St, just south of Blair Field. Attend the next 4 Thursdays at 6:30 pm to support the Muncipal Band this year and we look forward to their return to Marine Stadium next year! More info about the schedule HERE.
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2023 Chili Cook Off!
Thank you to all our participants, judges, volunteers and Winners!
Contestants: Jose and Tracy Sandoval, Shawn Burke, Lynn Allen, Lisa de la Reyes, William snd Kaitlin Kellogg, Michael O’toole, Tiffany Packman, Christine DiGiovanni
Judges: Edie Graber, Jeff Stone, Michael Jordan
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Contessas: Katrina Meyer, Kate Lewis, Kendall Bostri
Volunteers: Stacey King, Linda Pachter, Jordy Pachter, Claire Pachter,
Chris and Adrienne Orlando, Ligaya Pinga Jakmakjian, Cynthia Finley
Melonie Overett Small Cafe for gift certificates.
Winners - Judges Choice:
1st place - Shawn Burke
2nd place - Lynn Allen
3rd place - William and Kaitlin Kellogg
Winners - People’s choice:
1st place - Lynn Allen
2nd place - Tiffany Packman
3rd place - Shawn Burke
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Submissions for "Naples Milestones" in Naples News are due by Sunday, July 30. These announcements should fall within the last 4 months, including April 1 - July 30, 2023.
Send news of island-related births, weddings and passings to NaplesNewsMagazine@gmail.com
For births, please include:
Parents' names
Child's name
Date of birth
Street name
Photo of child or child and parents
For marriages, please include:
Names of the couple as they would like them to appear in print
Date of marriage
Street name
Photo of the couple
For passings, please include:
Date of passing
Up to 150 words
Street name
Photo of the beloved
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Upcoming NIA and Naples EVENTS
Gatherings, Meetings and Celebrations!
Go to the website HERE to see the whole calendar!
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• July 25 - Summer Concert - Manuel the Band
• Aug 29 - Summer Concert - King Salmon Band
• Sept 10 - Street Dance Concert - Ocean Blvd
• Nov 8 - NIA Annual Meeting
• Dec 13 - Holiday Decor Judging
• Dec 16 - Christmas Boat Parade
• Dec 17 - Spark of Love - Joy of Giving Toy Donations
• Jan 17, 2024 - NIA Installation/Awards Dinner
NIA Membership
The 2023-24 Membership Drive is in FULL GO mode! Membership runs from June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024. Click HERE to sign-up!
Questions? Contact Tony Digiovanni at membership.nia@gmail.com
NIA Mission
Promote • Unite • Improve
The mission of the NIA is to promote and protect the interests and welfare of the Naples community, particularly in regards to public improvements, public utilities and all other governmental related activities; to unite the property owners and residents for the purposes of developing and improving the civic and social interests and activities; and to partner with other organizations and associations whose missions are similar to those of the NIA.
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