The News of Zion

Love God

Love People

~Luke 10:27

February 21, 2024

The Pastor’s Pen

He called the crowd with his disciples, and said to them, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it. MARK 34-35


This week’s scripture lesson, from Mark 8:27-38, is not only the at midpoint of the book of Mark, but also marks a major shift in the plot as the word Christ once again appears, which has not appeared since the opening verse of the Gospel. It’s here, as Jesus and the disciples near Caesarea Philippi, where Jesus poses two questions, one to his disciple (and to us): “Who do the people say I am?”. And the other to directly to Peter (and I believe us): “Who do you say I am?”   I believe these are two great questions to ponder in this Lenten season! 

Next, Peter rebukes Jesus after Jesus explains what must happen, that “Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and after three days rise again.’’ Christ again, calls his disciples together saying: "If anyone would come after me, he (or she) must deny himself (herself) and take up his cross and follow me. Join us this week, as we take a look at not only self-denial during the season, but also what it actually means to take up one’s cross (which many misunderstand) and follow Jesus. Hope to see you all on Sunday!


Pastor John

ATTENTION ZION BAKERS!! Unity VFD needs our help! They need donations of pound cakes for their plates. Please consider helping with this fundraiser to support one of the local volunteer fire departments that would be responding to our church and community in the event of a fire! Donations of cakes need to be to Unity VFD on Friday after 1:00 pm, 2495 Shiloh Unity Road, Lancaster.

The Worship Committee; Beth Craig, Judy Paye, Rhonda Waters, Carolyn Massey, Becky H. Steele, Michael Mills, and Dennis Hall, along with the Senior Adult/Family Fellowship Committee; Doreen Catoe, Terry Robinson, Billy Sweatt, and Dianne Sweatt, are asked to meet this Sunday, February 25 at 5:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. 

All youth are invited to Methodist Youth Night at Hopewell UMC this Sunday, February 25th from 5-7 pm. Everyone is asked to meet at Hopewell at 5:00 pm. Join us for Dinner, Games, Devotion, and Praise Music!

The Administrative Board; Tommy Middleton, Dennis Hall, Steve Moseley, Wanda Murphy, Jeffrey Thomas, Keli Thomas, Steve McDonald, Missy Snipes, Janet Webster,Libby Morris, Cierra Hartley, Elizabeth Moseley, Terry Robinson, Hazel Robinson, Shawn Thomas, Kristina Ray, Becky Barton, Susan Scott, Dianne Sweatt, and Beth Craig, is asked to meet on Monday, February 26 at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

February Worship Greeters and Ushers: 

Greeters: Marion Curtis and Beth Craig

Ushers: Steve Moseley, Will Moseley, Stacy Scott, and Steve Duell.

February needs at HOPE in Lancaster:

Grits, Oatmeal, Jelly, Rice, Pasta, Spaghetti Sauce, Boxed Instant Potatoes, 64 oz. Juice. Please place your donations in the vestibule collection box.

Visitors on 2/18: Laura Jordan, Tom Moran, and Carol Brown. 

Join us for our Lenten Bible Study, “A Clearing Season” on Tuesdays at 11:00 am or 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Bible Study books are $15.00 each. You may drop your book donations in the offering plate on Sundays. Please mark your donation “Lent Bible Study”

Healthy Me Healthy SC

MUSC and Clemson University have partnered together to form Healthy Me Healthy SC. The purpose of Healthy Me Healthy SC is to offer vital health screenings, food security, health education and vaccines to the underserved in or communities. In addition to Healthy Me Healthy SC, many community partners will be participating in the event. Every attendee will receive a free water bottle and reusable shopping bag at registration.

We will be hosting a Community Health Fair March 2, 2024, 10am-1pm at the Lancaster Parks and Recreation Department Building located off Springdale Rd. 260 State Rd S 29-527, Lancaster.

This Health Clinic will be offering blood pressure checks, glucose monitoring, BMI information, sports physicals, and vaccines including HPV, Tdap, Meningitis, and FLU. We will offer fresh food boxes that are available with completion of the health screening process on a first come, first serve basis.

If you would like any more information about this event, please contact Connie Revels by email or by phone 803-286-1754

We will be collecting items for the Military Easter Boxes through Sunday, February 25. We will be packing the boxes on Saturday, March 2nd.

The Staff Parish Relations Committee; Tammy Cooper, Ryan Griffin, Steve Moseley, Wanda Murphy, Beverly Knox, Dennis Hall, Teresa Evans, and Dwayne Ray, is asked to meet on Sunday, March 10 at 5:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. 

Our United Women in Faith are changing our monthly meeting day!! All women of the church are invited to our United Women in Faith meeting on Wednesday, March 13 at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. 

We will present a special service, “Symbols of Easter,” on Palm Sunday, March 24th at 11:00 am. Join us as members of our congregation present some of the sacred symbols of Easter through the scriptures and in song. 

To contact Pastor John, his cell phone is 864-770-5584, and is his email address. Pastor John’s scheduled days off are Friday and Saturday. For emergencies, please call his cell phone.

Special Gifts to Zion Church

In Loving Memory of:

Mike Payne by Judy

Morning Walking Club: 

Our weekday morning walking group has resumed meeting in the life center Monday through Friday at 8:30 AM. Church members are welcome to come out and enjoy getting in some exercise out of the elements and in a secure location!

Prayer Requests: In order to communicate your praises and concerns more efficiently, we offer the option of writing your requests. Our prayer request box will be placed in a convenient, visible location in the vestibule. Please print your praises and concerns, place them in the box and they will be given to Pastor John just prior to the beginning of worship service. Besides this option, there will still be an opportunity to express your requests during the service if you choose to do so.

Please remember these in prayer:

Hope Anderson

Angela Bailey

Francis Bell

Carol Boyles

Beth Bramlett

Jan Bryson

Barbara Catoe

Sue Catoe

Diane Chance

Donald Chance

Amelia Clontz

Leslie Collins

Sandra Cope

Susan Cudd

Susan Duell

Steven Evans, Jr.

Laura Everall

Diane Faulkner

Ashley Fort

Karon Vick Furr

Max Funderburk

Myra Funderburk

Brenda Gaston

Mike Gay

Mary Gibson

Ryan Griffin

Gretchen Hansson’s Mom

David Hayes

JoAnn Hinson

Ed Horne

Jeremy Hudson

Angie Hunter

Max Hunter

Melinda Hunter

Mickey Hunter

Mike Hunter

Libby Hunter

Shirley Hunter

Rick Joyner

Amy Kelly

Nancy Kimbrell

Brandi Knight

Jeffrey Knight

Mary Knight

Nicole Lamb

Fran Lathan

Cassie Mathews

Frankie Mathews

Judy Maree

Clyde McAteer

Ivy McAteer

Luther McAteer

Jan Miglioretta

Bonnie Mitchell

Jennifer Montgomery

Shelia Hinson Mullis

David Murray

Tony Neely

Linda Pardue

Teresa Parrish

Caleb Payne

Chad Payne

Corey Payne

Elfreida Plyler

Ida Polston

Owen Michael Prosser

Richard Rape

Seth Robinson

Jacqueline Rodriguez

Joe Shaw, Jr.

Helen Shehane

Eva Small

Milburn Small

Greg Smith

JoAnne Smith

Lyla Allen Smith

Ruby Smith

Billy Sowell

Jamie Starnes

Mickey Starnes

Alice Steele

Tara Steele

Robbie Stepp

Kayla Strait

Billy Sweatt

Matthew Sweatt

Graham Thomas

Lauren Thomas

Richard Thompson

Pat Vick

Myrtle Walker

Donna Walters

Michael Walters

Mychal Waters

Gary Weathersbee

Joyce Weathersbee

Ann Williams

Sam Wilson

Renee Woodward

Robert Woodward

Kim Yost

Even as we offer in-person worship, our services will still be made available online on our Facebook page. Log in to our Zion United Methodist Church Facebook page on Sundays for our service if you are unable to make it to church!! The service will also be available on our website at



Upper Room Devotionals are available in the church vestibule

There are also copies available in the informational box outside the double doors at the drop off for those who have not returned to in person worship.

February 22: Rhonda Waters, Mandy Adams

February 23: Butch Williams, Debbie Stogner, Carolyn Massey, David Haile

February 26: Jody Craig, Cathy Seegars, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ray

February 27: Jason Knight, Ellen Salisbury, Shawn thomas

February 28: Tara Whitley, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Whitley

February 29: Kim Yost

The Record Speaks....

Present for 2/18 Sunday School: 41

Present for 2/18 Worship: 73

Needed each week for General Fund: $4,313

Received for 2/18 for General Fund: $2,440

Received for Building Fund: $10

Received for Epworth Children's Home: $120

Received for Bible Study Books: $30

There are several options available to give to the continuing ministry and outreach of Zion UMC. You may give through Paypal on the website, text your giving to 803-525-1834 and follow the secure link, or if you are not comfortable giving online, you may drop your offering in the mail to Zion UMC at 1665 Zion Road, Lancaster, SC 29720 or drop off in the secure drop box that is located beside the double doors where the buses are. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Missy at 803-804-2434 or leave a message at the church office, 803-285-3864 and your call will be returned. Thank you for your continued support of the Mission that is Zion!!

"...because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in you put your hand to."

Deuteronomy 15:10

Zion United Methodist Church

803-285-3864 -

Pastor John D. Howle - 1-864-770-5584

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