February 16 - 7 Adar 1
Was dedicated by
Marci and Jeffrey Lefkovits and Family
in memory of
Blima bat Avrohom z"l
beloved great-grandmother of Michael (JKHA '08/RKYHS '12),
Jonathan (JKHA '10/RKYHS '14), Olivia (JKHA '14/RKYHS '18)
and Ethan Lefkovits (7th Grade)
in commemoration of her yahrtzeit.
February 16 - 7 Adar 1
Was dedicated by
The Larkin Family
in memory of their beloved grandmother,
Helen Grossman
Chaya Leah bat Yaakov Reuven
February 15 - 6 Adar 1
Was dedicated by
Judy and Doni Israeli
in memory of
Yaakov Israeli z"l
beloved father of Doni Israeli,
grandfather of Eric (JKHA '02/RKYHS '06) and Jen (JKHA '05),
Andrew (JKHA '05/RKYHS '09) and Racheli, Alex (JKHA '07/RKYHS '11) and Amanda, and Zachary (JKHA '13/RKYHS '17) and Zahava Israeli,
and great-grandfather of
Judah, Libby and Koby Israeli, Netanel, Yair and Avital Israeli, and Rivka, Tehila and Baila Israeli
in commemoration of his fifth Yahrtzeit.
February 14 - 5 Adar 1
Was dedicated by
Drs. Helen & Jeff Lichtman and Family
in loving memory of
Theodore Lichtman
Tuvia ben Shmuel z"l
father of Jeff Lichtman
grandfather of Daniella Esses (JKHA '97),
Jeremy Lichtman (JKHA '03/RKYHS '07)
and Adina Lichtman (JKHA '07/RKYHS '11)
and great-grandfather of Joey (7th Grade),
Sheryl (4th Grade), Ben (3rd Grade),
Hanna (3rd Grade), and Teddy Esses
in commemoration of his Yahrtzeit.
February 13 - 4 Adar 1
Was dedicated by
Naomi and Neal Auman
in memory of
George Auman
grandfather of Effie Auman (RKYHS '15)
February 12 - 2 Adar 1
Was dedicated by
the 7th Grade Families in honor of
Marci and Jeffrey Lefkovits
Dara and David Orbach.
Thank you for your beautiful hospitality opening your homes this past Shabbat to all of our 7th graders! Both of your families are simply exceptional and we are immensely grateful for your dedication to our students and our wonderful school now and always!
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We Invite You to Dedicate Our Children's Torah Learning at JKHA/RKYHS
If you are interested in sponsoring a Day of Learning, contact Aly Greenstein: agreenstein@jkha.org or (862) 437-8001