A Weekly Update from the Strafford Region


Joint Loss Management Committee

On February 15th, the Joint Loss Management Committee (JLMC) held their first meeting of 2024 to discuss the status of goals set at the previous meeting and to schedule the next walk-through safety assessment. The JLMC was established in accordance with RSA 281-A:64 III and is comprised of several SRPC employees, including Kathy Foster, Kyle Pimental, Stephen Geis, and Megan Taylor Fetter, and SRPC representatives Bill Fisher and Don Hamann. The Committee’s purpose is to bring workers and management together to promote safety and health. This purpose is met by coordinating workplace safety inspections, establishing safety programs and procedures, and organizing safety training for staff. 

Ensuring the safety of the traffic count field team has been a big focus for the Committee. We recently purchased several safety devices for the SRPC Van and signed staff up for a Flagger Safety course. After successful completion of this course, which includes both written and practical evaluations, students will receive a three-year certification as a traffic flagger issued by the National Safety Council through Primex3, an authorized training affiliate. 

The committee created emergency exit maps which are posted at both exits of the office. The maps also indicate where fire extinguishers and other safety equipment are located. In November, the committee organized CPR and AED training for staff and commissioners which was held at the Farmington Fire Station.  


Kyle Pimental


February 21, 2024, 2:00 – 3:30 PM: FEMA Planning for Flood Resilience: Integrating Hazard Mitigation and Floodplain Management Planning Webinar 

April 8 – April 11, 2024: The 2024 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference 



NH Legislative Hearings for the Draft Ten Year Plan 

On Valentines Day, transportation planner Colin Lentz gave verbal and written testimony at a public hearing for the draft NH Ten Year Transportation Improvement Plan, held by the House Public Works and Highways Committee. He advocated for overall goal areas in the regional Metropolitan Transportation Plan and specific projects, such as:  

UNH’s bus fleet project that would replace 16-year-old diesel buses with compressed natural gas or full electric equivalents. This project was removed from the draft plan by the Governor. SRPC Commissioners requested that the project be added back into the plan. 

The Bennett Rd bridge in Durham has a timber deck that cannot bear vehicles heavier than 10 tons and has no nearby alternative route. Local solid waste, plow, and emergency vehicles cannot cross the bridge, which is inefficient for public works operations and potentially life threatening for emergency response.  

There will be a future opportunity to speak about the draft Ten Year Plan when the Senate takes up the bill and schedules their public hearing. If you want to follow the progress of the draft Ten Year Plan bill, see the docket here: Draft Ten Year Plan (HB2024) legislative docket


Colin Lentz


US Department of Transportation launches $5m slag cement research initiative

The domino effect of transport sector decarbonization 

Economic Development

Annual Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

The SRPC Economic Development Team is working on the annual Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) update. This year, we will be presenting trends from 2023 to the Seacoast Economic Development Stakeholders (SEDS) including housing, workforce and education, infrastructure, age-friendliness, mobility and accessibility and other important themes that impact the economic vibrancy of the Strafford Region. The next SEDS meeting is Tuesday, February 27th at 9am via Zoom. If you would like to participate in the discussion about the issues impacting our region’s economy, please reach out to Angela Cleveland to get the Zoom link. We hope you can join us!  


Angela Cleveland


February 22, 2024, 1:00 PM: The Affordable City: Supply, Stability, and Subsidy — and Lessons Since 2020 

March 26, 2024, 8:00 Am-12:30 PM: 2024 Homeownership Conference at the Grappone Center in Concord 

USDA Rural Development: a fabulous resource and opportunity for arts entrepreneurs living and working in rural communities! 

New manufacturing facility planned in Dover   


The NH Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) is now accepting applications for FY2024 projects (anticipated budget year begins September 30, 2024). Please see the 2024 NH WRRC announcement, the 2023 USGS RFP and 2023 USGS budget templates for further details. The final 2024 USGS RFP should be released in March, but please use the 2023 USGS RFP as a guide in the interim. Note that the federal budget requested (maximum of $30,000 in total direct costs) must be matched by one non-federal dollar for each federal dollar requested. If you plan to submit a proposal, please send a courtesy message to by March 15, 2024 so that we can arrange for reviewers. Please include the provisional title, principal investigator(s) and if possible, please suggest two or more potential technical reviewers with whom you have no conflicts of interest. Proposals must be emailed to the NH WRRC ( no later than Friday, March 22, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. 

Strafford Regional Planning Commission | 603-994-3500 ||
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February 16, 2024