Ma Koreh?
What’s Happening?
June Newsletter
June 8, 2023 / 19 Sivan 5783
This month's issue features:

  • D'var Kesher from Rabbi Morris Allen
  • Enrollment for 2023-2024
  • Highlights this Month
  • Photo Highlights
  • Video Highlights
  • Community Milestones
A Message from Rabbi Allen

The last few weeks of school were filled with moments that celebrated the unique and special nature of CJDS.  
The CJDS Shabbaton was a shabbat like no others. A total volunteer effort by devoted families saw 100 people spend Shabbat together at Lake Hope.  It celebrated the pluralistic and accessible nature of Jewish life that CJDS elevates each and every day! It demonstrated that the Jewish journey our families are on matters to each of them in ways that make this school a communal treasure.  

A few days later, anyone who was privileged to be present for Special Person Day, The Butterfly Release or Kabbalat Hag Shavuot witnessed the depth of love for CJDS, the educational vision and mission of our school and the importance of celebrating the many voices of Torah that we as a people are prepared to accept. It was extremely moving to see each class celebrate their "bikkurim"--their first fruits--that they brought as an offering to the community.  

Nothing celebrates the importance of CJDS more than witnessing our graduation celebration each year. Our students each spoke about the central role that CJDS played in their lives. It was moving and it was powerful to see students celebrate not only their academic success--but their social emotional growth and the ever present depth of their developing sense of Jewish identity and responsibility.  

On the very last day of school, our kadima celebration demonstrated the enduring truth that "Dor Holech, v'Dor Ba"--a generation leaves and a new generation enters. Watching our fifth graders take their final bows and seeing several of our incoming Kindergartners put a bow on our 25th year! Our fifth graders seemed truly prepared  to take on the world of Middle School and these rising Kindergartners seemed both overwhelmed and eager to begin their CJDS journey!!

Next week, the Torah reading details the first exploration of the land of Israel for the newly freed Israelite nation. Only two were able to see the possibility of what the land provided and the opportunity to embrace its meaning with hope and faith. For me, this year was like my "spy mission." I thought I would come, assess and file a report. Yes, there were times our task seemed overwhelming. Working with this faculty and team, working with our board and volunteers, learning from folks who understand the importance of the work we are doing--I can truly say that CJDS is an institution that is filled with educational richness, untapped promise and moving forward with confidence and belief in the importance of its mission and the gifts it provides the Columbus Jewish community. We are excited about the coming year--and look forward to sharing the story of many children's creation with you all!!!

Rabbi Morris Allen
Transitional Head of School
Enrollment for 2023-2024
TOURS & EVENTS FOR PROSPECTIVE PARENTS: Personal tours of the CJDS campus are offered daily. Families interested in learning more about CJDS may reach out to the CJDS admissions office. Additional information is available under the APPLY tab of the CJDS website.

FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS: We are accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year. First-round decisions were announced in March, but we are still accepting enrollment contracts. CJDS follows a rolling admissions process with visits and screenings arranged individually. Tuition assistance information may be found here.
Highlights this Month
CJDS Special Persons Day & Butterfly Release
Just before Memorial Day, we celebrated Special Persons Day, our Butterfly Release Ceremony and our Kabbalat Hag Shavuot. Grandparents and special friends kvelled over our students, as we remembered those loved ones in our community who passed away this year as we released 150 butterflies in our Butterfly Garden. After the Butterfly Release, we joined together in celebrating all of the different aspects of the holiday of Shavuot--from first fruits to receiving Torah, from 7 species found in the Land of Israel to remembering the importance of the ancient Ruth's embrace of our people. In short--as we anticipated the start of Shavuot- we framed our day by celebrating the ever unfolding narrative of the Jewish people --past and present and, God willing, for generations into the future.
Mazel Tov 5th Grade Graduates!
Last week, CJDS 5th Graders celebrated their Graduation from CJDS!

As Rabbi Allen shared on the evening of Graduation, "It is an honor to be standing here tonight introducing these 6 special students who exemplify the best of Jewish Columbus’ learning. 

Torah reminds us on three occasions that we are to teach our children: 1) veshinantam livanecha (literally sharpen your kids); v’limatedem otom et benechem- and you shall teach your children; v’hodatom Livanecha v’livnei banecha- and you shall make them known to your children and your children’s children.”

On three different occasions we are instructed to teach Torah to others. The fact that we believe there are no extraneous texts in Torah led Maimonides to suggest that we are “responsible to teach our children, our grandchildren and all students even if they are not our own children."

At CJDS we take this seriously. Adi, Amelia, Isla, Liav, Naomi and Nate—you are not simply the children of loving parents and grandchildren of adoring grandparents,—you are also our children. Your teachers have invested in you with their knowledge, their hopes, their wisdom and their willingness to allow you to question and to grow. Tonight your joy is central to this evening, but the joy of everyone here tonight is equal if not surpassing your own."

Make a donation in honor of a Graduate or Teacher! CJDS Tribute Cards provide a thoughtful and caring gift for everyone.

The income generated by every purchase enhances a child's educational experience at CJDS. Make an individual tribute gift and CJDS will send a tribute card to the recipient.
Yom Kef!

During the last week of school, students celebrated with a Fun Day on the CJDS field! They spent the afternoon outside together as a school, playing team-building water games, sliding on a water slide, and bouncing in the bounce house.
I Wish...
In a collaboration between Language Arts and Art Class, CJDS third graders read the book "Wishtree" by Katherine Applegate. Students each gathered a branch from outside and assembled their own class tree, decorated with colorful yarn and pompoms.

Students also learned about the invention of paper thousands of years ago, and pressed their own recycled paper to turn into their wish for the tree.
Dr. Goof-Li
Second graders read a book in Hebrew about “Dr. Goof-Li,” a doctor who visited a classroom to teach the students about the food groups and foods in Hebrew and good nutrition.

Dr. Goof-Li came to visit and taught us about nutrition and the digestive system. He turned out to be… the father of CJDS Second Grade Teacher, Julie!
Kindergarten Tzedakah for the Bluebirds

CJDS Kindergarteners have been collecting tzedakah money to purchase Bluebird nesting boxes for the CJDS campus. These native birds are in need of our help and the Kindergarten has decided while learning about these birds and reflecting on our semester theme of Tikkun Olam that the best way to help these birds is to provide them with more places to nest; where they will not have to compete with other non-native birds.

These kindergarteners created a tzedakah box for each class to collect funds to help the Bluebirds in our backyard! They raised a total of $75.69!! Kol HaKavod Kindergarten!!!
Teacher In-Service

This week during Teacher In-Service Week, Judaic Studies faculty had a workshop about Interactive text learning techniques with Coach Judith Shapero.

CJDS Teachers also participated in a Professional Development session about Ohio Dyslexia Law, led by CJDS parent Rayna Weiner. During the training, Teachers learned background information about Dyslexia, the Science of Reading, and the Orton Gillingham Approach.
Teachers had a clap-out during Annelyn Baron's
final day as the CJDS Kindergarten Teacher.
Mazel Tov Annelyn, and Happy Retirement!
Photo Highlights
Second graders finished filling up their reading bulletin board! Their goal was to read as many books as it took to fill it up before the end of the school year. They earned a classroom party for all of their hard work!
Ian Mansur, CJDS Class of 2017, met with 5th grade students during the last week of school. During the 5th grade Graduation, Ian delivered the charge to the graduates!
First grade students had an amazing Stone Soup Celebration! Thanks to all the ingredients brought in, first graders made a delicious soup to share with the second grade class (and all the CJDS faculty & staff). Students performed a second showing of Stone Soup for the second graders. Everyone had a great time!
In Science, fourth graders have studied plants, designed a garden bed to call their own, planted and will maintain their gardens. So many ideas, desires and much hard work behind this project.
During the last week of school, students presented their Play. This Play was fully student led, including writing the script and practicing their lines during recess.
Last month, 3rd graders began learning about archaeology in the land of Israel and what we might learn from these excavations. An important lesson is that excavating is destructive so you have to do it right the first time. By excavating a chocolate chip cookie, they saw how precise one must be in finding artifacts, er, chocolate chips!
For additional photos and videos, 
make sure to follow CJDS on Facebook and Instagram 
Video Highlights
All School Kabbalat Shabbat - Middle School Themed!
Enjoy this video from current CJDS students answering questions about Middle School - from their point of view!
CJDS kindergartners did an excellent job helping write the words, choosing which parts they would like to perform and read, then spending time working on reading and fluency for the Bluebird Puppet Show. Their hard work made it simple for Kindergarten Teacher Mr. D to put it all together!
Community Milestones
Mazel Tov
  • Mazel Tov to CJDS 5th Grade Graduates: Adi Amar, Nate Kutzen, Naomi Rosichan, Isla Ross, Liav Skolnik, and Amelia Vilensky.

  • Mazel Tov to CJDS rising third grader Liam Covitz! Liam asked for donations to the New Albany Food Pantry at his birthday party. 

  • Mazel Tov to Isaac Teich, CJDS class of 2005, on his engagement to Clare Sheehan. Congratulations to the proud parents: Esther Chipps and Steven Teich and to brothers Jacob (CJDS class of 2006) and Ben (CJDS class of 2008). 
  • Mazel Tov to Mickey Shuman, CJDS class of 2011, and his fiancée Xenia on their engagement! Mazal Tov as well to the proud parents: Ruth Golomb and Larry Shuman & Aarica.
  • Mazel Tov to Jacob "Coby" Rubin (CJDS alum) on his 2023 graduation from Bexley High School where he was a three-year starter, two-time varsity baseball letter winner, and earned all-conference honors during his career. Coby took many AP and honors courses while being heavily involved in BBYO. During the summer, he has worked at a few summer camps with preschool-aged children. He will be furthering his education at the University of Cincinnati this fall.

  • Mazel Tov to CJDS alum and IMG Academy student Jerry Merchant, who is a two-time letter winner in football and baseball, while also playing basketball. For his senior season at IMG located in Manatee County, FL, he concentrated on football and was picked as one of the top linebackers in Florida. He is a member of BBYO and will attend one more year at IMG as a post-graduate football player and taking classes through Florida State University in Tallahassee, Fl.
Mi Sh'Berach

  • We wish a full and speedy recovery to Caleb Moses, class of 2020.
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