Hi everyone, for this month’s Kamisha’s Corner we will be talking about goal setting!
Goal setting is the process of creating a plan to achieve a desired result within a specific time frame. It involves committing to a goal with thought, emotion, and behavior.
What does goal setting mean and look like to you?
In my eyes the word goal setting can have many different meanings depending on the situation. For example, if you wanted to finish a book series. So you would give yourself like a month or so depending on how you want to handle it, and then every day for like 30 minutes you would read.
Another example could be if you wanted to get a tattoo… remember when we talked about feelings and being respected in the last MASS Flash update? Well, since I felt strongly about the message and the quote I decided to go get one part of the quote tattooed on me for my birthday!
The most important part of this article is to let you know that you don’t have to finish something right away as long as you put your mind, heart, and soul into it that’s all that matters and you will be great no matter what you decide to do and you should be proud of yourself no matter what happens in the end!