As this school year draws to a close, we would like to thank you each for your ongoing support and commitment to the continual growth of both your students and yourselves. We appreciate you and honor the impact you have had to positively influence the lives of so many students this year and beyond. We'll be taking off July for the newsletter, but look forward to connecting with you all in August. In the meantime, we wish you a restful and fulfilling summer - you deserve it!
This month features a memorable interview with the Thinking Skills legend, Art Costa. The Skillful Teacher authors, Jon Saphier and Mary Ann Haley-Speca join Art in a journey through his path (via NASA no less) to making his impact on teacher cognition.
Our Instructional Corner highlights the work of Evelyn Ford-Connors on how to use teacher talk as a powerful learning tool. You can join her this summer for further exploration.
Our blogs from the past academic year are linked below for your summer reading pleasure, and be sure to check out the call for work samples for a chance to be featured in the eighth edition of The Skillful Teacher.